$5,000 Pulaski Scholarships for Advanced Studies – 2013

    The Pulaski Scholarships for Advanced Studies program, initially endowed by the Conrad R. Walas family, is administered solely by the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC).  Qualified applicants must send all of the material described on its website: www.polishcultureacpc.org so that it is received on or before March 15, 2013 (faxes not accepted).  Original copies of all materials must be mailed to the Chairman and duplicate copies to the other four Pulaski Scholarships Committee members: Mr. Marion V. Winters, MA, Chairman; Mrs. Deborah M. Majka, MS; Mr. Peter J. Obst, MA; Mrs. Carolyn L. Meleski, MS; Carol J. Surma, Esq.(addresses listed on the website).  Questions concerning the requirements should be directed to Mr. Winters at e-mail [email protected] or tel. 508-949-0160.  
    All materials submitted by applicants will become part of the records of the American Council for Polish Culture and will not be returned.  Late, incomplete or unsigned documents will not be accepted or returned for correction.  The decisions of the ACPC Pulaski Scholarships Committee are final and not subject to review.

    All applicants for the Pulaski Scholarships for Advanced Studies are invited and encouraged to become involved in the programs of the American Council for Polish Culture and to share their talents and expertise with the Council.  The Council and its Affiliate and Supporting Organizations across the United States have been engaged in cultural and educational programs for more than six decades.  Association with the ACPC and/or any of these 36 established organizations may prove to be of value in the career development of applicants while the direct participation of Pulaski Scholarship applicants in the cultural and educational programs of the Council and its Affiliate/Supporting groups may further strengthen our mutual missions.  For further information about the Council, you are invited to visit its website: www.polishcultureacpc.org.