She has done a gigantic research interviewing hundreds of of Americans struggling to make basic living.
This is a unique opportunity for Chicagoans to come, hear her presentation and listen local experts in food insecurity, housing, and income supports will then join her in a conversation around this sobering account that exposes the systems that perpetuate these conditions, and to talk about where we should go from here.
This book “$ 2 A Day. Living On Almost Nothing in America” starts with a story in South Side of Chicago. Authors described other stories that happen over here in Chicago, across the Nation and many challenges that people face everyday day.
The discussion on this book “$ 2 A Day. Living On Almost Nothing in America” will include insights from dedicated local leaders who work locally to promote well-being throughout everyone’s life thereby increasing human potential in all of our communities.
WHERE: Harold Washington Library Center, Chicago Public Library
400 South State Street, Pritzker Auditorium, Chicago, IL 60605
WHEN: Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Leone Bicchieri, Executive Director, Chicago Workers’ Collaborative
Christine Haley, Associate Director, Corporation for Supportive Housing
Kate Maehr, Executive Director & CEO, Greater Chicago Food Depository
Jennifer Wagner, Senior Policy Analyst, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
This event is collaboration of many agencies in Chicago and in Illinois.
For registration for the book discussion go here.
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2-a-day-living-on-almost-nothing-in-america-tickets-24025094705 for the $2n
This book is very insightful. I admire researcher(-s), especially Prof. Kathryn Edin for investing many years to do research and interviewing hundreds of low income Americans in different parts of the United States.
She writes about “President Lyndon Johnson [who]declared an unconditional war on poverty in America. In h is 1964 State of the Union Address, Johnson lamented that “many Americans live on the outskirts of hope – some because of their poverty, and some because of their color, and all too many because of both”. p. 12 “He [Johnson] charged the new country with a new task: to uplift the poor,” to help replace their despair with opportunity”.
Authors describe initiatives of other United States Presidents and their administrations to tackle hunger, poverty problem in America. What actions did they take? What programs are effective to tackle hunger problem? Why does hunger problem still exist and is a huge national issues? What are the possible solutions? What can be improved in the future?
It is interesting for me to learn that President Lyndon Johnson signed also Medicare and Medicaid in 1965; HUD in 1965. I assume that Dr. Martin Luther King and the entire social justice movement stimulated many positive social developments at that time. In 2015 there were several 50th Anniversaries of M&M; HUD and it helped me to learn more additional facts about these programs.
It was a great honor for me to hear Kathlyn Edin presentation on her book „$2 A Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America” during „Anti-Hunger Policy Conference”, February 2016.
I heard Kathryn Edin presentation during Anti-Hunger Conference in Washington, in February 2016. She shared heart breaking stories of people who struggle to support themselves, their families. I read her book as well and participated recently in a book discussion. It was a very insightful exchange of ideas.
It is always the best idea to attend, to meet, to listen directly from such an expert like Kathryn Edin and local experts who will discuss how to reduce the hunger problem in America.
I strongly believe that it is time to find better ways, to build stronger networks to support people in Chicago and across the Nation.
@ Andrew (Andrzej) Mikolajczyk