Did you know that?

Europa has originally been a Greek name of the Poland-Venedia

By: Javad Mofrad from Sweden

Europa (Greek: Ευρώπη) was a Phoenician princess in Greek mythology. She was the daughter to king Agenor (heroic) or in certain other myths to king Phenix of Phoenicia. Being a young girl she was seduced and abducted by Zeus, then in a bull´s disguise. (Wikipedia)


Did you know that?

Use These 10 New Year’s Resolutions from BBB to Protect Yourself Against Scammers

Chicago – January 1, 2016– Everyone wants the new year to be better than the last one.  Instead of just hoping this will happen, the BBB has several specific ways to protect yourself in 2016 against the ever growing number of cheats and scammers. 
