
Światowy Kryzys Śrubki

Wspomnienia Emigranta

srubkiMinęło prawie 40 lat mego emigracyjnego życia. Nazbierało się masę wspomnień, ale tylko niektóre utrwaliły się w mej  pamięci, czy to z powodu intensywności doświadczeń, czy też przez kaprys losu, który w naszym umyśle jedne wrażenia uwypukla a inne pomija.

Moje życie osobiste przeplatało się z zawodowym i w niniejszych wspomnieniach poświęcę więcej miejsca temu ostatniemu jakoż, że  moje zawodowe doświadczenia mogą być bardziej interesujące dla czytelnika,  niż me erotyczne porażki lub okazyjne sukcesy.

Tak się złożyło, że niedawno profesor Jerzy Krzyżanowski, znany literat i polonista z Ohio State University w Columbus, z którym zwykle w niedziele, przy butelce wina Chardone Courtier, dyskutujemy przedwojenną i powojenną historię Polski, zagadnął mnie o przyczyny i historię mej własnej emigracji. 


Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias

Giannoulias: Let’s get back to work

Statement from Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias

Treasurer Alexi GiannouliasThe Illinois Senate took the appropriate and responsible step to unseat the Governor who squandered his opportunities to help the people of Illinois and flagrantly abused his power for personal gain.

The former Governor’s tenure was marred by ethical abuses, political infighting, legislative gridlock and grandstanding at the great expense of people in need.

But today marks a new beginning. For the first time in six years, we will have a Governor who values collaboration over combativeness and public service over lip service.

You can characterize the former Governor’s problems and legal issues many ways. But more than anything, the events during the past month have served as a distraction from the business of the state.


Dr Vivtor Forys w towarzystwie Polonijnych biznesmenów

Dr. Forys celebrował inauguracje Prezydenta Obamy ze swoimi zwolennikami w Martini Club

Okolo stu osób celebrowało z Dr. Forysiem Inauguracje Baracka Obamy jako 44. prezydenta Stanów Zjednocoznych w nowo otwartym klubie „Martini  Club” przy ulicy Central Ave. w Chicago.


Dzięki zwycięstwu Baracka Obamy w kampanii na prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych i zaproszeniu Rahma Emanuela do kierowania kancelarią Białego Domu, zwolniło się miejsce w Kongresie w 5. okregu wyborczym w Chicago.

Dr Vivtor Forys w towarzystwie Polonijnych biznesmenów


Brak grafiki

May 3rd Polish Constitution Day Parade Grand Marshall Call for Nominations

The May 3rd Parade Committee announces that it will be accepting nominations for the Grand Marshall of the 2009 Parade.  Candidates should be of Polish descent and have rendered notable service to Polonia.


Nominations should be in writing and include the name of the nominee and a brief description of his/her accomplishments, as well as the name and contact information of the person or organization submitting the nomination.


Nominations will be accepted from organizations and individuals.  All nominations may be submitted in person at the general open parade meeting on Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 7:30 PM at the Alliance of Polish Clubs, 5835 W. Diversey Ave, Chicago, IL. by mail or by fax to 773-745-7278. All candidates will be screened by a Nomination Committee which will choose two or three finalists.  Final voting for the Grand Marshall will be held at the general Parade meeting in March 2009.


Brak grafiki

Illinois Veterans’ Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth Reminds Children of Combat Veterans About University of Illinois Scholarship

Children of Veterans Tuition Waiver available for up to six children per county – application deadline is March 1

Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA) Director L. Tammy Duckworth is reminding the children of Illinois’ combat Veterans to take advantage of the 2009-2010 Children of Veterans Tuition Waiver at the University of Illinois.  Every year, up to six tuition waivers are available in each county throughout Illinois for the child of a Veteran from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.  This year’s application deadline is March 1, 2009.


“Families across Illinois are facing financial difficulties and with the cost of a college tuition rising, it can be extremely difficult for Veterans and their families to afford college.  The University of Illinois’ waiver program is a great benefit for our Veterans’ children, and I want to encourage all children with a parent who is a combat Veteran, to apply for the scholarship,” said Director Duckworth.  “Every child deserves to have the opportunity to pursue a college education.”


Brak grafiki


Organized by The Polish Museum of America

Sponsored by Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago

THEME:   Days of Triumph:  The 20th Anniversary of the Downfall of Communism in Poland; the 10th Anniversary of Poland’s Entry into NATO and the 5th Anniversary of Poland’s Admission to the European Union.

Create a picture presenting the positive changes in Poland during the last two decades.  You can show a person or an event. Please present positive achievements and successes.

Be creative.  Use many colors.  Use any medium you like. Since the winning artwork will be framed, the size must be 36 x 24 in. and it must be done on posterboard or heavy cardboard but not on canvas.


Brak grafiki
Business News

BBB Warns: Your Facebook Friends Could Actually be Hackers, Scam Artists, and ID Thieves

Chicago, IL, January 22, 2009 – Social networking Web sites are a great way to find old classmates, stay connected with friends, or even make new friends. Unfortunately, hackers have learned how to use Web sites like Facebook in order to disseminate viruses or steal identities. The Better Business Bureau is offering advice on how consumers can protect themselves against hackers, scammers and ID thieves on social networking Web sites.
The popularity of social networking Web sites has grown immensely in the past few years. According to the blog Inside Facebook, Facebook has been growing daily and is approaching 150 million active users. As a result of the increase in popularity, scammers are seeing an opportunity to step in and ply their trade.
“Social networking is extremely popular because it allows us to connect and reconnect with people we know and trust,” said Steve J. Bernas, president & CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Chicago and Northern Illinois. “Scammers know that they can take advantage of that trust by masquerading themselves as friends, family members and coworkers in order to easily disseminate viruses or steal personal information such as bank or credit card numbers.”


Brak grafiki

Sister Cities International Breakfast with Mayor Daley

Mayor Richard M. Daley and Mrs. Maggie Daley meet with members of the Chicago Sister Cities Board and Executive committee as well as special guests during an International Breakfast hosted by the Chicago Sister Cities International Program on Thursday, January 15, 2009 in downtown Chicago.

“Urban centers are where the greatest concentrations of people will be living during the 21st Century. We must make cultural connections and expand our working relationships with global partners so we can continue to collaborate for the long-term,” said Mayor Daley. “The future well-being of cities like Chicago depends to a large degree on how we plan for and deal with that global inter-connection.”


Brak grafiki
Business News

W obronie sklepów z dopalaczami

Internauci krytykują organy państwa, które zaangażowały się w akcję przeciwko legalnie funkcjonującym sklepom z dopalaczami.

Kilka dni temu Urząd Kontroli Skarbowej przeprowadził nalot na sklepy zajmujące się sprzedażą tzw. dopalaczy.

W Zielonej Górze przed sklepem z dopalaczami stanie strażnik miejski, który będzie legitymował nastolatków wchodzących do sklepu.

A w Legnicy – sprzedaż dopalaczy narusza aż trzy obowiązujące w Polsce przepisy prawne. Nakazaliśmy wycofanie 22 produktów – mówi Romualda Dumańska, starszy specjalista z legnickiej delegatury Inspekcji Handlowej.

W Białymstoku oprócz urzędników skarbowych, na sklepy (legalnie działające sklepy sprzedające legalne produkty) ruszyły sanepid, straż miejska i policja.


Brak grafiki
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

“Let Freedom Sing!” Symphony of a thousand on February 11 to honor Lincoln, unite community

SPRINGFIELD – Patriotic and inspirational music for the entire family will be featured at “Let Freedom Sing!” a musical extravaganza on Wednesday, February 11 at 7 p.m. at the Prairie Capital Convention Center in downtown Springfield.  The concert will be preceded by a Gospel Showcase beginning at 6:30 p.m.  This concert is free to the public and requires no ticket or advance reservations.


Under the direction of Maestra Karen Lynne Deal, music director of the Illinois Symphony Orchestra, the evening will feature the Lincoln Celebration Chorus, a group of more than 500 church and student singers assembled just for this event.  Also on the program will be the Springfield High School Band, the Sangamon Valley Youth and Community Orchestras, the Four Sopranos, Melanie Dennison, the Feitshans Academy Bell Choir, and the St. Andrew’s Pipes and Drums.  In addition, WICS-TV’s Jerry Lambert, award winning TV journalist and producer Bill Kurtis, and Springfield’s own Abraham Lincoln – Fritz Klein – will narrate.  “This is the largest concert we have ever tried to organize, but we are hopeful that if we build it, they will come – and coming they are!” said Deal.
