Highland Park Massacre: A Failure of the Mental Health, Police and School System

Photo: www.businessinsider.in
The aftermath of a mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, on July 4, 2022.Jim Vondruska/Getty Images

Revista de Estudios Europeos; Vol. 14, No. 1; 2022
ISSN 1918-7173 E-ISSN 1918-7181
Publicado por el Centro Canadiense de Ciencia y Educación

Highland Park Massacre: A Failure of the Mental Health, Police and School System

by Robert John Zagar PhD MPH

The current liberal woke politicians and corporate mainstream media in their ignorance of the hard facts push for gun control after events like the parade in Highland Park, Illinois or the Uvalde, Texas massacres. The reality is that in each case, the mental health system, the police and courts and the school system failed the average voting citizen, but to garner votes or readership or viewership, the politicians and media focus on controlling weapons.

When past federal laws failed to stem the weekly to biweekly school and workplace tragedies. Having published 4 peer reviewed, scientific papers on the largest data set on 232 school spree shootings and 370 workplace mass murders and a total of 630 domestic terrorist spree shooting mass murders collected from open source data from 1936 until April, 2021, there are 16 predictors or 16 descriptors of who commits these atrocities, and only one of the sixteen involves gun or many weapon access. The other 15 involve mental health issues. In fact in all three groups, the 232 school spree shooters, the 370 workplace mass murderers, and the 630 domestic terrorist, spree shooting, mass murderers, these persons accessed the clinics-hospitals, special education school system, and human resources twice, yet did not receive the diversion, intervention, nor treatment needed for undiagnosed psychosis. When we compare the teen school spree shooters, often students, and the adult workplace mass murderers, often employees who have an issue with an employer and fellow workers, to homicidal persons, the mass murderers have more serious deception, greater mental illness (depression, paranoia, schizophrenia), more antisocial behavior, and greater addiction-alcoholism as measured objectively with computer tests and machine learning equations. The clinic-hospitals, the special education system, the police-courts, and the human resources are not using computer tests and machine learning equations. This is why we have yearly, 15,000 homicides, 1,000 mass murder victims, 100,000 overdoses, 45,000 suicides, and 300,000 sex offenses. There are 4,050 ways to deceptively present to a professional and 4,050,000 ways to deceptively self-present a neurological-psychiatric illness, and current ways miss finding these high-risk persons 61% of the time, while computer tests and machine learning equations are 97% sensitive-specific. Until insurance companies who are losing $5,000,000 weekly on mass murders, and the US Roman Catholic Church the same in pedophilia settlements demand change from clinics-hospitals, courts-police, special education departments, and human resources, these weekly to biweekly massacres will only continue. The Highland Park victim’s families should sue like the Oxford Michigan victim’s families both the parents of the perpetrator, the Highland Park police and school systems for negligence and malfeasance. This perhaps will drive change. Not the Highland Park mayor testifying before Congress to deal with only one of the 16 predictors, which are, (1) homicidal? (2) suicidal? (3) stressful-life-event? (4) handgun-many- weapons-access? (5) violence-planning-preparing? (6) revenge? (7) eliciting-others-concern? (8) intent-leakage? (9) criminal-misconduct? (10) grievance? (11) random-violent-behavior? (12) threatening-victims? (13) dead-male-victim? (14) targeting-person-school-work? (15) student-professional-work-relationship? and (16) student?

See Review of European Studies, 1 March and 17 May issues for the 4 papers dealing objectively, reliably and validly with this issue, unlike the politicians and main stream media that try to find a way to manipulate the public (https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/res/issue/view/0/2723).

Robert John Zagar PhD MPH is a clinical, forensic, industrial, school, and neuropsychologist. He testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime Terrorism and Homeland Security 24 July 2012 about saving 640 lives and $billions with the teen summer job program using jobs, mentors, anger management under Mayors Daley and Emanuel for 147,253 high risk youth, and diverting 56% of nonviolent offenders from Cook County Jail copied by President Obama in releasing 6,800 nonviolent federal prisoners by commutation and pardon. Mayor Daley shared Robert Zagar’s research with the University of Chicago who founded the Crime Lab to impact policy reforming the justice and mental health systems. Loyola Former President Father Michael Garanzini, S.J., Ph.D., shared Robert’s 2016 and 2019 papers with Pope Francis who changed canonical law for the first time in 65 years to deal with the pedophilia challenge by using computer psychological tests. Robert graduated from Northwestern University with a doctorate in research design and statistics and has taught in a dozen universities and authored sixty peer reviewed scientific articles.