The month of August also registered its own records. Throughout last month, 298,000 visitors entered the country – a 10% increase as compared with August 2011 and 7% more than in August 2010. Of these visitors, a record 248,000 were tourists, a 10% increase as compared with August 2011. 50,000 entries were day visitors, 10% more than in August 2011. Of these visitors, 12,000 arrived on cruise ships, 39% more than August 2011.
August 2012 registered 221,000 entries via air travel, a 9% increase compared with August 2011. 27,000 tourists entered by land crossings, a 20% increase as compared with last year. 21,000 entries came through the Jordanian border (a 29% increase as compared with August 2011) and 5,600 came through Taba to Eilat.