Midwest Historians of East Central Europe



 Presented by  University of Illinois at Chicago (Department of Slavic Languages and the Faculty of History), in cooperation with the Hejna Family Fund and Chopin Theatre

DAY 1                   Tuesday April 9


7:00 p.m.                    Keynote Lecture: Padraic Kenney, Indiana University

                                    “A Polish Cell, a Global Narrative: Political Incarceration in the 20th Century”

                                    Reception – Cocktails and dinner

DAY 2                    Wednesday April 10

9:00-10:00                  Breakfast at Chopin Theatre, lower level

10:00-10:30                Welcome and introductions

10:30-12:15                Session One: Ideas and People Crossing Borders

                                    Moderator: Brian Porter, University of Michigan


                                    Tara Zahra, University of Chicago, “Travel Agents on Trial: Policing Mobility

                                     in East-Central Europe, 1889-1989”

                                     Jan Musekamp, Washington University, “How the Royal Prussian Eastern Railroad

                                     Connected Paris to St. Petersburg and Kovno to New York”

                                     Keely Stauter-Halsted, UIC, “Purity and Danger: East European Eugenics in             

                                     Comparative Context”

12:15 – 1:15                Catered Lunch at Chopin Theatre for all workshop participants


1:15-3:00                    Session Two: The Great War and the Home Front in Central Europe

                                    Moderator: Tara Zahra, University of Chicago


                                    Jesse Kauffman, Eastern Michigan University, “’Polska tak, ale jaka?’ Local

                                    Antagonisms, Political Institutions, and the German Occupation of Lodz, 1915-1918”

                                    Ke-chin Hsia, University of Chicago, “The Emperor Has No Clothes: Imperial

                                    Austria’s Failed Social Offensive on the Home Front, 1918”

                                    Drew Burks, University of Kansas, “The Triumph of Consumer Culture in Krakow,      

                                    1911-1921: Advertising in Glos Narodu and Czas”


3:00-3:30                    Coffee break


3:30-5:15                    Session Three: Image, Culture and Politics in the Cold War

                                    Moderator: Padraic Kenney, Indiana University


                                    Robert Brier, German Historical Institute Warsaw, “Solidarity in an ‘Age of Fracture’:

                                    Lech Walesa as a Contested Icon of Cold War Human Rights Activism”

                                    Rachel Applebaum, Lafayette College, “Empire of Friends: The

                                    Personalization of Czechoslovak-Soviet Relations in the 1950s and 1960s”

                                    David Tompkins, Carleton College, “The East is Red? Images of China

                                    in East Germany and Poland through the Sino-Soviet split”

5:15                             Cocktails

6:00                             Dinner/music for workshop participants, Chopin Theatre


DAY 3                     Thursday April 11

8:30-9:30                    Breakfast at Chopin Theatre


9:30-11:15                  Session Four: East and West? New Perspectives on Cultural

                                    Exchange in Postwar Europe


                                    Brian Porter, University of Michigan, “Globalizing Poland’s Communist


                                    Mikołaj Kunicki, Notre Dame University, “Pioneers, Settlers, and

                                    Gunslingers: ‘Reclaiming’ the Western Territories in the Polish Popular

                                    Cinema of the 1960s”

                                    Ilana Miller, Indiana University, “Co-opting Tevye: Fiddler on the Roof

                                    Productions in Communist Czechoslovakia, 1968-1970”

11:15-11:30                Coffee break


11:30-1:00                  Round Table: The State of the Field of East-Central European Studies


1:00-3:00                    Lunch at Chopin Theatre for workshop participants


Keely Stauter-Halsted

Padraic Kenney; : Brian Porter; Tara Zahra; Jan Musekamp; Keely Stauter-Halsted; Jesse Kauffman; Ke-chin Hsia; Drew Burks; Robert Brier; Rachel Applebaum; David Tompkins; Mikołaj Kunicki; Ilana Miller

1543 West Division / Chicago, IL 60642
tel 773-278-1500 / cell 773-396-2875 
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