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The Polish American Congress Applauds President Obama’s Immigration Initiative

Polish American Congress, January 29, 2013 — The Polish American Congress (PAC) issued a statement of strong support following President Obama’s speech in Las Vegas, in which he promised to move forward to fix the broken American immigration system.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Polish Perspectives Exhibit, Seattle, Washington

National Council for the Social Studies

Polish Perspectives Exhibit, Seattle, Washington

By Cecilia Glembocki

    The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) held its 92nd Conference in Seattle, Washington exhibiting to educators, administrators, and curriculum specialists

 American Council for Polish Culture President Debbie Majka, and the Council’s NCSS Co-Chairs Raymond and Cecilia Glembocki of Washington DC hosted the Polish Perspectives booth in the International Alley of the Conference.  


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Stypendia im. Lane’a Kirklanda – 2013/14

Stypendia im. Lane’a Kirklanda – nabór na rok akademicki 2013/14

Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Wolności i Polsko-Amerykańska Komisja Fulbrighta ogłaszają otwarty konkurs na stypendia im. Lane’a Kirklanda do Polski w roku akademickim 2013/14. Zgłoszenia trwają do 1 marca b.r.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

“Blessed John Paul II’s American Secretary”

    Blessed Pope John Paul II’s “American” Secretary:  the New Eminence    Cardinal James Michael Harvey, Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside- the-Walls.

 By Robert John Zagar PhD MPH, Agatha Karolina Zagar MBA


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

USA: Antykoncepcyjny plan B dla dziewczynek

Pigułka “dzień po” powinna być dostępna bez ograniczeń dla dziewcząt poniżej 17. roku życia – uważa Amerykańska Akademia Pediatrów. Prezydent Barack Obama ciągle mówi: Nie.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Family Forced to Abandon the US in Order to Be Together

New America Media, News Report, Beth Caldwell and Joel Medina, Posted: Nov 27, 2012

 Rodrigo Ortega, 35, lives in Rosarito, Mexico with his American wife and two American-citizen children. A little over a year ago, Ortega was deported. Since then, his wife and kids have relocated to Mexico in order to be with him.
