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Why Polish-Americans should vote for Mitt Romney

Dr.  Lucja Swiatkowski Cannon
Why Polish-Americans should vote for Mitt Romney

The relationship between the United States and Poland suffered substantially during the Obama Administration.  Right at the beginning, President Obama decided that in order to gain Russian cooperation in engineering sanctions against Iran, it was necessary to give a prize to Putin that he would value.  This prize was a free hand in Eastern Europe, amounting to subordination of the region to Russian dominance.  The first sign of this free hand was the resignation from the installation of an antimissile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, planned by President Bush. 


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Sharp Warnings as Hurricane Churns In


Hurricane Sandy , a menacing monster of a storm that forecasters said would bring “life-threatening” flooding, churned toward some of the nation’s most densely populated areas on Sunday, prompting widespread evacuations and the shutdown of the New York City transit system.

Officials warned that the hurricane, pushing north from the Caribbean after leaving more than 60 people dead in its wake, could disrupt life in the Northeast for days.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Rodzina legendarnego kuriera: “Oddać Polakom medal Karskiego!”

Prof. Jan Karski i dr Wiesława Kozielewska-Trzaska,
jego bratanica i córka chrzestna, która walczy
o zdjęcie ze ściany w MSZ Prezydenckiego medalu
Wolności i umieszczenie go w GabinecieJana Karskiego
w Muzeum Miasta Łodzi, tam gdzie notarialni zadysponował
swoje najcenniejsze memorabilia z Orderem Orla Białego
włącznie (fot. Archiwum Rodziny Kozielewskich)

Patryk Małecki, Waszyngton

Losy Prezydenckiego Medalu Wolności, jakim Barack Obama pośmiertnie uhonorował Jana Karskiego, przy okazji opowiadając o “polskich obozach śmierci”, układają się w opowieść epicką.

Aktywiści polonijni lobbujący za odznaczeniem nie dostrzegli potrzeby kontaktu z rodziną Jana Karskiego, podobnie też “zapomniał” o tym MSZ, a strona amerykańska o istnieniu rodziny w ogóle nie została powiadomiona. Dlatego wyłonił się pseudoproblem, kto w “zastępstwie” rodziny może przyjąć medal z rąk prezydenta USA.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA


Everett, Washington–  As a travel enthusiast, I have seen the world and marveled at observing man’s engineering accomplishments.  As a Polish-American aviation professional I was swelled with pride when seeing the giant LOT Polish Airlines Boeing 787 taxi.  This was near near the intersection of runway 16R-34L at Paine Field.  Paine Field and the Boeing taxiways are part of Snohomish County Airport.  It has a 9,000 foot runway, perfect for the jumbo jets.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Social Security Announces 1.7 Percent Benefit Increase for 2013

Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for nearly 62 million Americans will increase 1.7 percent in 2013, the Social Security Administration announced today.

The 1.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits that more than 56 million Social Security beneficiaries receive in January 2013. Increased payments to more than 8 million SSI beneficiaries will begin on December 31, 2012.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

U.S. election: Fact-checking last night’s presidential debate

WASHINGTON—In the rough-and-tumble of a town hall-style presidential debate, the facts took something of a beating Tuesday night.

Mitt Romney wrongly claimed that it took 14 days for President Barack Obama to brand the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya a terrorist act. Obama yet again claimed that ending the Afghanistan and Iraq wars makes money available to “rebuild America,” even though it doesn’t


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

USA: drugie miejsce zespołu z Katowic w międzynardowych zawodach ratowniczych

Zespół Wojewódzkiego Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Katowicach wziął udział w Mistrzostwach w Ratownictwie Medycznym (GBAC Competition), w stanie Nowy Jork (USA). Zawody zorganizował Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corps w miejscowości Baldwinsville koło Syracuse.


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Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Immigrants Flex Political Muscle in 2012 Election

New American Leaders Project Releases

First Report on Immigrant Community Candidates  

New York, NY – The New American Leaders Project (NALP) today released a comprehensive report analyzing races featuring candidates from immigrant communities. “From the Community to the Capitol: Immigrants Flex Political Muscle in 2012 Congressional Races” is the first report of its kind to examine comprehensively the changing face of American leaders from the Arab, Asian, Caribbean and Latino communities.
