Wiadomości z USA/News from the United States.
Mass Violence, Justice, and Memory:
The Katyn Massacres of 1940 in History, Memory, Education, and Law
Wiadomości z USA/News from the United States.
The Katyn Massacres of 1940 in History, Memory, Education, and Law
Polish American Congress, January 29, 2013 — The Polish American Congress (PAC) issued a statement of strong support following President Obama’s speech in Las Vegas, in which he promised to move forward to fix the broken American immigration system.
Polish Perspectives Exhibit, Seattle, Washington
By Cecilia Glembocki
The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) held its 92nd Conference in Seattle, Washington exhibiting to educators, administrators, and curriculum specialists
American Council for Polish Culture President Debbie Majka, and the Council’s NCSS Co-Chairs Raymond and Cecilia Glembocki of Washington DC hosted the Polish Perspectives booth in the International Alley of the Conference.
President Barack Obama, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden, gestures as he talks about proposals to reduce gun violence, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013, in the South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności i Polsko-Amerykańska Komisja Fulbrighta ogłaszają otwarty konkurs na stypendia im. Lane’a Kirklanda do Polski w roku akademickim 2013/14. Zgłoszenia trwają do 1 marca b.r.
By Marion V. Winters, Chairman
By Robert John Zagar PhD MPH, Agatha Karolina Zagar MBA
Warren, MI – A nativity scene that dates back to 1945 will be back up this year, after a 4-year absence.