Reading the Dictionary


By Richard N. Baldwin  T / Hispanic


Let’s start out by reviewing one word that is almost lost its true meaning by agenda driven Republican politicians and commentators:

     Webster defines amnesty as an act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

     Lets look a bit further:

     Pardon. 1. The excusing of an offence without a penalty.  2.  To remit the penalty or (forgive). Get that? Forgiveness without penalty. In other words, no crime has occurred.

     Let’s look at some examples.

     You receive a traffic citation. You are found guilty and a fine is levied. You pay the fine and are now able to go on living your life as normal. This is not amnesty. You paid a penalty. If, later, a large group of individuals who had been convicted of traffic violations were to be given amnesty, there would be, in fact, no penalties, nothing. The crimes did not occur. 

     Now, let’s proceed to the immigration issue, which is so hot now.

     A proposal in the last congress was to offer a “path to citizenship” after performing certain requirements. Like paying a fine, learning English, being “vetted” by immigration authorities, and/or demonstrating that you can support yourself and pay back any back taxes that you owe. This is NOT amnesty. There are defined penalties here.

     And the “Great Amnesty” of the Reagan administration was not amnesty either because those illegals had to leave the US and go to the nearest US conciliate and apply for reentry and apply for green card status. And there were fees to be paid for this legalization process along with travel expenses. I should also point out that most of those persons have already been granted citizenship after going through the lengthy process like everyone else.

     The reason that this failed over time is that this was not tied (but promised) to better border enforcement and enforcement against employers of illegals. And regardless of the government propaganda, this is still not enforced. This has been the same under both Republican and Democrat administrations. The American public feels that they have been lied to over and over about enforcement efforts from both political parties on this issue. And, with that in mind, it will be necessary to first secure the border and enforce hiring laws before any real legislation is accepted.

     Now, let’s look at what is called the DREAM act (Relief and Education of Alien Minors).

But first I must state that the tactics of Harry Reid, D NV, Senate Majority Leader, in placing this bill as an attachment to the pending defense spending bill is but one more example of the Chicago type politics of ramming through bills totally unrelated to the main bill. Every bill should be able to stand on its own for debate.

     That said, the DREAM act is just what the title suggests, a refreshing change to recent hiding of the true objectives of bills recently with cute names.

     The DREAM act applies to Alien children with age limit restrictions who were brought into the US but never legalized. It offers these persons two choices to become legal. 1. Obtain, within six years, a college degree.  2. Sign up to the military and serve a two-year minimum term. Please observe that this is in no stretch an amnesty.

     In fact, it is a win, win situation that affects about 600,000 individuals in the US. This is precisely what the US needs. These are young people who will be educated (and the military does train and educate), are totally acclimated to our society, and speak the language. Many can not even read elementary Spanish.

     On top of this, for the greater part, they have an excellent work ethic, strong family values, and strong Christian values.

     Consider what is happening in Europe. That area is suffering from a demographic aging of the population and is forced to import younger immigrants to maintain their productivity and by so doing, help support their aging populations. And this is exactly what is happening in the US now. But in Europe’s case, the immigrants are largely from the Muslim world and there are severe assimilation problems.

     Here, in the DREAM act, which will affect largely those of Mexican extraction we have an already assimilated group that additionally will be better educated to be of greater benefit to the US. And I might add that most of these people that I know are already climbing up the wage ladder. They ain’t picking beans. Most are already on the way to be professionals.

     But recently, when the defense spending bill came up to a vote to move the bill onto the floor for a final vote, it was effectively killed to enable filibustering the bill to death. Reason? Cut out the DREAM act and then it could be voted on. And who was it that did this? The almost total Republican contingent voted against moving the bill forward. The vote was 44 against and 52 for. Short of the 60 votes needed to move forward. And the Republican explanation? They did not want “amnesty” for these illegals. Again, read the dictionary!

     Now we hear from leaked memos (purposely?) from the White House that the administration is considering an end run for some sort of quick solution (in time for the election) by executive order. This may be possible, but it will forever “poison the well” for any future permanent solution.

     The only real explanation for this latest rejection is from a large racist element that runs in the Republican Party. They complain that the Democrats are racist, but this is like the pot calling the kettle black.

     What pinheads!

     First, the Republicans want to amend or eliminate the 14th amendment to eliminate birthright citizenship. The next thing that they will be wanting is Eichman busses to get rid of those Mexicans.

     I can’t in all conscience vote for racists.

     I am left with two choices, both bad.

     How about a viable third party?

Richard N. Baldwin T., a ( contributing columnist, lives in Tlalnepantla, Edo de México. E-mail at: [email protected]