Chicago First Polish American Lions

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Tylko dzięki ludziom dobrej woli, możemy sprawić aby Święta Bożego Narodzenia były dla tych ludzi  (nieraz zmęczonych już życiem)  były bardziej kolorowe i niezapomniane.

Właściciele biznesów, czy też prywatne osoby zainteresowane pomocą, prosimy o kontakt w celu ustalenia terminu odbioru przez nasz klub  waszych  podarunków, czy też dalszych informacji. Prosimy o kontakt do 20 grudnia, 2008

Paczki można przynosić 18 grudnia, w godzinach 9:00 – 11:30 i po południu 5:00 – 8:00, do biura ECC (Educational & Communication Consulting), pod adresem:

4738 N. Harlem Ave, pokój 1E (skrzyżowanie z ulicą Lawrence, naprzeciwko Rich’s Deli).



Alina Mikołajczyk: 773 – 396-7571

Agata Kowalyk: 847- 208-7762

Anna i Jerzy Zieba  847/384 -1144


Poniżej informacje dotyczące  2 budynków w Eckhart Park zamieszkałych przez ludzi oczekujących pomocy.



At Eckhart Park (close to the Polish Museum of America) there are 380 Seniors at the age of 65 or more. They live in two senior apartment buildings: 837 N. Greenview and 848 N. Noble Str.  Both buildings are owned and subsidized by the government. Seniors have low income. They represent different races and ethnic groups: African Americans, Latinos. Approximately 1/3 of the Residents are Polish Americans. We try to organize some events for them with the help of other community organizations.  The Thanksgiving party was organized for about 100-120 Residents. The interest was great. There was not enough space for everybody in one location. The Christmas Party will have to be organized in two locations to accommodate Residents. The dates are tentatively scheduled for December 22 or 23.


We are looking for help to have enough food for all Residents during the Party and for some kind of Christmas/Holiday gifts for them. We do not have almost any budget for it. We will appreciate any help for Seniors. Healthy food is very important to them.  You can call for more details at: the Office of Resident Service Coordinators at Eckhart Park: Lucia or Andrew at: 312-829-0089
Thanks in advance for your willingness to help Chicago Seniors.