Chopin 200: Grażyna Auguscik’s World Sound


  auguscik Drodzy Przyjaciele, fani, znajomi, miłośnicy muzyki na całym świecie.

 Rok 2010 jest Rokiem Fryderyka Chopina, celebrującym jego 200-tną rocznicę urodzin i równocześnie jedną z większych okazji prezentacji muzyki naszego geniusza.

W niedzielę, 25 lipca o 6:30 wieczorem, przy 11 tysięcznej widowni w Jay Pritzker Pavilion – Millennium Park w Chicago, odbędzie się amerykańska premiera specjalnego koncertu, w oryginalnym wykonaniu, z udziałem 14 muzyków, jazzowych i klasycznych, różnych narodowości

pt. “Chopin 200 Grazyna Auguscik’s World Sound”.


 Wstęp wolny.


Miasto Chicago zaoferowało Grażynie miejsce i promocję koncertu, nie gwarantując pokrycia pozostałych kosztów. Polski Konsulat w Chicago częściowo sponsoruje koncert, ale w dobie ogólnego kryzysu, gdzie najbardziej cierpi sztuka, potrzebujemy Waszego wsparcia finansowego.

 Do 22 lipca musimy zebrać 30 tys. dolarów.

 Jeśli uda się zebrać je wczesniej zamkniemy zbiórkę.

Jak ma być wysoka donacja? Zależy to tylko od Was.Każda donacja przybliży nam koncert legendarnego, polskiego kompozytora, w prestiżowym miejscu w Chicago.

Donacji możesz dokonać w tej chwili przy pomocy bezpiecznych serwerów systemu BluePay.

Donacje można również wysłać drogą pocztową na adres:

Chopin World Sound

4136 W. Cornelia Ave.

Chicago, IL 60641


Prosimy przekażcie  tę informację  do Waszych bliskich znajomych, którzy chcieliby się przyłączyć do akcji.

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 F U N D R A I S I N G  // Chopin 200 Grazyna Auguscik’s World Sound


 JULY 25, 2010

 Chicago is throwing Chopin a birthday party in its front yard, but can’t afford to foot the bill.

 The U.S. premiere of “Chopin 200: Grazyna Auguscik’s World Sound”  takes place at Jay Pritzker Pavilion at Millennium Park on Sunday, July 25 at 6:30 pm.

 14 acclaimed jazz and classical musicians from Chicago and around the world will present a FREE concert for 11,000 people, reinterpreting Chopin’s music for the 21st century.

And while the city is more than happy to provide the stage and promotion, and Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago is partially sponsoring the event, Grazyna has to pay for most of the costs.

 So let’s show our city that Polonia is proud of its culture. We need your help to fund this extraordinary event.

 Grazyna has to raise $30,000 by July 22, 2010.

All proceeds will be used only for the July 25 event, and we’ ll stop fundraising when the goal is reached.

 How much should you give? It is really up to you. Please contribute as much as you can today (and forward this on to your friends) so that we can showcase this legendary Polish composer’s work via all Chicagoans to the world .

You can do it without hesitation via BluePay secure website.

Please choose your amount first, place it at the white window upfront

of ” Donate” button located above and donate now!

 or send a check to:

Chopin World Sound

4136 W. Cornelia Ave.

Chicago, IL 60641

 Share this via email and with your Facebook friends.

Thank you!

 Content © 2010 by gma sounds / gma records & bajson communications. all rights reserved



Sunday, July 25 at 6:30 PM in Millennium Park

 CHICAGO, – Acclaimed jazz singer Grazyna Auguscik will salute composer Frederick Chopin in an evening of visionary interpretations of the composer’s masterpieces at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park on Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.  Entitled Chopin 200:  Grazyna Auguscik’s World Sound, this concert is presented by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Millennium Park and Grazyna Auguscik and supported by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago.  Admission is free.

 As part of a worldwide celebration of the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth, Auguscik will be joined by accordian virtuoso Jarek Bester from Poland, Matt Ulery on bass, the Chicago International Trombone Ensemble and a host of Chicago-based musicians, including Howard Levy (harmonica and piano), Paulinho Garcia (guitar and vocals), Ronnie Malley (ude) and Ian Maksin (cello).  The revered Andrzej Jagodzinski Trio from Poland will round out the evening.

 Singer, composer, arranger, and producer Grazyna Auguscik has won the praise and admiration of music critics, jazz enthusiasts and even non-jazz audiences with a singular voice that speaks a universal language.   Her unorthodox approach to rewriting classic works is at once a tribute to its authors as well as an adventure into uncharted territory.  Born in Poland, she graduated in 1992 from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, and has made Chicago her home since 1994, with frequent appearances at the Green Mill, Katerina’s, the Chicago Cultural Center and Millennium Park.  Amidst her active schedule of worldwide performances, Auguscik has managed to record, produce and distribute fourteen albums, ten under her own record label, GMA Records, and appears on many projects as a guest. 

A master jazz interpretor of Chopin’s music, composer-arranger Andrzej Jagodziski brings his trio to Chicago for this evening’s celebration, featuring Adam Cegielski on bass and Czeslaw “Maly” Bartkowski on drums.  The first recording by the Andrzej Jagodzinski Trio, Chopin, was named Best Record of 1994 by Jazz Forum and won the Fryderyk Award (the Polish Grammy) as best jazz record of the year.  Jagodzinski’s organically swinging and highly interactive trio continued to explore jazz interpretations of Chopin on 1997’s Live at the National Philharmonic, Once More Chopin, helping to launch a “Chopin stream” in Polish jazz.  Since releasing their first Chopin CD in 1994, the trio has toured Europe, Asia, Mexico, Canada, Russia, China, Japan, Middle East as well as the United States.

 Frederick Chopin was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of French-Polish parentage, and one of the great masters of Romantic music.  Throughout the world, cultural organizations are marking the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth (March 1, 1810).

 About Millennium Park

Millennium Park is located in the heart of downtown Chicago. It is bordered by Michigan Ave. to the west, Columbus Dr. to the east, Randolph St. to the north and Monroe St. to the south. Convenient parking is located in the Millennium Park Garage (entrance on Columbus at Monroe or Randolph) and at the Grant Park North and East Monroe Garages, all located within a short walking distance of Millennium Park. 

 Millennium Park, managed and programmed by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, is an award-winning center for art, music, architecture and landscape design. The result of a unique partnership between the City of Chicago and the philanthropic community, the 24.5-acre park features the work of world-renowned architects, planners, artists and designers. Among Millennium Park’s prominent features are the Frank Gehry-designed Jay Pritzker Pavilion, the most sophisticated outdoor concert venue of its kind in the United States; the interactive Crown Fountain by Jaume Plensa; the contemporary Lurie Garden designed by the team of Gustafson Guthrie Nichol, Piet Oudolf and Robert Israel; and Anish Kapoor’s hugely popular Cloud Gate sculpture. Since its opening in July 2004, Millennium Park has welcomed more than 20 million people, making it one of the most popular destinations in Chicago.

 For more information about Chopin 200:  Grazyna Auguscik’s World Sound and all of the programming in Millennium Park, visit, call 312.742.1168, or visit Millennium Park on Facebook. 

 For more information about Grazyna Auguscik, visit