Durbin on Amtrak: If it Inconveniences Me or My Friends, it’s a Problem
23 sierpnia 2008@polishnewsChicagoMożliwość komentowania Durbin on Amtrak: If it Inconveniences Me or My Friends, it’s a Problem została wyłączona
Amtrak’s aging fleet of cars is unable to handle the increasing ridership caused, in part, by the ongoing energy crisis. „Dick Durbin was unable to provide solutions that would have allowed us to avoid the current energy crisis we are facing. Indeed, at every opportunity Dick Durbin stood in the way of expanded domestic drilling and enhanced reliance on nuclear power,” continued Hage. „Now it is clear that despite years of talking about the need to improve mass transit, Dick Durbin failed to find legislative solutions that would have prepared our rail system to handle the pressure of increased ridership caused by the energy crisis he helped create.”
While the need for new rail cars is great, the supply is limited. New rail cars, once proudly built in Illinois, are now constructed overseas and Amtrak must wait in line to purchase them. „Dick Durbin says he would like to revive train-car manufacturing in Illinois,” said Hage. „Unfortunately, Dick Durbin and his Democratic colleagues in Springfield and Washington are responsible for creating an environment that has devastated our manufacturing base.”
„Instead of more empty election year promises, Dr. Sauerberg will deliver results,” continued Hage. „Dr. Sauerberg knows that to revive train-manufacturing in Illinois, we need to create an environment that will encourage investment and entrepreneurship. We need to dramatically streamline bureaucratic red-tape that is choking out business in Illinois. We need to fundamentally reform our runaway tort system that has been fueled by unscrupulous trial lawyers. Finally, Dr. Sauerberg knows that we need real tax reform. We need to cut taxes on individuals and companies that are willing to help re-build our manufacturing base.”
„Dick Durbin has had his chance, and the results speak for themselves. Now is the time for new leadership for Illinois,” concluded Hage.