March 29, 2024
Andrzej Duda, President of Poland – [email protected]
Donald Tusk, Prime Minister of Poland – [email protected]
Radoslaw Sikorski, Minister of Foreign Affairs – [email protected]
Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Marszałek Senatu – [email protected] and [email protected]
Szymon Hołownia, Marszałek Sejmu – [email protected] 
c/o Ambasador Marek Magierowski[email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
2640 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

We, the undersigned, presenting views shared by millions of Poles in the country, reject the narrative that a war between Poland and the „collective West” and Russia is inevitable or even necessary and desirable from the point of view of Polish national interests. We appeal to the Polish authorities to stop the harmful, pro-war agitation that serves foreign interests and is based on erroneous and often manipulated premises.

We warn the authorities in Warsaw against escalating actions that could soon lead to an actual military conflict with Russia, a nuclear power. The time to prevent such a development is now. A military confrontation with Russia, once initiated, will be impossible to control and will have tragic consequences for Poland.

The view that war with Russia is inevitable is erroneous and irrational. The pro-war narrative repeated by Polish politicians and official media channels is unfortunately a distorted, out-of-global context, and highly politicized assessment of reality that does not serve Polish national interests but instead threatens them.

Ukraine today is a devastated, depopulated country on the verge of both military defeat and financial bankruptcy, treated by big corporations and investment funds as a laboratory for the „new normal” of extreme green, digital, and neoliberal policies. Poland’s military involvement in Ukraine may also bring similar or worse consequences. Polish intervention in Ukraine will likely escalate the conflict and make Poland a logical target for direct military attacks by Russia. The willingness of government representatives to send Poles to their deaths in Ukraine against Polish national interests is unacceptable and reprehensible. The contradictory or evasive statements of Polish authorities regarding their real intentions cause understandable concern among millions of Poles.

We warn that the real goal of this war is not only to weaken Russia but also to weaken and ultimately eliminate the sovereign nation states of Europe, especially those of Eastern Europe, which, as a result of the destruction of their infrastructure, the wartime loss of personnel, and the economically forced emigration of millions of their people, will be forced into a political capitulation that will eliminate their national sovereignty within the globalist, federal structures of the European Union.

Pragmatic examination of Polish national interests shows that escalating the conflict is not only irrational but also potentially suicidal, which will result in a national catastrophe. Rather than a driving force of the conflict, Poland should be an active participant and co-creator of peace processes aimed at ending it. We call on the Polish authorities to abandon the unrealistic and anti-Polish theories postulating war with Russia and promising us its strategic defeat. We expect sober assessments of reality and the current state of the war. We call for actions aimed at ending the conflict in Ukraine through negotiations and creating conditions for a comprehensive and lasting normalization of intra-European relations that ensure the security needs of all parties involved.

The Polish authorities’ actions to date make us wonder whether they are the result of political incompetence or perhaps a conscious betrayal of Polish national interests.

Poles do not want or need a war with Russia!

Edward Wojciech Jeśman, President

Polish American Strategic Initiative (PASI)

& Polish American Congress of Southern California

[email protected]

Gene Sokolowski Ph.D., President

Polish American Strategic Initiative Educational Organization (PASI EDU)

[email protected]

Agnieszka Wolska, Dziennikarz

Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne w Niemczech

Kolonia, Niemcy

Urszula Oleksyn, Educator

Fullertn, Kalifornia, USA

Maja Trochimczyk Ph.D., President

Moonrise Press

Los Angeles, Kalifornia, USA

Bogdan Kulas, Prezes

Związek Polaków w Norwegii

Oslo, Norwegia

Adam Bąk, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist

New York – New Jersey – Florida, USA

Dr Marek Kierlańczyk

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Jolanta Halkiewicz, Prezes

Koło Pamięci AK

Sztokholm, Szwecja

Mgr. Jolanta Duda, Prezes

Światowy Związek Polaków

Londyn, Wielka Brytania

Andrzej Kumor

Dziennikarz, Wydawca

Goniec – Toronto, Kanada

Eva Romanowicz

Światowy Związek Polaków

Zug, Szwajcaria

Anne Russell, Ph.D.

San Diego, Kalifornia, USA

Leszek Lew, Ph.D.

Garden Grove, Kalifornia, USA

Barbara Krynicka-Wilson, MD

Garden Grove, Kalifornia, USA

Monika Tomasik, Aerospace Engineer

Anaheim Hills, Kalifornia, USA

Krystyna Teller


Miami Beach, Florida USA

Mgr. Inż. Teresa Kalisz

Światowy Związek Polaków

Londyn, Wielka Brytania

Mark Bazan, Architekt

Fullerton, Kalifornia, USA

Matt Gierczak

Riverside, Kalifornia, USA

Polish American Strategic Initiative | P.O. Box 2771, New Britain, CT 06050

[email protected]