Polish American Congress Begins 2009 Voter Registration



Congress Photo by Polish American Congress
Brooklyn, N.Y. … One of the first registrants in the Polish American Congress2009 Voter Drive was the renowned New York musical director and composer Jan Sporek (right).
Maestro Sporek signed in at the special registration table set outside Greenpoint,Brooklyn’s St. Stanislaus Kostka Church on Sunday morning.  Shown acceptinghis registration form are Chris Rybkiewicz (seated), chairman of the PolishAmerican Congress Voter Registration Committee and Meghan Milewski.
With Maestro Sporek now concentrating all his time and effort in preparation for his Carnegie Hall concert in late October, Rybkiewicz reminded him Election Day is Tuesday, November 3rd, just shortly after his concert. 
The Congress also conducted voter registration at St. Cyril & Methodius Church,also in Greenpoint, as well as at Williamsburg’s Our Lady of Consolation Church.
With elections  for Mayor, City Comptroller, Public Advocate and the entireCity Council all coming this year, the Polish American Congress is concentrating
its voter drive in New York’s five boroughs, according to Rybkiewicz.

Parishioners of Our Lady of Consolation Church are briefed on registration procedures by Chris Rybkiewicz and Meghan Milewski.

Photo by Polish American Congress

177 Kent St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 – (718) 349-9689