Outside City Hall in New York – (From left to right): Chet Szarejko and Frank Milewski of the Downstate N.Y. Division of the Polish American Congress along with Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, join in support of City Council Member Tony Avella at his press conference to allow nativity scene displays in New York City public elementary and secondary schools.
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas – Except at N.Y. City Public Schools

[caption id="attachment_27376" align="alignleft" width="600"]Outside City Hall in New York – (From left to right):  Chet Szarejko and Frank Milewski of the Downstate N.Y. Division of the Polish American Congress along with Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, join in support of City Council Member Tony Avella at his press conference to allow nativity scene displays in New York City public elementary and secondary schools.Outside City Hall in New York – (From left to right): Chet Szarejko and Frank Milewski of the Downstate N.Y. Division of the Polish American Congress along with Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, join in support of City Council Member Tony Avella at his press conference to allow nativity scene displays in New York City public elementary and secondary schools.[/caption]

As long ago as June, 2007, Avella has been asking for Council hearings on a resolution he sponsored to “allow for the display of a nativity scene/crèche along with the other permitted religious displays – the menorah and the star and crescent.”

Referring to an appeals court decision on the matter, Donohue recalled that this court “never said that a nativity scene could not be displayed alongside a menorah and a crescent star (though schools could elect to substitute a secular symbol like the Christmas tree).  Therefore, it is up to the New York City authorities to either practice inclusion and allow creches to be displayed or practice discrimination and deny them.”


Paweła Pietrzak
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Wstrząsające zabójstwo sierżanta Jana Pawła Pietrzaka i jego żony dokonane przez amerykańskich marynarzy.

Paweła PietrzakTa wstrząsająca historia każe nam się zastanowić, czy amerykańskie społeczeństwo nie przekroczyło już wszelkich granic poprawności politycznej.

Jan Paweł Pietrzak urodził się w dolnośląskim Kłodzku. Przyjechał do USA jako dziecko. Kilka lat temu wstąpił do amerykańskiej armii, a dokładniej – do słynnego i elitarnego korpusu Marines, wraz z którym udał się do Iraku. Po powrocie Pietrzak ożenił się i zamieszkał wraz ze swą wybranką w eleganckim domu. Niestety, ich szczęście trwało bardzo krótko.

15 października do domu państwa Pietrzaków wdarło się czterech czarnych żołnierzy – podwładnych Polaka. Drastyczny przebieg zbrodni relacjonuje “Dziennik Wschodni”:


President Frank Spula
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Obama’s First Test Might Be On Polish Border

Washington DC, Nov. 7, 2008 – Today Polish American Congress (PAC) President Frank Spula called on President-elect Barack Obama to act with firmness and vision in what looks like the first foreign policy crisis the […]

Clerk Dorothy Brown
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Clerk Dorothy Brown Praises Obama Victory

During her election night celebration, Clerk Brown leads applause for Obama win

Clerk Dorothy Brown(Chicago) — The Honorable Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, hosted a victory party last night, as election returns indicated her solid re-election to a third term, and she shared her elation about the prospect of Illinois Senator Barack Obama becoming the 44th President of the United States.

“This is his day,” Clerk Brown said to her cheering supporters, regarding Obama. “But it is our time!”

Clerk Brown spoke emotionally about the fact that President Elect Obama carries the hopes, dreams and aspirations of all the individuals who have come before—especially the descendents of African slaves and poor black, Southern sharecroppers, the murdered civil rights workers and hoards of tireless marchers and demonstrators—who valiantly struggled for equal opportunity in America over the course of hundreds of years. She also spoke of her deceased mother and father, both of whom she said, “faced discrimination courageously and literally worked themselves to death, so that their eight children could have a better life.”


Governor Blagojevich
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Governor Blagojevich Congratulates President-elect Obama and Discusses U.S. Senate Seat

To fill President-Elect Barack Obama’s Senate seat, Governor will use deliberate process to select suitable replacement

Governor Blagojevich CHICAGO – After congratulating President-Elect Barack Obama on his decisive victory, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich announced today that he will take his time and use a diverse senior staff made up of key members of his administration who will assist him in selecting a suitable replacement for Obama.

“Last night’s victory was bittersweet for Illinois – as we gain a great President, we lose a great Senator. And it goes without saying that our next Senator has big shoes to fill. Because it’s important that the best person for Illinois is selected, I want to be clear that the calendar won’t dictate our search. Instead, I want to ensure that Obama’s successor will understand and fight for the needs of average Illinoisans,” Governor Blagojevich said.


Barack Obama
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Nasz Senator Prezydentem (elektem) USA

Chicago celebruje fenomenalne zwycięstwo naszego senatora Baracka Obamy w wyścigu o fotel prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Barack ObamaSenator Barack Obama mieszka i reprezentuje Chicago i stan Illinois, gdzie mieszkamy. Znamy go dosyć dobrze.

We wtorkowych  wyborach Sen. Obama oddał swój głos w Chicago. Senator z Illinois głosował  rano w komisji wyborczej w szkole podstawowej Shoesmith Elementary w dzielnicy Hyde Park, w pobliżu Uniwersytetu Chicago. Towarzyszyły mu żona Michelle oraz córki Malia i Sasha.

Z częściowych wyników wyborów prezydenckich w USA, ogłoszonych w USA wynika, że 44. prezydentem (elektem) USA jest reprezentujący Partię Demokratyczną Barack Obama. To historyczny moment w dziejach Ameryki. Po raz pierwszy bowiem najwyższy urząd w państwie obejmie czarnoskóry Amerykanin.


John McCain
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Letter from Presidential Candidate Senator John McCain to Polonia

October 29, 2008

John McCainMr. Frank Spula
Polish American Congress
1612 K Street, NW  Suite 410
Washington, DC 20006

Dear Mr. Spula,

I share your concern about Poland’s exclusion from the U.S. visa waiver program. Poland is not only a steadfast and valued ally of the United States, we have the potential of growing to be much closer partners than we are now. Requiring visas from Poles seeking to travel here is inconsistent with our current relationship, not to mention the deeper and broader relationship we must work together to foster. I support the inclusion of Poland in the visa waiver program and will make it a top priority of my administration to make it happen.


Polonia w USA
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Polonia w Proszku

Amerykańska Polonia traci na znaczeniu. Ani Obama, ani McCain nie zabiegali o jej głosy przed nadchodzącymi wyborami.

Polonia w USAKiedy na początku października Polonia obchodziła 400. rocznicę przybycia Polaków do Ameryki (wsławili się m.in <http://m.in> . zorganizowaniem pierwszego strajku na kontynencie), żaden z kandydatów do objęcia władzy w Białym Domu: ani republikanin John McCain, ani demokrata Barack Obama, nie zaszczycił obchodów w historycznym Jamestown. Nie był to przypadek czy 0wynik napiętego kalendarza kampanii przedwyborczej: 9 milionów Amerykanów polskiego pochodzenia ma po prostu coraz mniej do powiedzenia.

Choć w USA stanowimy ósmą pod względem wielkości grupę etniczną, latem tego roku senator Obama ominął Polskę szerokim łukiem podczas światowego tournée (mimo że syn prof. Zbigniewa Brzezińskiego, Mark, jest jednym z jego doradców). Najwidoczniej sztab ekspertów doradzający Obamie po analizie baz danych uznał, że wizyta w kolebce Solidarności nie przysporzy demokracie zbyt wielu głosów, bo Polonia jest grupą o słabnącym znaczeniu: nawet okręg wyborczy obejmujący bastion polskości, czyli chicagowskie Jackowo, reprezentuje kongresmen Rahm Emanuel, polityk pochodzenia żydowskiego.


Polish Army
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Polish Army Major Receives Army Commendation Medal

Polish Army
Polish army Maj. Tomasz Semeniuk, resident of
Wroclaw, Poland, receives an Army Commendation Medal from U.S. Army Brig. Gen. William D. Frink, Jr., commander of the 311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait on Oct. 25, 2008.


White House
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PAC – White House Conference Call

White HousePolish American Congress (PAC), Washington DC, October 21, 2008 – In response to a letter from Frank J. Spula, president of the Polish American Congress, to President George W. Bush in regards to the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), Spula received today an invitation from the White House to a conference call to discuss the issues presented in the communiqué (full text available at: http://www.polamcon.org/presoffice/let-Bush-081017.pdf).

The conference call took place this afternoon between Spula; Adam Sterling, director for Central and European Affairs, National Security Council, and Brian McCormack, special assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Public Liaison at the White House.

The White House representatives assured the Polish American Congress that, “President Bush is a supporter of Poland, as well as of Poland as a part of the Visa Waiver Program; the President was disappointed that this not happen.” They blamed the failure to include Poland in the bill signed by Mr. Bush on the actions of the U.S. Congress.
