Polish Studies Newsletter




studies The Polish Studies Newsletter is a worldwide compendium of useful information by and for the Polish community. 


Book Reviews

Contemporary Poland

Bremer, Ian et al.  The Fat Tail:  The Power of Political Knowledge for Strategic Investing.  Oxford Univ. Pr.  2009. Poland was toxically over-regulated and over vetted during the Kaczynski brothers reign.  Economic growth is improving under the leadership of the Tusk group.  Many Jews are returning, to once again, do business in Poland. Parenthetically, the U.S. was under regulated in the past two decades.  We find out in this book, why the Gdansk shipyard went ‘belly up’ and the Gdynia and Szczecin yards survived.


Baruch, Michael J. New Polish Cuisine. 2010.  Available thru Amazon…..

 Expert on Democracy

Przeworski, Adam.  He is the most prolific published expert on the greatness and functionality of democracy.  For a complete list of his writings, please Google him.  He teaches political science at NYU.  His e mail address is [email protected]….

 Holocaust History

Klee, Ernst. Eds et al The Good Old Days:  The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders. Publ by Konecki and Konecki.  1991.  Germans documented the evidence presented in this book.  Many Germans have finally come to terms with what they did in WWII. Many of the incriminating fotos in this book were taken in Poland by ‘ordinary’ German soldiers. Please google the Olkusz Massacre fotos….

 Segev, Tom.  Simon Wiesenthal:  The Life and Legends. 2010.  Wiesenthal fantasized his efforts as a self professed ‘Nazi hunter’…..

 Military History

Bercuson, David J. et al One Christmas in Washington:  The Secret Meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill That Changed the World.  Overlook Press. 2010.  While they met in Washington Dec. 1941 Jan. 1942, Major Eisenhower was failing miserably in resupplying the Americans in the Phillipines.  Why did the Irish make the Brits maintain a huge garrison in Northern Ireland in 1940-1942? Why did Churchill kill 1500 French non combatant, neutral sailors in North Africa in one day?  Why didn’t Roosevelt declare war on Vichy France in Dec.1941?  D-Day should have occurred much sooner than June 1944. Churchill’s strategy diverted and postponed the Allied efforts of hitting Hitler in Europe. FDR and Churchill acceded to Stalin’s new Polish frontiers in Dec. 1941.  The Poles were never notified of this change in the Atlantic Charter war aims…

 Deak, Istvan.  Essays on Hitler’s Europe.  Univ. of Nebraska Pr.  2001.  “The German people were indifferent to the fate of the Jews….  No issue in Holocaust literature is more burdened by misunderstanding, mendacity and sheer racial prejudice than that of Polish-Jewish relations during WWII…  There were enormous class differences within the ghetto….  Pius XII proclaimed the Assumption of Holy Mary in 1950….For much of modern history, the papacy has been on the losing side…The Nazis killed about 20% of the Polish clergy.  Pius XII’s silence in this matter remains difficult to explain…  The International Red Cross remained silent about the treatment of the Jews in concentration camps…  Pius XII must have been the first cold warrior…  Pope John Paul II’s attempt to make Pacelli a saint must be judged a very strange undertaking indeed….”

 Mosier, John.  The Blitzkrieg Myth.  Harper Collins Publ.  2003.  “Actually, Poland’s military was much better equipped, and gave a much better account of itself than Western sources admit.” Mosier is Professor of English at Loyola/New Orleans. He lives in Jefferson, Louisiana.

 Salewski, Michael.  Die Deutsch Seekriegsleitung.  1935-1945. vol. 3.  Denkschriften und Lagebetrachtungen 1938-1944.  Franfurt am Main 1973…..

Smith, Truman.  Berlin Alert:  The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith.  Hoover Inst. Pr.  1984.  As an American Military Officer in Germany, Truman Smith interviewed Hitler in 1922. He conferred with Cardinal Ratti in Germany before Ratti became the Papal Nuncio in Warsaw and before Ratti became Pius XI.  Ratti was the Papal Nuncio immediately after Poland gained its independence in 1918.  In the late 1930s, Smith served as a military attaché in Germany.  He warned FDR that France and England were in no position to help Poland if war broke out. (Pledges and promises to Poland notwithstanding.) He perceived that the greater danger came from the Soviet Union.  As a matter of hindsight, it would have been better if France and England never made that promise to come to the aid Poland.  This would have freed Hitler to liberate the Slavs in the East from the clutches of the Communists.  Colonel Percy Black was a formal military observer attached to the Reichswehr when it overran Poland in Sept. 1939. Young Polonian historians would do well to research both Smith and Black.  Smith’s mother, living in Stamford, CT, sold some of her land, so that a Polish R.C. parish could be constructed on Henry St. in the early part of the 20th c. FDR was very impolitic when he besmirched the reputation of Smith and Lindbergh. Smith was an observer in the early 1920s when the Freikorps was battling the Endeks in Upper Silesia.  England, France and the U.S. could have and should have stayed out of WWII.  Many lives would have been spared.  History is no longer so forgiving of the likes of Wilson, Churchill and FDR…Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson were but two of the many ‘useful idiots’ leading the West into WWII at the behest of FDR and Churchill.

 Money and Banking

Kaiser, Robert G.  So Damn Much Money:  The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government.  Publ. by Knopf.  2009. Read here about Congr. Marty Russo, D-IL, Dan Rostenkowski., lobbyist Gerald S. J. Cassidy, Cong. Mike Kopetski, D-OR,  and  Congr. Robert Mrazek, D-NY…..


Kaiser, Robert Blair.  A Church in Search of Itself:  Benedict XVI and the Battle for the Future.  Publ. by Knopf.  2006.  This ex Jesuit remains dissatisfied with John Paul II’s record.  Kaiser represents those liberals who want to democratize the Church.  He wants the ‘enlightened’ Catholic laity to replace the priest class.  Notre Dame is the latest school to have been ‘depriested’.

 History of Poland

Barford, P.M. The Early Slavs.  Cornell Univ. Pr.  2001.

 Obama Studies

Horowitz, David.  Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution.  2009.  To order, please e mail [email protected]…..Read here about the Polonians who studied under Saul Alinsky in the Chicago of the 1930s….

 Papers and Archives

Please read the papers of General Lucien Truscott Jr. as they pertain to the CIA penetration of Poland, 1945-1955.  The hapless WIN operation caused the death of many a Polish patriot and freedom fighter.

 Polish-Jewish Relations

Grudzinska-Gross, Irena et al War Through Children’s Eyes:  The Soviet Occupation of Poland and the Deportations, 1939-1941.  Hoover Inst Pr. My relatives were sent from Wolyn to frozen Kotlas where their father died from exhaustion and exposure.  The survivors live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada…..

Hollander, Craig.  Every Day Lasts a Year:  A Jewish Family’s Correspondence from Poland.  Cambridge Univ. Press. 2007.  This family was a fully assimilated Polish family, a successful group, who were totally committed to Poland’s cause.  Joseph was the only one who foresaw the imminent invasion in August.  He left Poland in the last week of August 1939 and arrived in NYC as an ‘illegal’.

 The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment by Peter Beinart.  NY Rev of Books.  6/10.  Also in the same issue, please read Peter Beinart vs. The ADL!  Charles Rosen wrote a piece entitled Chopin at 200.

 Polish-USA Relations

Lerski,George J.  Herbert Hoover and Poland.  Publ. by the Hoover Inst.

 Polonian History

Kamedulski, Laura.  Chicago’s Maxwell Street.  Arcadia Publ. 1996.

Kipnis, Laura.  How to Become a Scandal.  Publ. by Metropolitan. 2010.  This is about the sad demise of astronaut Lisa Nowak….

 Wilkerson, Isabel.  The Warmth of Other Suns:  The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration.  Random House.  2010.  This is the story of the way the South Chicago Polonia was traumatized and ultimately driven out of Chicago by the huge beginning influx of cheap Black labor in 1918.  It was precisely at this time that the Anglos decided to close the door on the further migration of Poles and Jews from Poland to the U.S.

 Polonian Sports Writers

Obojski, Robert.  Baseball Memorabilia, NY 1992; Bush League, NY 1975.

 Pietrusza, David.  Judge and Jury:  The Life and Times of Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. S. Bend, IN, 1998….  Lights On!  The Wild Century-Long Saga of Night Baseball.  Lanham, MD.  1997….  Minor Miracles.  The Legend and Lures of the Minor Leagues.  S. Bend, IN1995….  Total Baseball Catalog:  Great Baseball Stuff and How to Buy It.  NY.  1998…..

 Ryczek, William J.  Blackguards and Ewd Stockings:  A History of the Baseball National Association.  1871-1875. Jefferson, NC.  1998….When Johnny Came Sliding Home:  The Post-Civil War Baseball Boom.  1865-1877.  Jefferson, NC

Tygiel, Jules.  Baseball’s Great Experiment. NY, 1983….  The Hustler’s Handout Durham, NC. 1996

 Political Satire and Social Commentary

Konopacki, Mike (cartoonist).  He has given us the following listed comic books:  Bye American, Them, MAD in USA, Working Class Hero, Two Hundred Space Alien Shrinks Labor Movement, American Dread and A People’s History of American Empire. All published by Huck/Konopacki.com.  He is a Univ. Wisconsin/Madison grad.  He continues to reside in Madison…

 Research in Technology and Engineering

Petroski, Henry.  The Essential Engineer:  Why Science Alone Will Not Solve Our Global Problems.  2010.  Petroski teaches engineering and history at Duke….

 Worldwide Polonia

Derwich, Krzystof.  Instrumenty polityki zagranicznej USA. (Wyd Jagiellońskie Kraków) 2010.

 Sekowska, Elzbieta.  Język emigracji polskiej w swiecie.  (Wyd. Jagiellońskie: Kraków) 2010….

 2010 Planning Calendar- October

Milosz Biedrzycki shall give readings in Polish literature throughout the rest of the year.  Refer to www.iwp.uiowa.edu  Karolina Kowalska’s plastic art can be viewed in the NYC area thru 1/31/11.  For particulars, please go to www.location1.org

The Bialystok Puppet Theater is presenting Chopin-An Impression from 10/21 thru 11/7 in NYC.  For particulars, go to www/lamama.org.

Piotr Cywinski: A Lecture on Auschwitz in the 21st c. at the Weiser Center, Univ. Mich. Oct. 25. @ 4pm…

Conference:  Christianity Explains Science.  Oct. 26-28.  Austin, TX.  www.hillcountryinstitute.org…..  Worldwide Chopin Piano Competition to be held in Krakow throughout the month of October…..


Live Music by Szaza. 11/2-14.  This is a nation wide tour.  For particulars, go to www.polishculture-nyc.org 

Writer Olga Tokarczuk’s North American Tour.  11/8-24.  www.polishculture-nyc.org…. 

The Anna Skubik/Marlene Dietrich Dialogue. Puppet Theater.  11/11-21. NYC.  Tel. 503-274-6566 …

The Edward Krasinski and Monika Grzymala art shall be on display at MoMa (NYC) from 11/21 thru 2/7.  tel. 212-708-9400…  Jazz pianist Chick Correa shall be in Zabrze on 11/8…  

The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation is funding the 12th International Conference and Awards Banquet Nov. 5-6 at the Wash. DC John Paul II Center. Tel. 202-635-5400.  The issue for the faithful is the peace and security for the Holy Land…

 The Harun Ferocki films shall be shown at the National Gallery (Wash. DC) on 11/20…

 Works by Michael Piechocinski shall be displayed at the Germantown campus of Montgomery College (Maryland) from 11/8 thru 12/17…  Pianist Simon Trpceski (a Balkan Slav) shall play Prokofiev’s Third and Beethoven’s Eroica on 11/11-12 at Baltimore’s Meyerhoff Hall….

Mazowsze shall be in Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center on 11/14; at Utica’s Williams Proctor art Inst. On 11/16; at the Amherst, CT Fine Arts Center on 11/17; at Schenectady’s Proctor Theater 11/18; at Buffalo’s Shea Arts Center on 11/19; at Toronto’s Sony Center on 11/20; Hamilton Ont. Hamilton Place on 11/21; at Bethesda Md’s Strathmore Center on 11/23 and in Chicago’s Symphony Center 11/27-28…

The Chopin/Paderewski Interdisciplinary Conference shall be held at Loyola/ Chicago, Nov. 11-13.  For particulars, please email [email protected].  The 2010 Polonez Ball.  11/20.  Sponsored by the Polish American Cultural Society of St. Louis, MO.  Tel. 314-868-6911…

 December, 2010

Grzymala/Busse’s Lecture the Sacralization of Politics in Eastern Europe.  12/2 at 4 p, at the Weiser Center, Univ. of Michigan…

Mazowsze shall be in Detroit’s Music Hall Center on 12/3-4; at Sandusky Ohio’s State Theater on 12/5; in Worcester MA on 12/8; in Baltimore’s Hippodrome on 12/9; at Waterbury, CT’s Palace Theater on 12/10; at the Lehman Center in the Bronx on 12/11; and in New Bunswick’s State Theater on 12/12.  My God, this is an exhaustive schedule!


Sofya Gulyak, pianist, shall perform at the Kennedy Center Terrace (Wash. DC) on 1/22… Rafal Blechacz shall present his piano recital at the Hill Auditorium, Univ. of Michigan, Feb. 11, 12. 2011.  tel. 734-764-2538…

 Joanna Kaiser, Prof. of Fin Arts, Krakow shall present the Annual Copernicus Lecture at the Univ. of Michigan on 3/14-18/2011…

Poland and Ukraine shall host the World Soccer Meet in 2011.  The Lviv/Krakow/Kiev venue shall be most active…..

Richard Fafara shall deliver the Annual Woroniecki Lecture in Philosophy at KUL in 2011.  The Marquette Univ. Pr. has published his book on the philosophy of Gilson…

 Academic Financial Aid Sources- Polish Studies Fellowships

The Skalny Center at Rochester Univ. has fellowship help…

To learn about the Orthodox origins of Poland. Please go to www.iocs.cam.ac.uk

ACPC Scholarships.  Please e mail [email protected]

Wilson Center Fellowships: www.wilsoncenter.org…..  www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu…. 

The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships are available through www.edsintl.org…. 

The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2007-08 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588…


Alliance College Alumni offer scholarships.  Te. 727-656-3835…Tom Konchalski recruits HS athletes…

The TAAF Fund shall make it possible for your children to go to prep school. www.orchardlakeschools.com…. 

Receive a $3k Parish Scholarship to attend CUA (Wash. DC).  www.cua.edu

The Berks County (PA) Polish American Board of Education has scholarships for HS seniors. 

E-mail [email protected]…. Mahan scholarships in Connecticut for Polonian students.  Tel. 860-952-7403…

Madonna University (Detroit) has financial aid for Polonians.  The Felicians are great teachers.  They shall help you major in Polish-American Business Studies…  Wilson Center Fellowships:  www.wilsoncenter.org  www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu….  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships. The University of Dallas has funds for your young Catholic scholar….  If you wish to receive financial aid to attend Boston College Law School, please call Atty. Valerie Yarashus; tel. 617-523-8300 or e mail Atty Michael Greco:  [email protected]…..

Please Google the Rev. Jack Podsiadlo, SJ of the NY Nativity Center… Western Pennsylvanians should apply for a Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship…

www.polamcon.org/students/scholarships.htm (A listing of available financial aid sources for Polonians)… 

Ohio Fraternal Congress financial aid is now available. Tel. 1-800-772-8632 ext. 2606…

The Pulaski Assoc. of Cheektowaga, NY awards financial help. Contact Irene Sikora at 716-689-3136…..

Please apply to the Jashemski Scholar Center at the Univ. of Maryland if interested in architecture…

www.fulbright.edu.pl (scholarships)…  The Walter J. Kenney scholarships are available to New Britain; CT Polonians are available through www.edsintl.org….  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2006-07 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….  Scholarships for Polonians in Maryland, Grades 6 thru 12 are available by calling The Knott Scholarship Fund.  877-603-9980…..

The New England Fraternal Congress awards aid to Polonians.  Please write to the Dir. Scholarship Comm. 23 E. Briggs Rd. Westport, MA 02790….  The Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress awards scholarships.  Please write to Joseph Evanish, National Benefit Society, 247 W. Allegheny Rd. Imperial PA 15126…  Bosch Scholarships are available for study in Poland. www.cdsintl.org

New Jersey Fraternal Congress has aid for Polonians.  Tel. 800-814-8031, www.ampolinstitute.org.ic.pl  www.spc.edu/pages/157/asp (Bielen Scholarships)…..  John Paul the Great University in San Diego has full scholarships for outstanding Polonians interested in pursuing a career in the media.  Tel. 858-653-6740…


PACIM awards stipends. Email [email protected]..  Dr. Cordula Janowski has stipends and grants for Polonians working towards a master in European Studies. Tel. 49(0)228-73-1899…


The newly established Polish Studies Department at the Univ. of Illinois/Chicago is awarding grants…..  The PSFCU gave Columbia Univ $100,000 recently for the re-establishment of the Polish Chair.  Grants are available.

Grants for youthful Polonian artists: Please e mail [email protected]

Please email [email protected] to receive a grant for pursuing Polish Studies…

Apply now, at the Kosciuszko Foundation for the 2009 Summer Study in Poland grants.  Tel. 212-734-2130…

www.eclas.org/erasmus (study grants to work in Poland)…

Sylvia Meloche at the Univ. of Michigan has funds to help you study in Poland.  [email protected]  Polish Studies Library Grants:  www.lib.umich.edu/area/slavic….

Young Polonians can learn to become journalists by receiving a grant from GWU (Wash. DC).  Stephen Pozniak serves as a mentor in this grant program… For young Polonians:  Junior Scholar Grants.  Wilson Center. Tel. 202-691-4222… 

Polish Arts Club of Chicago awards grants…..  Marzena Jankowska has grants: tel +41-(0)22-917-84-76…..  www.grantsdirect.com (Jankowski Associates)….  www.tracyfoundation.org (for Polonian researchers from Illinois)…..  NEH grants for research in East European Studies.  Email [email protected] 

Library grants are available from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.  (www.kaptur.house.gov/library/grantresources.shtml)….  Eastern European Study Grants are available through the Wilson Center in Wash. DC.  E-mail [email protected].  tel. 202-691-4222…

The Polish Cultural Institute in New York offers grants to fine and performing artists.  www.polishculture-nyc.org


The Mary J. Szczepanski Foundation of Grand Rapids, MI.  www.msscholarship.org….

The Adam Bak Foundation.  330 Dogwood Lane. Manhasset, NY 11030.  tel. 516-365-5659…..

The Taube Foundation (supports those interested in composing Polish music)….  Greg Kaza is the Exec. Dir. of the Arkansas Policy Foundation.  (Supports research in political science)…  Bogumila Gladysz is the VP of the PolAm Foundation of Connecticut. They want to help Polonian youth….  Kresy-Siberia Foundation.  E- mail: [email protected]


Receiving PRCUA:  Anna Toltzman, Elizabeth Dynowski, Marley Dzis and Krystyna Kowalik …

Skalny Scholarships were awarded to Matthew Przybylek and Pawel Styrna.  Both have already done major research in Polish Studies…  The Colchester, CT Rotarians awarded Evan Turek a scholarship.  He shall major in Chemistry at SCSU in New Haven…

 Facts and Commentary:  America and Europe 

Did You Know?

Konstanty Galczynski was a better Pole than Czeslaw Milosz.  He did not abandon Poland to assure himself of a literary career.  And he was a better writer….  Of the 1.1 billion world wide Catholics, only 300 million live in Europe and the U.S…..  Poles are less obese than their Russian and German trenchermen (not withstanding their ubiquitous golabki and pierogi)….  Did you know that Michael Wlodarczyk, USMC, saved 180 Marines from being ‘de-eared’ by the legendary Sandino; 1927 in Nicaragua….  Nazi Germany never planned to fight a long WWII.  As soon as Hitler realized he would not win WWII, in late 1941, he initiated the Holocaust….

 Sad But True

Democracy is a wonderful system except for the fact that people are inherently corrupt. Cf Bell, CA scandal.  Every modern, so called progressive nation/state is opposed to the concept of religions shaping the individual conscience of humanity.  Church and State continue to be locked in a perennial power struggle.  I trust the monotheists more than I trust the ‘enlightened, progressive, Democrat, cultural humanists’….  Man is not the measure of man….

 History in Perspective (Numbers do count)

More people died from one B-29 fire raid on Tokyo than died in all the raids by the Luftwaffe in the so called Battle of Britain….  3,000 plus Americans died on 9/11.  3000 plus Poles died for 40 days in a row during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising….  For every GI who died on D Day, there have been over 30 so called documentaries memorializing the event…..

 Election Year 2010 (and 2011)

Toomey the Republican is leading Sestak, the Democrat in the early polls.  These Pennsylvania candidates are running for a Senate seat…  Bill Clinton is a snake oil salesman… Bill Maher is strictly ad hominem…  

Who shall succeed Daley as Mayor of Chicago? Rahm promised to create jobs and it ‘aint happenin’! Rahm and Blago were and are conniving re who shall succeed whom in Chicagoland. The Mayoral election is set for early 2/11. 

A sensible, Slavic conservative Mayor would do wonders to clear the putrid political atmosphere in Illinois. And we definitely do not need another Irisher saving us. We are trying to get over the Ted Kennedy/Daley era. We do not want the beginning of the new ‘Madigan dynasty’ in Illinois… Sen. Barbara Mikulska, D-MD, bested Billy Bob Jaworski in the Senatorial primary in September… 

A cabal of working class Euroethnics are helping Traficant to run in November in the Youngstown area.  Please google Linda Kovachik….  Republican Lisa Murkowski may yet win in November as an independent write in for the Alaskan Senate seat…

Politics:  American Style

If state governments can furlough workers, why isn’t the federal government culling the herd with some unpaid vacations? …

Obama and Clinton have given more than moral support to Blumenthal in Connecticut.  They denied $ support to Sestak…..  The DNC tends to perceive most Americans as being extremist. If one is anything but a Democrat, one is, ipso facto an extremist. Watch out of for those tea party extremists… 

Blago has asked a judge to nullify the lone conviction remaining in his case.  Prosecutors want a new trial to begin in January… 

Ohio’s Voinovich is morphing himself into becoming a de facto Democrat.  He wants to raise the gasoline taxes…  Armenian-American leaders scuttled the chances of Matthew Bryza from being America’s new ambassador in Azerbaijan…

The 2010 census shall give the liberals even more evidence and justification to continue, unabatted, further ‘gerrymandering’ of the body politic. After the 2010 census, the Caucasian majority shall become the Caucasian plurality.  Already, today, Caucasian working class voters from N. Tonawanda/ Niagara Falls are gerrymandered with working class Caucasian voters of Rochester.  This is bad news for Polonians who have pretensions of becoming suburban Republicans…

  Republican Linda McMahon shall beat the Democrat Blumenthal to take Dodd’s place in the U.S. Senate. Linda’s ‘Catholicity’ shall best the sleazy Blumenthal’s Jewishness.  (And besides, Connecticut over the past three decades has been ‘way over represented’ by the ubiquitous Jewish pols. The good people of Connecticut barely survived the likes of Lowell Weicker…

Glenn Beck is a great champion and defender of monotheism.  Americans, at long last, are beginning to reject their Godless, cultural humanism.  Glenn had a very traumatic childhood; but he found God… The libs are waging class warfare.  Attack ads are asserting that the Republicans are denying the unemployed their God given and constitutionally protected right to a job. With this kind rancor, how can the Dems possibly lose in November?

 Polonia and Its Pensions

Remember in 1963, when Studebaker screwed the workers out of their pensions? The same happened with GM in Detroit.  Many Polonian seniors are now suffering from Pension Deficit Disorder.  This disorder may well end up being a national termination event.  In 1911, the liberals in Massachusetts invented pensions for state government workers. Public sector pensions are turning out to be much batter than private company pensions.  Nevertheless, most municipalities and states are underfunding their pension programs.  New York, surprisingly, is a relatively safe pension state. If Polonia thinks the government and corporations over promised on pensions, ‘you ain’t seen nuthin yet.’  The libs and Obama have grossly over promised what you are going to get from this new health care reform.  Polonia, please don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Be conservative and “modl sie in pracuj”.  Life is and always shall be a vale of tears.  Niestety, to tak jest. The American dream is, just that; a dream.  Stop dreaming and keep working and saving…..

 Victims of Media Bashing (Victimology is abating worldwide)

The American media should tone down Islamo bashing.  If we finally got over bashing the Japanese and we finally forgot the Alamo, and did away with our school crucifixes, it may well be that we shall somehow, some way, begin to stop agonizing over 9/11. Our black friends are easing up a bit on ‘whitey and the honkies.” And our good German people have noticed a diminution in the playing of the Holocaust card.  Wall Street is no longer made up of evil people. And the ‘gringoes’ are breathing easier in California.   Cool it America.

 EcceMedia Grandioso

What Cpedia has to say about Dan Rostenkowski should be taken with a grain of salt.  Cpedia simply passes on blog gossip as if it were the gospel truth….  CNN and 60 Minutes frames issues with a liberal bias. Eg. Framing stories about abusive priests….Media is too scripted and disjointed.  The bimboes come across like purveyors of ‘gobbledygook’….  Why does Notre Dame continue marketing its Irishness.  When is ethnic diversity going to be featured at its halftime shows?  CBS and 60 Minutes is not a legitimate news source.  Stahl misled the public about the dangers of disposed fly ash…..  Organized varsity sports are a huge waste of time and resources.  And besides, aren’t we all getting sick and tired of overeating and watching boob tube football?

 Weltanschauung (Perception of the World)

America’s saviors shall soon begin to appear in our parades, in units of 100 (Centuries), marching in perfect close order, 120 beats to a minute, occasionally breaking into a perfect goosestep, making the Rockettes look like a disorganized group of  mere entertainers. America needs men who are not afraid of political incorrectness.  In November, Americans are going to ‘take the bull by the horns’…..  In early September, Catholic university student Neil Godlewski was murdered at Sherman Circle in Wash. DC by a 17 yr old Black cretin.  Neil should have gone down to Sherman Circle with some Centuries.  Please do not send your beloved kids to Catholic University because they shall be unprotected in that area by the liberal DC government.  Our liberal government is unwilling and incapable of protecting our innocent people.  The good people of America can no longer enjoy the comfort and security of their land.  Conservatives are not afraid of class warfare.  Vote Conservative in November!  Who created the ‘jezyk Wilamowski’ in 19th c. Wilhelmine Germany?  The world is now being run by the likes of Ed and David Milliband, Radek Sikorski, President Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Rahm Emanuel,  Hillary and Bill and  Obama. Ed is the new head of the British Labor Party. Radek went to school at Oxford with David back in the 1980s.  UK Prime Minister Cameron was there with them.  They had some ‘jocular moments’ at Oxford.  The Milliband brothers have Polish born Jewish parents.  All of the aforementioned read and write and converse in Polish, when the occasion arises.

 Benchmarks of American Decadence

Do not make too much of American exceptionalism… 

Chaplains in our military no longer have the right to preach against homosexuality.  Most of our soldiers do not want homosexuals coming out of their closets in a blaze of liberal emancipated glory. Any soldiers opposing tolerance for homos shall be court marshaled and given a dishonorable discharge.  Please oppose the liberal, homosexual takeover of America.  Vote Conservative before it is too late… 

Eddie Fisher died at age 82 on 9/22.  He outdid Mike Todd in the Shiksa hunting Olympics.  He hurt Debbie Reynolds, Elizabeth Taylor, Connie Stevens, Marlene Dietrich, Ann Margret, Judy Garland, Mia Farrow, Kim Novak, Angie Dickinson Dinah Shore, Juliet Prowse, Terry Richard and Betty Young Lin… Craigslist and Facebook have now turned America into one big house of assignation… American soldiers continue to kill each other in Iraq.  Pfc. Gebrah P. Noonan of Watertown, CT was killed 9/23…  Our government has revealed that at least 17 million drivers drove drunk at least once in the past year…  More than 1,100 members of the armed forces killed themselves between 2005 and 2009….


The Hartford Archdiocese does a poor job of selling its defunct properties.  The wrong buyer allowed St. Thomas Aquinas HS building (New Britain, CT) to deteriorate.  The faithful were denied their badly needed high school….. 

 If Sharia law applies to American Muslims, does Canon Law apply to American Catholics?  Canon law is more universal than American constitutional law.  Sharia law shapes the conscience of American Muslims.  They take time out each day to pray during working hours.  Whatever happened to the Angelus prayer?  There is something called the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.  So much for the constitutional separation of Church and State….  The Italian government is investigating the possibility that the Vatican is involved in some big money laundering schemes.  The government has already seized $30 milllion from a Vatican account….  Please go to www.amaricancatholiccouncil.org…..  American, Black Muslims, including Mohammed Ali are no longer so sheik and so sexy with their Barack Hussein sitting in the White House.  American Blacks now favor Euro-Christian names for their children.  American Black Muslims are now maintaining a low profile in these post 9/11 days…..  The ‘gay issues’ have splintered and divided American Lutherans. Those favoring celibacy are returning to Catholicsm…..


The Catholic Church:  Warts and All (An unpublicized decadence; grzechy wołające o pomstę od Boga)

Archbishop Weakland, Milwaukee, Archdiocese:  At one time in his illustrious liberal, Vatican II reformist days, Weakland sexually abused one Paul Marcoux.  While at Marquette University, Marcoux ‘shook down’ the perverted, homosexual Archbishop to the tune of $500,000.  Weakland stole the settlement money (hush money) from the faithful in his Milwaukee Archdiocese. In spite of receiving the hush money, Marcoux went public and the Archbishop was sacked by the Pope.  Weakland tearfully apologized to the faithful in Milwaukee for his perversions and his thievery and voila, was forgiven by, among others, Auxiliary Bishop Richard J. Skiba. He was given a standing ovation immediately after his tearful confession and apology.  The faithful, whose money he stole were not so quick to forgive and forget.  Skiba now heads the Ecumenical Movement for the American Catholic Episcopate.  American Catholic laymen should keep a close eye on their so called Diocesan leaders.  Please read Skiba’s piece in the Boston College Magazine (Summer 2010) re the ecumenical movement.  Weakland grew up amongst the euroethnics in Patton, PA. (Cambria County) He found ‘friends’ at St. Vincent’s College in nearby Latrobe, PA.  Weakland was part of the Bernardin group that took it upon themselves to enlighten and liberate the ‘narrow minded’ homophobic Catholics.  The liberal American Episcopate continues to be alive and well in spite of recent scandals.  Cf. The Gruber scandal at St. Vincent’s College.  Skiba, of late, has written about the new ‘golden age’ of reconciliation between Christians and Jews. He does not mention any reconciliation with Islam.  Please stay tuned on this continuing parody of the human condition.

 Obama’s Pigs in a Poke (A listing of the false dreams inflicted upon the working class)

Private corporate benefactors are throwing money down a big governmental sink hole.  Charter schools are a waste of money.  Nature does not provide equality of opportunity to suffering humanity….  There shall be more weeping and gnashing of teeth by America’s disillusioned believers in the liberal American dream.  The sullen and angry American working class has been neglected by the unions, the liberals and the Obama administration.  This neglected underclass shall serve as the core of America’s new populist Tea Party. Education reform is a pipe dream.  Don’t buy all the fluff about liberating the sullen, jobless American workers.  The true recipients of the Obama largesse have been the teachers, the police, firemen, hospital staff and government workers; not the beleaguered working class. Liberals do not seem to realize that life really is a vale of tears.  We Americans should not set our hopes too high this election year.  Amerykanin:  modl sie i pracuj! (Pray and keep working and trying).

 Our Politicized Justice Department

Why were the published copies of Anthony Schaffer’s Operation Dark Heart (about Afghanistan) confiscated and destroyed by the Defense Depart?….The Justice Department ‘lackey’ who ‘over-prosecuted’ Sen. Tad Stevens, D-AL, committed suicide on 9/26.  Sic semper tyrannis. That is what over reaching liberals do when they go too far….

 Identifying Special Interests

The government still owns 61% of the GM stock….  Peter Hart, Douglas Bailey and John Deardorff are very active and canny lobbyists in Washington DC….  The government should get rid of ‘brass creep’, and the surplus of musicians in our armed forces.  While they are it, many of our overseas bases should be closed….  Jeremy Ben Ami, Exec. Director of J Street lied when he asserted that his Jewish lobby group did not receive Soros money.  J Street is trying to be less controversial and more liberal than AIPAC….  Please read Sebastian Mallaby’s books on the super rich hedge funds…  AIPAC is out and J Street is in amongst the American Jewish cognoscenti….  The Council on Foreign Relations is funded, administered and controlled by Jews….

 Zionism Update

The international Atomic Energy Agency may force Israel to submit to mandatory inspections of its WMD program…  The Norwegian Pan Fund divested its holdings in the Israeli Electronic Elbit Company.  Elbit makes surveillance systems which monitor the Israeli West Bank barrier.  If the Commies could take down their Berlin Wall, why can’t Netanyahu reduce tensions by allowing the Palestinians to have access to their own land?  Netanyahu is going to resume the construction of additional settlements in the West Bank area.  The Palestinians shall not give up the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem……  The Israelis should vote out the Likud Party….  The Israelis fund the continuing existence of their state by importing weapons and weapon systems, changing them and marketing them all over the world as Israeli exports. The Israelis are master marketers.  Sometimes they sell the sizzle rather than the steak….  A Jewish policeman shot and killed a Palestinian in East Jerusalem.  This incident occurred 9/22… 

On 9/23, an innocent Gazan fisherman was killed by the Israelis ostensibly for crossing the blockade zone….  Netanyahu resumed construction in the West Bank on 9/26, opposing Hillary and Barack’s policy for the Middle East….  Emily Henochowicz, an American citizen was shot in the face by an Israeli policeman back in May.  Emily was protesting the Israeli treatment of the Gazan Palestinians. Emily is a student studying art at Cooper Union in NYC….  Rabbi Josef Ovedia cast a death wish on all Palestinians.  It was a clear call for genocide.  Ovedia is an extreme Zionist….

 Some Cold War Facts

Alger Hiss was a KGB agent.  His code name Fogle and Persian….  Russell McNutt was recruited by Julius Rosenberg….  Ernest Hemingway met regularly with the KGB….  William Weissband of the Army Security Agency (Arlington Hall, VA) tipped off the Russkies that we broke their code in 1945….Martha Dodd Stearns slept with Nazis and then slept with Commies.  Her father was our ambassador….  I. F. Stone was a Commie agent…Donald Hiss worked for the KGB….  Poland and Hungary shielded and protected Noel Field…  Edward R. Murrow lied on his resumes. He never did receive a Masters at Stanford.  Why do journalists continue to accept the Edward R. Murrow Award for Excellence in Journalism?  Drew Pearson really was beaten up by Sen. Joe McCarthy.  It was a well deserved beating….  HUAC employed David Salmon not knowing he was a paid by the KGB….  Czeslaw Milosz and the Paris Kultura bunch were paid by the CIA to be Cold War warriors. These aforementioned facts were culled from the research done by Harvey Klehr.   Please Google the International History Project, Alex Vassiliev, Eric Broda’s Austrian Quantum, Boris Podolski, Nathan Sussman, Abraham Glasser, Gerald Gray, Stanley Graves, James Hibben, Earl Flosdorf, Jacob Golas and his girlfriend Elizabeth Bentley, Lawrence Duggan, General Kalugin’s Memoirs, Anatoli Gorski and Hedda Massing.

 Radek and Zbig

Zbigniew Brzezinski inadvertently enabled and allowed Saudi fanatics to penetrate Afghanistan in 1979-80.  That is where the young Bin Laden built his reputation.  This was a classic example of unanticipated consequences foreign policy.  The young ‘anti-Commie’ firebrand, Radek Sikorski, was involved in this so called anti Communist effort in Poland and in the Middle East.  Radek was ‘Zbig’s boy’ in the undermining of the Soviet Union. Sikorski is the present Foreign Minister of Poland.  Please read Radek’s Prochy (auf Polnisch) re Afghanistan.  Radek was a commited anti Communist youth organizer in Bydgoszcz in the 1970s.  Zbig rescued him from a Communist jail by allowing him to matriculate at Oxford. Somewhere along the line, Anne Applebaum came into his life.  Radek has succeeded in Polonizing her. Radek has learned over the years to be very close to the American National Security Council. Of course he and Kwasniewski acceeded to the creation of a secret prison for Muslim terrorists to be set up in Poland.  Poland is very much, a useful client state for the U.S.  Polish Attorney Mikolaj Pietrzak is charging that Poland denied his client human rights.  The client, Nashiri, allegedly blew up the USS Cole in Yemen.  Nashiri was jailed in Szymany in northeast Poland.

 Economic Capitalist Mysteries

Pray tell, what is the difference between deflation and recession?  What is the difference between credit and money supply? America is in the throes of a massive deflation.  People are now drawing down on their savings, assets and their 401ks.  That is like eating your seed stock….  America may well have an insurrection if the recession persists….  Ireland and Portugal are close to bankruptcy.  These governments ruined their credit ratings by borrowing money to be repaid by commercial paper which turned out to be toxic. America’s borrowing power is eroding.  American capitalists are now forsaking their American paper and lending to non American capitalists….  Please Google Mary Schapiro, (non Jew) head of our SEC warns us of our liquidity problem as we try to pay off our debts….

The Scene in Poland

 The Economy

The tax paying public does not have the right to know police remuneration…  The people have now forced the government and the universities to monitor why recent, well educated grads, cannot find a job in the Polish economy.  The Kaczynskis and PiS were naive about how capitalism works.  Church leaders in Poland are clueless about how capitalism works… There is too much talk in Poland about shale gas…The 2010 GDP is up 3%…. 

Industrial production up 14.5% …  Consumer prices up 2.3%….unemployment stands at 11.6%…

 Trade balance is minus 5.2%…  3.11 zl buys a dollar… Stock market down 2.7%…

Foreign Relations

Mikolaj Dowgielewicz and Henryk Szlajfer and Marcin Zaborowski were in Wash. DC 9/23 at The Center for Strategic and International Studies to address the Inaugural U.S. Poland Dialogue Seminar…  In the early 1980s, Radek Sikorski was a drinking buddy with the present PM of UK, Cameron.  Both were members of the biblious Ballington Club at Oxford…  A refurbished Tupolev shall now be used by Tusk and the PO leaders. Some ask why the Poles continue to trust Russian made airliners….  A big EU meeting is scheduled for Warsaw on 4/28/11.  All of the European leaders shall try to resolve the Euro crisis….  Why is Poland having trouble certifying its diplomats overseas?


Why does Poland allow Chechen terrorist leaders to use Poland as a haven from Russian justice?  .  Akhmed Zakayef was finally arrested for murder, after world opinion turned against the Polish government….The Dalai Lama hailed the record of the Solidarity Union.  He attended an international conference in Wroclaw….

  The Polonian Scene


Sen Mikulska, D-MD has a lock on the November election because she has the backing of the union members working for the government.  Rich Trumka, Pres. AFL-CIO, made sure she received financial support in the September primary….  Boston College grad Dan Malloy showed up at the Dozynki festival in New Britain, CT.  He is running for the governorship….


Newly arrived from Poland,  Jerzy Onuch is the new Director of the Polish Cultural Inst.  In NYC……  Krakow’s Pawel Markowski is the new leader for Polish Studies at the Univ. of Illinois/Chicago….  There are less than 10k Polish National Catholics belonging to the now defunct splinter group…The Polish Falcons serve and services the ‘remnant Polonia’ who have not fully integrated and assimilated into the American mainstream. Please check the demography of the PFA….  Ghettoized Polonia is fast disappearing. Its churches are becoming defunct….


‘Butch Wierbicki, 67, passed away on 8/3 in New Britain, CT.  He was an active Labor/Democrat…  Wilkes-Barre born Barbara G. Benoski passed away 9/2 at the age of 90.  She was a teacher in Alexandria VA for many years……  Jane Podgurski passed away in Rhode Island on 3/29.  She was active in administering art venues in the Washington DC area…..  Anthony John Stemski passed away 9/1.  He lived in Montgomery County, MD…..  Krystyna Zielkiewicz of Silver Spring, MD passed away 7/6 at the age of 87.  She was a survivor of the Siberian Gulag.  She was active in the Polish Scout movement.  She was a long time member of the Czestochowa R.C. parish in Montgomery County, MD…  Zofia Korbonska died on 8/16 at her home in Wash. DC.  She was a participant in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising…  Commander Francis Yanoshik, 88 passed away on 8/26 in Annandale, VA.  He was born in Lofty, PA.  He was a pilot during WWII…..

  Euroethnic America

 New England

There are lots of nice homes going unsold in Connecticut.  A record number remain unsold….  A big prostitution ring was uncovered in New Britain, CT on 9/15.  Most of the ring was made up of illegals and recently arrived non Caucasians…..  Karl J. Krapek is the Chmn. of the Trustees of the Connecticut State University System.  The trustees are considering a freeze on the cost of schooling…..  Federal regulators have shut down the Wallingford, CT Federal Credit Union.  The regulators want to know why this bank continues to accrue toxic assets….  Paul Lieberstein married Janine Poreba in Connecticut….

 Eastern Seaboard

People along the eastern seaboard are poorly served by Amtrak….  West Virginia might run out of funds for the jobless.  Lawmakers are predicting a February insolvency breakdown…..  Massey Coal is shedding crocodile tears over their thin profit margin….  A federal Appeals Court denied the city of Hazleton, PA the right to boot out incoming illegals.  Eventually the Supreme Court shall decide this issue. Hazleton has had a big influx of Hispanics in the past ten years….  Kathleen Panek owns the Gillum Bed and Breakfast place Shinnston, WV.  Military families can stay there for free this Fall.  Kathleen’s grandson is serving with Navy in Afghanistan….  Why are school construction costs skyrocketing? The Newton North HS (Mass.) ‘renovation’ cost $197 million.  Ex Mayor David Cohen is the culprit behind this cost overrun….  A Pennsylvania couple secretly videotaped a Catholic priest having sex with their teenaged daughter.  This immorality occurred in Allentown, PA.  The priest’s name if Luis A. Bonilla Margarito. The diocese is being sued….


Chicago is getting rid of its female police chief…  Czech midwesterners should take in a new film entitled The Miracle of Father Kapaun.  Kapaun was an American Army chaplain in the Korean War.  To order, dial 800-651-1531…  Troy Scheffler, a grad student at Hamline was suspended for exercising his free speech rights…  Wisconsin maintains a healthy public pension plan…

 The Southland

Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory of Atlanta learned his Polish while growing up in South Chicago.  He is good friends with Bishops Shubsda and Skiba….  Gov. Bobby Jindal is a Hindu convert to Catholicism.  He may well be our next Republican president and our first Catholic, Republican president….

 Far West

California Attorney General ‘Moonbeam’ (Jerry Brown) is making ‘political hay’ by grandstanding his suit against the totally corrupt town of Bell, CA.  He should go after all the California tax and spend Democrats….Las Vegas is shutting down in part.  Bankruptcies and unemployment are way up….  Lisa Murkowski shall challenge Joe Brown for the Senate seat.  She is now running as an independent, write in candidate.  Those Alaskan women have ‘spunk’….

 Our Canadian Neighbors

The Polish Ambassador in Ottawa lost his two children in a Polish auto crash….  Alysia Gamulewicz was Canada’s Rhodes Scholar for 2009….

 Polish-Jewish Relations

Jews, their ‘know how’ and their money are returning to Poland. This symbiotic relationship is good for all parties concerned, particularly the world economy. The Jew who is developing the Ground Zero Mosque in NYC had a Polish R.C. mother.  She passed away a few years ago. His name is Sharif El Gamal, born of an Egyptian Jew. He should be regulated and vetted closely because he has somewhat of ‘rap sheet’ from his Brooklyn days. He knows how to make something out of nothing, in developing NYC properties.  The Mosque was once a Burlington Coat Factory defunct building….

 Poloniae Illuminati

 Performing Artists

Melanie Safka-Schekeryk….


Jeannete Galvanek is the CEO of Talent Alliance, Morristown, NJ….  Danuta Sieminski is the CEO of the Staten Island (NYC) Atlas Bank….  Vitali Podolski is the CFO of the X5 Group…..

 Governmental leaders

Walter J. Oleszek serves as a senior specialist with the Congressional Research Service….

  Non Governmental Leaders

Dan Schnur is Dir. of the USC Unruh Institute of Politics….  Margaret Nowak, with Avalere is predicted much higher costs to fund Medicare protection….  Joseph Drobot is the new President of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America…  Joe Batory is the new President of the Philadelphia Rotary Club….  Robert Litwak is Vice President of the Wilson Center’s (Wash. DC) Dept of Program and International Studies…..

 Military Heroes

Pvt. Adam J. Novak, 20, of Prairie du Sac, WI was killed Aug 27 in Afghanistan….

 Media Operatives

Martha Stewart is now partnering with Hallmark and Crown Media Holdings.  Her daughter Alexis is now starring on her mother’s show carried by NBC…..  Rob Nikolewski covers New Mexico politics as the Managing Editor for the online political journal capitolreportnewmexico.com…..  Tune in WMBS 590 AM of Uniontown, PA to hear The Rev. Joseph L. Sredzinski serve the faithful….  James Kotecki is a video blogger in Wash. DC….

 Medical Experts

Basia S. Puchala heads the Citrus Cardiovascular Recovery Room in Inverness, FL. She was trained at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow….

 Researchers, Scientists and Technologists

Working with the Northwest Nanotech Inst:  Batosz Grzybowski, Michael Bedzyk and Gayle Woloshok….


John Kulka is the Exec. Editor of the Harvard Univ. Pr…..

 Religious Leaders

David Spotanski, a layman, serves as the Vice Chancellor of the Belleville, IL Diocese…  Cardinal Dziwisz has given us a DVD entitled Testimony:  The Untold Story of John Paul II.  To order, please dial 800-651-1531…  Artur Demkowicz S.J. works and lives in Krakow….  Msgr. Bernie Witkowski of Philadelphia retired on 6/2l/10.  He was a great athlete and leader while at Kanty Prep during the 1950s…

 Effective Educators

H.S. Math Teachers at Xavier HS in Middletown, CT:  Todd Krasnitski, J. Popielaski and John Traceski….  Brother Douglas Nowicki, A. Benedictine, serves as the Chancellor of St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, PA…..  Barbara Zaborowski is an administrator at the Penn Highlands Community College in central, Pennsylvania…  William G. Kolata teaches math at the Univ. of Maryland…..  The Klemeks are a very effective husband and wife team at GWU (Wash. DC). They were featured on p. 1 of the Metro Section of the 9/27 Wash. Post…..  Developing and enhancing Polish Studies in the U.S.  at Michigan/An Arbor: Magdalena Zaborowska, Ewa Pasek, Brian Porter-Szucs an Anna Grzymala-Busse.

 Unsung Hero

George Chmiel, BC 2003 grad is running for Luciana….

 Poloniae Non Illuminati

J. Klodinski markets ‘pot’ in California….Kristin R. Kozak was sentenced to 8 years for shooting her husband in Washington DC.  Kristin was a Pittsburgh girl deep into ‘pot’….  Amalia Bzdyra, 52, of Wallingford, CT was caught shoplifting in Farmington, CT on 9/15.  Amalia is the Commissioner of the State Dept. of Public Utilities.  She earns $131K per annum.  The ‘bzdury about Bzdyra’ were right on the money….  Enfield policeman James Rutkowski is now in a family violence program. He was charged with beating up his girlfriend….  Michael Pajak killed a Connecticut State Trooper on 9/7.  Pajak lives in Enfield, CT…

 Judeorum Illuminati

Stephen Jarislowsky…  William Mosakowski…  Lara Friedman…  Amira Hass…..  Ruth Hiller…. Judith Rood…  Center for Christian-Jewish Learning….  Richard Kuper and his Jews for Palestinian Justice are trying to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza….

 Judeorum Non Illuminati

Irwin Silber, 84, passed away 9/8 in Oakland, CA.  He and Pete Seeger lulled the boomers into becoming politically correct liberals.  As a teenager, he served as a ‘counselor’ at Wo-Chi-Ca New Jersey Marxist summer camp….  60 Minutes outed Marc Dreier.  What they forgot to tell you is that he is still another Jew Ponzi schemer who grew up close to Madoff’s neighborhood.  Five Towns and the shore communities in Long Island have spawned a bevy of acquisitive Jews…..  The Jews own and control most of the sports venues in the U.S. Here is a partial list of the (pimps) sports agents who exploit all of us:  Jimmy Ceil, Mark Bartlestein, Drew Rosenhaus, Matt Sosnick, Marvin Demhoff, SteveZucker, Barry Axelrod, David Falk, Arn Tellem, Steve Greenberg (son of Hank Greenberg), Lloyd Bloom, Norby Walters and Joe Weider, Another Jewish Madoff has surfaced, to wit Lou Pearlman, who absconded with millions in his version of the Ponzi scheme.  This Flushing Meadows cousin of Art Garfunkel is sitting in jail for another 25 years…..  Andrew Stern, ex SEIU President is being investigated for the corruptive hyping of his self promoting book….  Joshua Gessler of the prestigious Arnold and Porter DC law firm has been accused of abusing a 15 yr old….

Poland’s Good Neighbors


A new eruption of priestly turpitude occurred this summer in Belgium.  Bishop Vanghaluve had to resign. As of the latest count, 13 victims and or perpetrators have committed suicide.  The church may no longer receive state subsidies.  Benedict XVI is adamantly opposed to a married Catholic clergy.  Bishop de Kesel replaced Vanghaluve.  He urges that “persons who find celibacy impossible should also have the opportunity to become priests.” ….

 Czech Republic

President Klaus was a participant in a discussion on solving Europe’s economic crisis, 9/22, at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University….


Timo Koivurova of Finland’s Lapland University was in Wash. DC, 9/21, to discuss maintaining the security of the Arctic regions.


Liberal and politically correct France proceeded to boot out its gypsies this summer. They are returning to Eastern Europe….  Sarkozy is cracking down on illegal alien crime.  He is doing what Netanyahu is doing in Israel…


Merkel shall not shut down the country’s 17 nuclear reactors…..  German ‘expellee’ leader Erika Steinbach asserted that Wladyslaw Bartosiewicz has a ‘bad character’….  Poor, 90 yr old John Demjanjuk is once again facing another trial; this time in Germany on a charge of simply working at a death camp.  The Germans are trying to deflect the Holocaust guilt amongst the collaborator nations.  He has become the symbolic and useful scapegoat for the genocide crime. An Israeli court found him not guilty……  Thilo Sarrazin has been forced to resign from his position as a Board member of the German Central Bank.  He allegedly made racist remarks about the influx of Muslims inundating Germany.  5% of Germany’s 82 million are Muslim….  Germany is a badly overcrowded nation/state.  They need lebensraum.  Hence, German corporate interests have been built in many pars of the world.  This is a new kind of lebensraum.  Oddly enough, Sarrazin got in trouble when he asserted that Jews were superior because they have the right kind genes.  He said the Muslims are dumbing down Germany….  Berlin resident Daniel Domscheit-Berg has bailed out of the beleaguered, dysfunctional Wikileaks organization.  Julian Assange continues to lead Wikileaks.  Wikileaks smells Marxist…


Papandreou and his Socialist Party shall be ‘drummed out’ in the 11/7 election.  They have given the ‘strapped’ Greeks too much austerity ‘medicine’…


Pristina now has a big new Mother Teresa R.C.  Cathedral.  Let us hope that the Kosovars and the Serbs do not blow each other up in Teresa’s house….  President Sejdiu stepped down on 9/27.  Only 69 nations have recognized Kosovo…


Russia cut 100,000 bureaucrat positions from the national budget…  Vladimir Dvorkin and Igor Ivanov were in Wash. DC 9/29-29 to discuss nuclear non proliferation and arms control…..  Medvedev has banned the sale of antiaircraft missile systems to Iran ….  A N. Ossetia suicide bomber killed 16 in Vladkavkaz in late July….  Take in a new film, entitled The Island (Ostrov) about redemption through the Orthodox faith.  The DVD is available by calling 800-651-1531…..  Gennady Yanayev died on 9/24 at the age of 73.  He gained an infamous reputation, when in a drunken stupor, he called for the resignation of Gorbachev and announced he was the new leader of The Soviet Union…  Gazprom’s sales boomed early in 2010 but have slowed due to an influx of alternative energy sources…..  Putin is not calling off his moratorium on grain exports. Speculators are busy buying up grain futures…

President Medvedev fired Moscow Mayor Luzhkov on 9/28.  Luzhkov had a glaring conflict of interest, billionaire, and construction mogul wife.  Obama should do to Dailey/Madigan what Medvedev did to Luzkhov; but we have a federal system while the Russians have a unitary system…  Medvedev and Obama like each other.  They are both up for reelection in 2012….  Medvedev shall soon pardon Khodorkovsky.  The United Russia Party sacked Luzhkov .  They forgot that Luzhzkov was one of the founders of that party. Luzhkov did a lot for Moscow.  He was the last of the Yeltsin cabal…..  Putin plans to return to the presidency in 2012.  Putin praises Medvedev’s handling of foreign policy…  Pro democracy demonstrators must always get a permit to demonstrate from their local governments; just like in the U.S… The far right Slavic Union has been banned….  On 9/29, ‘skinheads’ went wild in Miass… Lots of xenophobia in Russia.  ‘Anti-racist’ groups spearhead attacks on the Slavic ultra nationalists…  A spate of killings erupted in the Kabardino Republic last month…  Rosneft has purchased stakes in four large German refineries.  There is also a big oil venture called TNK-BP in the Far East of Russia….


The police are not accepting an austerity cut of 25% in their wages…..  President pays for his own security cadre….


In Bratislava, a gunman killed seven people on 8/30/10.  Romas were the victims…


An anti immigrant party has gained control in this summer’s election.  Fredrik Reinfeldt shall now run the first center/right party. Non Swedes have discovered the cushy perks of this socialist/welfare state.  Only 9.1 million Swedes live in the country.


Polish realtors are doing a booming business selling vacation property in Turkey…


The UK is returning to Holy Mother Church.  The Queen and the Pope made these arrangements during Ratzinger’s September visit to the UK.  It is about time the Euroethnics are finally coming together as a culture…..  Msgr. Stefan Wylezek is the new Rector of the Polish Mission in London….


The Glory of Ukraine: Sacred Images from the 11thto the 19th c. are being displayed at the Meridian International Center (Wash. DC) thru 1/16/11.

Media Citations


Sleazenthal….  Halart Corporation…  Pol. Book Com……  Ossolineum Library, Wroclaw…  Drukarnia Sw. Wojciecha…  Wendish Crusade…  Slavic Hevelli…  St. Matilda…..  Frank Lindsay….  John Bross….  John Lenczowski….  Chobielin…  Michal Elwiro Andriolli….  Konstanty Galczynski…  Eva Schaeffer….  Irina Prokhorova…..  German Slavs photos….  Dmitry Demushkin….  Book of Veles…..  Slavic Primary Chronicle….  Chronica Slavorum….  WWII German photos…  Skadi Forum…  Maxwell Street Polish Sausage…  .Jimmy Stafanovic…..  Paderewski Elementary School….  Liliana Wilczkowska…. Polish Professionals in London Society….  Oxford University Polish Society….  Komeda Group…  Slavic Arts Ensemble….


Extend a Hand to Eastern Europe by Radoslaw Sikorski.  Wall Street Journal. 9/2.  p. 1.  Sikorski wants the EU to further its integration of East European and Caucasus countries.…


The following listed pieces appeared in the 2009, vol. 10 Journal of American Studies (Ad Americam Krakow)  American Anarcho Capitalism by Magdalena Modrzejewska; The Autonomy of American Colleges by Radoslaw Rybkowski and Pursuing the American Dream by Piotr Jozefczyk…

Alex Ross has given us a wonderful review of all the new Chopin CDs being issued this year.  The piece is on p. 76 of the 8/9 New Yorker….

 Web Sites

 www.polisnews.com…. www.polonistyka.uj.edu.pl….  www.culture.pl….  www.economist/poland….  www.ii.umich.edu/wcee…..  www.arguewitheveryone.com/history/bolsheviks….  www.ciuchcia.eu….  www.internationalhistoryproject…..


Polish Studies Newsletter, a Monthly Publication

 Albin Wozniak, Editor                

3433 Gregg Rd., Brookeville, MD 20833

Tel: (301) 774-4560

E-mail: [email protected]

Subscription Rates: !__! 1 Year/ $30.00   !__! 2 Years/ $55.00

Please remit all checks to Albin S. Wozniak.



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