Świat - World

Przetargi o warunki pokoju w Afganistanie

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

AfganistanPokojowa propozycja Arabii Saudyjskiej w celu zakończenia wojny w Afganistanie zawiera członkostwo Talibanów w rządzie w Kabulu. Waszyngton stara się nie dopuścić Rosji do udziału w układzie pokojowym mimo tego, że Moskwa ubiega się taki udział. Indie chciałyby skorzystać z nowych dostaw paliwa na wypadek konstrukcji przez USA rurociągu przez teren Afganistanu. Iran oponuje przeciwko budowie takiego rurociągu. Najmniej do powiedzenia w tej sprawie wydają się mieć w tej chwili mieszkańcy Afganistanu.

Robert Gates, minister obrony USA, powiedział, że ostateczne rozwiązanie konfliktu w Afganistanie musi polegać na zgodzie z Talibanami. Już w październiku wódz Talibanów, Mullah Omar proponował odseparowanie Talibanów od Al-Qaidy oraz wyprosić Osama bin Laden’a z Afganistanu, w zamian za uznanie rządu Omar’a w Kabule przez USA. Oferta ta była wówczas zignorowana przez Waszyngton i USA dokonało ataku w ramach „wojny przeciwko terrorowi.”


Dollar Sign over black background
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Cel Postępowego Upaństwawiania Banków w USA?

Dollar Sign over black background Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Pojawiają się w prasie amerykańskiej takie tytuły jak „Częściowe Upaństwawianie Banków w USA?” Chodzi o odbudowę zaufania do systemu finansowego, zwichniętego przez lichwiarski kapitalizm, za pomocą częściowego upaństwawiania systemu banków w USA, w formie przejmowania przez państwo tytułu własności ważnych banków.

Minister skarbu Henry Paulson powiedział 9go października, 2008, że ma upoważnienia używania, ostatnio zatwierdzonego funduszu 700 miliardów dolarów, na ratowanie gospodarki USA, za pomocą inwestowania w kluczowych bankach. Podobnie dzieje się w W. Brytanii gdzie rząd inwestuje 87 miliardów dolarów w takich bankach, jak Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC oraz Barclays. Rząd Irlandii już przejął kontrolę nad bankami irlandzkimi.


Election Icons
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Obama and McCain tie in the second debate

Election Icons On Wednesday both Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain took part in a second debate. The debate took place at Belmont University of Tennessee hosted by Tom Brokaw was conducted in a town meeting style, where select undecided voters had the opportunity to ask questions.

During the course of the debate, John McCain criticized Obama by accusing him of his naive dealing with international affairs, willingness to capitulation in Iraq and vote in the Senate supposedly contributing to the deterioration of the situation in the country.


Brak grafiki
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Cut Medicare and Medicaid by $1.3 Trillion?

Where do Reps. Kirk, Biggert, Roskam and LaHood stand on the McCain health care plan that would cut Medicare and Medicaid by $1.3 Trillion?


According to the Wall Street Journal: “John McCain would pay for his health plan with major reductions to Medicare and Medicaid, a top aide said, in a move that independent analysts estimate could result in cuts of $1.3 trillion over 10 years to the government programs.” [Wall Street Journal online, 10/6/08]


Barack Obama
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Obama leading 3 percent over McCain

Barack Obama It is exactly one month before the historic Presidential election in The United States. According to Reuters poll, Barack Obama is leading by 3% over John McCain. The poll was conducted between Saturday and Monday just after the Vice Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. The margin of error is estimated to be 2.8% and about 4% of voters still remain undecided.

Barack Obama is leading the race to the Presidential chair by 49% to 42%, between independent voters, and 51% to 42% between women. It is suspected that these two voter groups will play a key role in the outcome in this election..



Chicago Fire tie Kansas City Wizards 1-1

Chicago Fire Blanco scores lone goal for the Fire with first half penalty kick


KANSAS CITY, KS (Oct. 5, 2008) – The Chicago Fire (12-9-6, 42 pts.) tied the Kansas City Wizards (8-10-9 33 pts.) 1-1 today at Community America Ballpark in front of a sellout crowd of 10,385.  Midfielder Cuauhtémoc Blanco scored in his second consecutive game, converting on a penalty kick at the close of the first half, for the Fire’s lone goal of the match.  With the tie, the Fire remain in third place in the Eastern Conference Standings, one point behind New England (43 pts.), and 11 points behind the conference leading Columbus (53 pts.).



Sunday Parkways transform streets into physical activity utopia

Bikes Residents poured onto Chicago streets today to dance, play, bike, walk and run for the first Sunday Parkways event in the city. The streets transformed into parks as car traffic was limited and Chicagoans temporarily reclaimed the streets.

Participants engaged in every kind of physical activity — from running and biking along the route to yoga, salsa dancing and basketball at activity stations in Palmer Square, Humboldt Park and Garfield Park.


Barack Obama
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Obama campaign funding to be verified

Barack Obama The Republican Party Committee wants to verify the sources of additional campaign funding Barack Obama Presidential campaign has received. GOP claims there might be evidence of unknown campaign funding, some even coming from foreigners overseas which is illegal.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

700 billion dollar bailout bill signed into law

House of Representatives The House of Representatives passed the 700 billion dollar bailout bill on Friday. 263 House members voted in favor of the plan and 171 voted against it. President George W. Bush quickly signed the bill into law saying “By coming together on this legislation, we have acted boldly to prevent the crisis on Wall Street from becoming a crisis in communities across our country,”

The plan was approved by Senate earlier this week on Wednesday; it was rejected earlier on Monday by the House of Representatives mainly due to voters criticizing it.
