Therefore, Internet as an ad source is not ceasing. According to Infoadex ad investment data of this year’s first trimester, Internet advertising has increased 18.5% from the 60 million euros invested in 2010 to a growing 71 million euros. This leads to the conclusion that Internet is not only an ad source that has increased its investments in percentage terms, but it has also grown in absolute terms. It has gained 11 million entries relative to last year’s. According to the International Marketing Forum, the future of advertising will depend on the Internet as a main source, as recent data has thus far shown.
According to Hayas Media, Internet has been the medium that has grown the most both in the growing amount of audience, which have reached 10 million, as well as in investments. In comparison with last year, Internet has been the only medium that has significantly increased its audience incisiveness. It is estimated that 83.3% of Internet users connect from their homes, while those that connect from work or universities are much less. (Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez Moretti)
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing.