Polish Studies Newsletter

The Polish Studies Newsletter is a worldwide compendium of useful information by and for the Polish community.  The postal and billing address of the newsletter is: Albin S. Wozniak, ed. Polish Studies Newsletter, 3433 Gregg Rd. Brookeville, MD 20833

Tel. 301 774 4560

mail: [email protected]


Book Reviews

Contemporary America

Hitchens, Christopher.  Love, Poverty, and War Publ. by Nation Bks.  2004.  Christopher is still alive; barely.  Here he writes about Martha Stewart, the downward Church and Jewish weakness…


Contemporary Europe

Mazower, Mark.  TheBalkans:  Publ by Modern Library 2000.  Read here how history has totally ‘screwed up’ our Slavic brothers in the Balkans.  Mazower teaches History at Birbeck College/London.  The process of trying to carry out the ethnic cleansing of  Balkan  Muslims, continues apace Even the  Clinton bombing of Belgrade has not abated the process…


History of Poland

Gustawicz, Bronislaw.  Galicja.  Published in the 1880s. A collector’s item.


Ossendowski, Ferdinand.  Beasts, Man and Gods. Published in 1922 by Dutton.  A collector’s item.


Military History

Cornwell, John.  Hitler’s Scientists:  TheDevil’s Pact.  Publ. by Viking 2003.  Read here about the many Poles who worked for the creation and maintenance of theWehrmacht; not all of whom were so called ‘slave laborers’…  Skwiot, Miroslaw.  German Naval Guns. 1939-45. Naval Inst. Press, 2011….


Polish-German Relations

Burleigh, Michael.  Sacred Causes:  The Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War on Terror. Publ. by Harper Collins.  2007.  Burleigh is amazed at the strength and morality of Catholic Poland in facing up to Godless Communism.  The anecdotes should be collector’s items for Polonophiles.


Watson, Peter.  The German Genius. 2011.  “Germany has regained dignity in taking responsibility for their past. However, selling Mein Kampf and displaying memorabilia are verboten.  The Germans themselves have created Hitler.


Polish-Jewish Relations


Fewell, Dana N.  et al. Icon of Loss.  Syracuse Univ. Pr.2010.    About the Wilno community….


Lutoslanski, Hippolyte.  TheTalmud and the Jews. Publ. in 1879.  A collector’s item.


Polish-Russian Relations

Frazier, Ian.  Travels in Siberia.  Farrar Staraus Giroux Publ. 529p. 2010.  Scratch a Siberian and you shall uncover a Pole….



Dunn, Dennis.  The Struggleof Religion and Globalization.  2011. Dunn has written extensively on Polish Catholicism.  He teaches at the Univ Texas/San Marcos.


Science andTechnology

Zalasiewicz, Jan. The Planet in a Pebble:  A Journey into the Earth’s Deep History.  Ox ford Univ. Pr. 2010.  256p. Reviewed favorably by Anthony J.Sadar, Penn State Univ.


2011 Planning Calendar



New Directions in Polish Music: 6 Free Concerts at Julliard.  1/22-28 NYC. Tel. 212-769-7406. 155 W. 65th St…..  In the Solitude of Cotton Fields performed by the Stefan Zeromski Kielce Theater Group in Seattle Washington, 1/13-1/16 tel. 206-217-9888….  In Vancouver, Canada, 1/19-22. tel. 604-684-2787…  Polish Documentaries (films) shall be shown 1/12 – 27 at the Lincoln Center Reade Theater in NYC  te, 212-875-5600…..  Timothy Snyder wrote Blood lands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin.  The author shall speak about his book on 1/26-27 in Toronto. Tel. 416-923-3318. In Montreal, 1/28 tel. 514-398-3975…..  Krzystof Zanussi Revisited (films) 1/29-2/3. at MOMA (NYC) tel. 212-708-9400…..

Sofya Gulyak, pianist, shall perform at the Kennedy Center Terrace (Wash. DC) on 1/22….



A New Play entitled A Couple of Poor Polish Speaking Romanians at the Abrams Arts Center (NYC) 2/4-2/27. tel. 212-352-3101.  This NYC Premiere was written by Dorota Maslowska.

Rafal Blechacz shall present his piano recital at the Hill Auditorium, Univ. of Michigan, Feb. 11, 12. 2011.  tel. 734-764-2538….



Composer and vocalist Agata Zubel shall perform 3/1 in Chicago tel. 312-334-7777, in San Francisco 3/3-4, tel. 415-292-1200 and in Seattle on 3/10. tel. 206-286-5052…  A Celebration of Czeslaw Milosz at the Unterberg Poetry Center, NYC. 3/21 tel. 212-415-5500 and at Queens College, 3/22 in Flushing, LI tel. 718-793-8080…..  Zbigniew Herbert Poetry. 3/24 at the Poet’s House in NYC. Tel. 212-431-7920….  The Tenth Muse:  Introducing Poets from Europe. 3/28 at the Unterberg Poetry Center, NYC. Tel. 212-415-5500….  Jozef Robakowski at Ludlow exhibition 3/31-5/8 at the Mini Goethe Inst. NYC tel. 212-228-6848.

Joanna Kaiser, Prof. of Fin Arts, Krakow shall present the Annual Copernicus Lecture at the Univ. of Michigan on 3/14-18/2011…


Please plan a 4/24 trip to Doylestown, PA for the Polish Easter Sunday 8 am Procession and Mass. Doylestown is the site of The National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa…  Timothy Snyder shall speak at Columbia University 4/4. tel. 212-854-4623.  His new book is entitled Bloodlands….  Unsound Festival New York shall be presented 4/1-10.  For further details, please tel. 212-239-7300….  Pen World Voices Festival 4/25-5-1 in NYC. Tel. 212-239-7300 featuring Andrzej Sosnowski and Mykola Ryabchuk….


May thru December

The Gospels of Childhood Triptych shall be performed by Teatr Zar, 5/18-6/5.  in San Francisco.  Tel. 415-399-9554.  5/18 thru 6/5….  Jerzy Skolimowski Retrospective, May-June (films). For details, please tel. 212-239-7300 (Appearing simultaneously in three cities).


Academic Financial Aid Sources


Polish Studies Fellowships

The Fundacje Charytatywne AK in Chicago has funded fellowships at Chicago/Loyola….

The Skalny Center at Rochester Univ.has fellowship help…

To learn about the Orthodox origins of Poland. Please go to www.iocs.cam.ac.uk…..

ACPC Scholarships.  Please e mail [email protected]…..

Wilson Center Fellowships: www.wilsoncenter.org…..  www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu…..  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships are available through www.edsintl.org……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2007-08 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….



Alliance College Alumni offer scholarships.  Te. 727-656-3835…..

Tom Konchalski recruits HS athletes…..

The TAAF Fund shall make it possible for your children to go to prep school. www.orchardlakeschools.com….. 

Receive a $3k Parish Scholarship to attend CUA (Wash. DC).  www.cua.edu….

The Berks County (PA) Polish American Board of Education has scholarships for HS seniors.  Email [email protected]…..  Mahan scholarships in Connecticut for Polonian students.  Tel. 860-952-7403…..

Madonna University (Detroit) has financial aid for Polonians.  The Felicians are great teachers.  They shall help you major in Polish-American Business Studies…..  Wilson Center Fellowships:  www.wilsoncenter.org…..  www.studium.uw.edu.pl (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.  www.harriman.columbia.edu…..  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ.  http://explore.georgetown.edu. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships. The University of Dallas has funds for your young Catholic scholar….  If you wish to receive financial aid to attend Boston College Law School, please call Atty. Valerie Yarashus; tel. 617-523-8300 or e mail Atty. Michael Greco:  [email protected]…..

Please Google the Rev. Jack Podsiadlo, SJ of the NY Nativity Center…..

Western Pennsylvanians should apply for a Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship…..

www.polamcon.org/students/scholarships.htm (A listing of available financial aid sources for Polonians)…..  Ohio Fraternal Congress financial aid is now available. Tel. 1-800-772-8632 ext. 2606…..

The Pulaski Assoc. of Cheektowaga, NY awards financial help. Contact Irene Sikora at 716-689-3136…..

Please apply to the Jashemski Scholar Center at the Univ. of Maryland if interested in architecture…

www.fulbright.edu.pl (scholarships)….  The Walter J. Kenney scholarships are available to New Britain; CT Polonians are available through www.edsintl.org……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2006-07 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….  Scholarships for Polonians in Maryland, Grades 6 thru 12 are available by calling The Knott Scholarship Fund.  877-603-9980…..

The New England Fraternal Congress awards aid to Polonians.  Please write to the Dir. Scholarship Comm. 23 E. Briggs Rd. Westport, MA 02790….  The Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress awards scholarships.  Please write to Joseph Evanish, National Benefit Society, 247 W. Allegheny Rd. Imperial PA 15126…..  Bosch Scholarships are available for study in Poland. www.cdsintl.org….

New Jersey Fraternal Congress has aid for Polonians.  Tel. 800-814-8031….

www.ampolinstitute.org.ic.pl….  www.spc.edu/pages/157/asp (Bielen Scholarships)…..  John Paul the Great University in San Diego has full scholarships for outstanding Polonians interested in pursuing a career in the media.  Tel. 858-653-6740….



PACIM awards stipends. Email [email protected]….  Dr. Cordula Janowski has stipends and grants for Polonians working towards a master in European Studies. Tel. 49(0)228-73-1899….


The newly established Polish Studies Department at the Univ. of Illinois/Chicago is awarding grants…..  The PSFCU gave Columbia Univ. $100,000 recently for the re-establishment of the Polish Chair.  Grants are available.

Grants for youthful Polonian artists: Please e mail [email protected]

Please email [email protected] to receive a grant for pursuing Polish Studies…

Apply now, at the Kosciuszko Foundation for the 2009 Summer Study in Poland grants.  Tel. 212-734-2130….

www.eclas.org/erasmus (study grants to work in Poland)….  Sylvia Meloche at the Univ. of Michigan has funds to help you study in Poland.  [email protected]…..  Polish Studies Library Grants:  www.lib.umich.edu/area/slavic….

Young Polonians can learn to become journalists by receiving a grant from GWU (Wash. DC).  Stephen Pozniak serves as a mentor in this grant program….

For young Polonians:  Junior Scholar Grants.  Wilson Center. Tel. 202-691-4222…..  Polish Arts Club of Chicago awards grants…..  Marzena Jankowska has grants: tel +41-(0)22-917-84-76…..  www.grantsdirect.com (Jankowski Associates)….  www.tracyfoundation.org (for Polonian researchers from Illinois)…..  NEH grants for research in East European Studies.  Email [email protected]….  Library grants are available from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.  (www.kaptur.house.gov/library/grantresources.shtml)……  Eastern European Study Grants are available through the Wilson Center in Wash. DC.  E-mail [email protected].  tel. 202-691-4222….The Polish Cultural Institute in New York offers grants to fine and performing artists.  www.polishculture-nyc.org…..




The Mary J. Szczepanski Foundation of Grand Rapids, MI.  www.msscholarship.org….

The Adam Bak Foundation.  330 Dogwood Lane. Manhasset, NY 11030.  tel. 516-365-5659…..

The Taube Foundation (supports those interested in composing Polish music)….  Greg Kaza is the Exec. Dir. of the Arkansas Policy Foundation.  (Supports research in political science)….  Bogumila Gladysz is the VP of the PolAm Foundation of Connecticut. They want to help Polonian youth….Kresy-Siberia Foundation.  E mail [email protected]…..


Facts andCommetary: America and Europe


The State of the American Economy

Cook County, L.A. and NYC are in default.  Municipalities are like the juvenile American consumers.  If you want something, borrow money and buy what you want. Who shall bail out our municipalities?  Who shall want to purchase American, governmental bonds?  Look for the governmental bond market to bubble in the next two years…  And then what?  Our only hope is that the Saudis, the Jews and the Chinese have enough money to keep buying and taking a chance on our weak American paper…..  Shortfalls are created when pols count their chickens before they hatch….  The state of New York is suing Ernst & Young for alleged audit failures in the fall of the Lehman Bank.  Ernst & Young shall have to pay a $150 million fine. Actually somebody should sue the state of New York for its shortfall crimes….  AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has come out hard against the free trade deal between Obama and South Korea.  He wants to preserve remnant jobs in the rust belt…..  In the past 12 months, American have earned $12.7 trillion and have spent $10.5 trillion….  In our attempt to become less energy dependent on Russia, the Middle East and Chavez, we approved the unsafe exploitation of the Gulf of Mexico deep oil….


Benchmarks of American Decadence

The hubris of our wealth has become very tragic……  Policemen batter their wives and children and then the policemen are battered by our violent criminal class….  Rex Ryan is selling himself and his wife.  Apparently nothing is private and nothing is sacred in this capitalist heaven we call the ‘United States’.    Rex failed to ‘sell’ the Jets….  51% of our women are now living without a spouse…..  Only 30%of our Black women are living with a spouse….



The Nature of Capitalism

America is a marketing heaven. Eg. Sports are marketed obsessively.  In order to do that, marketers need agents, owners, coaches, trainers, equipment makers, stadium builders etc, ad infinitum.  Even the college stars are marketing their private rings, trophies and clothing. Fathers are selling their sons to the highest bidder.  In some cases, marketing becomes fencing.  Who is to say that religion is not marketed?  It is never too late to be created, produced, sold and consumed.  The problem with capitalism is that ‘they’ consider ‘everything’ marketable. What exactly is private property?  Obamacare shall be owned and administered by the insurance industry.  The government’s job shall be to collect the revenue.  The people actually giving us the medical care shall be paid by the insurance industry.  Re this topic, please read Wendell Potter’s book entitled Deadly Spin…..  Why is S. Korea so much more dynamic than Poland?  Both are the same in size and population…..  The price of money is supposed to prevent its overuse….  L. Dennis Kozlowski earned his TYCO income legally….


History in Numerical Perspective

More people died under Communism than the total number of people who died in WWI and WWII….


Wikileakism  (Welcoming transparency into the Augean stables)

Whose ox is being gored these days by wikileaks?  Our government and our corporations are too secretive.  Our State Department should be exposed in their machinations toward a better world.  A new welcome spotlight has been focused on the purveyors of democracy, humanism, progress and the ‘western way’ of life…..  Back in 2006, our Moscow Ambassador William J. Burns described the Dagestani wedding he was invited to.  How did he ‘wangle’ the invitation to this opulent wedding?



Wikileakism is now penetrating the secretive Vatican diplomatic curia archives…..  Since the days of Rousseau, Hume, Locke and Voltaire, liberals have been in denial of the depravity of man.  Original sin has made us inclined toward evil.  Notwithstanding original sin, the West and the U.S. are selling their strange religion of humanism to a very reluctant audience in the Middle East and Asia.  Our champions of democracy do not seem to realize that man is not the measure of man. Morality is not the end product of some sort of relativistic legislative voting process.  American exceptionalism is definitely not the wave of the future.  Please do not allow the ‘pols’ to get your vote by promising you the American Dream…..  The Italian police seized $30 million in Vatican Bank assets on 12/19 as the Church is being scrutinized in still another money laundering case…..  Khomeni is not being allowed to be the John Paul II of the Iranian people….  The FBI continues to illegally infiltrate American mosques entrapping innocent Moslems…..  A Catholic nun, Sister Marie Thornton, the CFO of Iona College (New Rochelle, NY) embezzled $850k.  She had a gambling addiction.  Iona parents and students pay $28K per year for the privilege of an Iona Catholic education….  The Christians of Iraq are fleeing north to Kurdistan and other havens.  68 Christians were murdered in Baghdad’s Our Lady of Salvation Church by Sunni fanatics.  Attacks occurred in early December…  In Phoenix, Sister Margaret McBride was excommunicated by Bishop Thomas Olmstead.  She did not abide by the official Ethical and Religious Directives…  John Paul II had a swimming pool built at Castel Gandolfo.  He stayed in good shape….  Chicago Bishop Paprocki and Wash DC Cardinal Wuerl are daily, early morning swimmers…..


Defunct Institutional Polonia (An Update)

Notre Dame HS (Milwaukee), St.Stanislaus HS (Milwaukee), Thomas Aquinas HS (New Britain CT), SWAP (Haller Posts), Pulaski Clubs are no longer ubiquitous), Alliance College (western Pennsylvania), Hundreds of Polka programs are off the air, numerous religious orders are gone or diminished eg. Kanty Prep, Felician Sisters, Msgr. Bojnowski’s religious order in New England,  defunct parishes by the score, Mary Immaculate Academy in New Britain, CT….  Also gone are the  Kupce i Przemyslowce, Przewodnik Katolickiand  Gwiazda Polarna.


Identifying Special Interests

The American Association for Justice (the trial lawyers’ group) contributed $2.48 million to Democrats in 2009-10….  Other big lobbyists were Patton Boggs, DLA Piper and K&L Gates….  Super lobbyist Paul Magliocchetti of western Pennsylvania is in jail.  He did some good things for the Euroethnics of his depressed region.  He steered government contracts into that region.  The steering process was declared illegal…


Zionism Update

The U.S.  And the United Nations wants Israel to reduce its policy of opacity in matters of monitoring Israel’s nuclear weapons program…  Polish trained and supplied Yitzhak Shamir’s ‘spin off’ Stern Gang murdered the UN mediator in the mid 1940s.  The Zionists used terror to establish their rogue state…  American citizen and West Point grad David Daniel Marcus served illegally as a military advisor to Ben Gurion in 1947….  Please read Gerold Frank’s book entitled The Deed.  This is the story of the way the Zionists (Begin’s Irgun) murdered the British Minister Resident in 1944…..  Brazil recognizes Palestine with its 1967 borders…


EU Update

Poor people in Poland shall be protected by an EU financial safety net.  Ireland is receiving a $30 billion bailout….  Jerzy Buzek is the President of the EU Parliament….  The EU is still too dependent on Russian energy sources….

The Scene in Poland



The Economy

Poland is having a hard time becoming less of a welfare state.  Poland was one of the few EU countries to avoid present recession in Europe.  The Civic Platform Party is the leading party; but not by much.  The CP has 34% of the vote and the Law and Justice Party has 27%.  Poles do not do well in forming coalition governments.  Merkel is doing good work in helping Tusk to build the economy in Poland. The Church and Kaczynski are very much into retaining Poland as a welfare state.

Polonia  Illuminati



Katherine Bryk is Director of Law and Policy Research at the Univ. of Buffalo Regional Institute…  Andrew Bacevich teaches History and International Relations at Boston University.  He is a prolific writer…



Gordy Gronkowski is the co owner of the nationwide G&G sports equipment company.  This Syracuse footballer has enriched the football world with his precious DNA.  His youngest son is now one of the stellar tight ends in the NFL.  His other sons have played professional baseball and college varsity sports.


Govermental Leaders

Mieczyslaw Boduszynski is an expert on Balkan affairs in the State Department…..  Chemist T. Winnicki tests marijuana and certifies it for medical use….



Stanley C. Wisniewski is an American copyright royalty judge working for the Justice Department in Washington DC. He is involved in intellectual property cases.  He is a Catholic University grad and has a law degree from the Univ. of Maryland. He is my neighbor here in Brookeville, MD….


Non Governmental Leaders

Andrew Rasiej is the founder of the Personal Democracy Forum. He knows how to use the computer…..  Matt Losak is the Exec. Dir. of the Montgomery County Renters Alliance…..


Media Operatives

Mike Mayock is a sports writer….  Vin Suprynowicz is a libertarian columnist.  He was born in Connecticut and given a very posh education in Massachusetts…..  Andrew Orlowski writes for the San Francisco based The Register….


Medical Experts

Ronald Uscinski is a prominent neurosurgeon working out of the Georgetown Medical School in Washington DC….  Marcella Wozniak is an MD-Phd teaching and doing neurological research and diagnosis at the Univ. of Maryland Medical School in Baltimore.  She recently made a break-through diagnosis of a little known medical condition.


Military Heroes

Cpl. Kevin Oratowski, 23 of Wheaton, IL was killed on 8/10 in Afghanistan….  Spec. Scott Nagorski, 27, of Greenfield, WI killed 11/13/10.


Outstanding Students

10th grader Joseph Wozniak, a student at S. Carroll HS in Maryland scored in the 97th percentile on the math section of the PSAT. Joseph is the nephew of the aforementioned Marcella Wozniak…..


Unsung Heroines

Josephine Ryszkiewicz, Millie Siedzik and Kristen Grnatek continue to help the battered wives of New Britain, CT


Poland’s Good Neighbors


Vladimir Neklyayev running against Lukashenko was beaten up on 12/18 in Election Day rioting in Minsk. Most assert Lukashenko rigged the election…..  On 12/20, Lukashenko declared himself the winner The OSCE has declared the election results as not legitimate…..



Ex Prime Ministe Ivo Sanader fled the country after his immunity was lifted.  He is facing corruption charges….


Czech Republic

Super Nazi Sudeten leader Konrad Heilein had a Slavic mother (Dworaczek)….  We are still trying to figure out how Madeline Albright was thought to think of herself as a Czech Catholic….



Stefan Wisniewski is being investigated in the 1970s murders perpetrated by the so called Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Gang)….  Deutsche Bank has admitted to a tax sheltering scandal. The Bank has to pay a fine of $550 million. The Bank enabled wealthy American to avoid taxes…..  Germany has doubled its aid to Holocaust survivors in spite of the fact that there was a nasty massive Holocaust repayment fraud perpetrated in this past year…..



The anti austerity strikes continue unabated and wreak havoc on public services.



The Slavic Orthodox Monastery in Gracanica is officially protected by UNESCO.  The Slavs in this part of Kosovo want their region to be part of Serbia…  Putin continues to oppose the recognition of Kosovo…..  Clinton bombed Belgrade in order to protect the legitimacy of Kosovo….



There are some sign of recovery for this country.  Unemployment still remains at 18%.  The lat is pegged to the euro.



Danute Irena Harmon-Tupika, 87) passed away 12/3 in Virginia.  She fled Lithuania in 1941. She was in the American Foreign Service for many years……  Lithuanian American David Andrukonis has warned Lithauanians about Alta loans…  



Putin is upgrading his military.  $646 billion shall be spent thru 2020 on upgrading their defense.  Their nuclear sub program is ‘back on the beam’….  Russian youth are extremely ethnocentric in their violence.  The Putin government is adamantly opposed to any form of right wing Russian nationalism. This may well be Putin’s ‘Achilles heel’…Putin and Obama have agreed to use only 1,550 WMDs.  How is that for a ‘restart change’!  For the Russian arts please go to RT You Ttube….  Putin compared Khodorkovsky to Bernie Madoff…..  Mikhail Prokhorov, a billionaire has introduced a new line of hybrid cars; price $10k apiece….



Please read Dusan Stojanovic’s piece in the 12/6 Washington Times, p. A-9. In order to get into the EU, Serbia is becoming less ethnocentric. $400/month is the average income; double digit unemployment….  Mladic has a $14 million bounty on his head…..  Prime Minister Kostunica continues to be friendly with Putin Russian-Serbian cultural ties continue to be strong.  Back in the 1880s, a Russian Army liberated Serbia and Bulgaria from under the yoke of Ottoman Moslems.



Once again the Yulia T.  legislators had a fist fight with the Yanukovich claque. The issue is the criminal prosecution of Yulia Tymoshenko…  Chernobyl is now safe for tourists….  A Conference on Ukrainian Dissent shall be held at the Harriman Inst. Columbia Univ. NYC on 3/30 thru 4/1.  tel. 212-415-5500




Polish Studies Newsletter


A Monthly Publication


Albin Wozniak, Editor          3433 Gregg Rd., Brookeville, MD 20833

Tel: (301) 774-4560


E-mail: [email protected]

Subscription Rates: !__! 1 Year/ $30.00   !__! 2 Years/ $55.00

Please remit all checks to Albin S. Wozniak.


