$5,000 Pulaski Scholarships




An extremely generous grant from the Conrad R. Walas family , which was inspired by the fervent appeal at an Annual Convention of the American Council of Polish Culture by Mark F. Brzezinski, Esq. to all Polonia for the financial support of young Polish Americans pursuing higher education gave birth to the ACPC’s Pulaski Scholarships for Advanced Studies.  Since that time students in graduate studies have besieged the Council for help in meeting the financial challenges they face today.  Happily, the Council was able to dole out five $5,000 scholarships from the Endowment Fund’s income to very worthy students who have not only gone on to successful careers but in a good many cases are also actively participating in Polonian activities at creative levels.


Unfortunately, the Pulaski Endowment Fund is still recovering from the recent economic troubles and the ACPC was able to offer only one $5,000 grant last year and is faced with being limited to only one grant for the Pulaski Scholarship in 2011.   At the ACPC’s 2010 annual convention, Treasurer Gregory Biestek offered a donation of $500 to the Pulaski Endowment Fund with a challenge that Polonia adds sufficient funds so that a second $5,000 scholarship may be offered in 2011.  This generous offer motivated Mr. Mark Brzezinski to seek once again to inspire Polonia groups and individuals to contribute to the Fund so that we can offer at least two $5,000 scholarships this coming year.

Attached is a copy of the signed statement addressed “To Whom It May Concern”, which Mr. Brzezinski submitted to ACPC.  The Council is very hopeful it will inspire many groups and individuals to offer their support.  Donations should be made out to “Pulaski Scholarship Endowment Fund” (ACPC is a 501 (C) (3) tax exempt organization) and mailed to:
Mr. Gregory Biestek, Treasurer
American Council for Polish Culture
817 Berkshire
Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230
For further information, please contact Mr. Marion Winters, Chairman Pulaski Scholarships for Advanced Studies, at 508-919-0160 or
[email protected]
