President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Warren, Michigan
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks at a rally in Warren, Michigan on Friday, November 1, 2024, at 4:30PM EDT.
Kamala Harris’ administration has been disastrous for Michiganders. Under Kamala’s failed leadership, Michigan families are being crushed by inflation, with cumulative rates hitting a staggering 20.50%, translating to an extra $1,000 per month in household expenses. From gas to groceries, hardworking Michiganders are being forced to pay more for everything, thanks to Harris’ dangerously liberal policies.
It’s no wonder that inflation and the economy continue to be the most critical issues for Michiganders this election cycle. Not only are they the most important issues, but over half of Michigan voters believe President Trump is better suited to tackle economic issues than Kamala Harris.
Michigan prides itself on being the auto capital of the world, and it’s the backbone of Michigan’s economy. President Donald J. Trump and Senator Vance have shown time and time again their dedication and support for rebuilding the American auto industry.
Kamala Harris’ actions show that she will destroy the auto industry. If Kamala Harris has her way with a gas-powered car ban, Michiganders will lose, at minimum, nearly 40,000 jobs. It’s painfully clear that Michiganders cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris, and voters in the Great Lakes State know that a Trump-Vance administration will lower inflation and protect the auto industry. Kamala Harris broke Michigan’s economy, but President Trump will fix it.ate and Time:
Friday, November 1, 2024
4:30PM EDT
Macomb Community College
14500 12 Mile Rd.
Warren, MI 48088
Timeline of Events:
12:30PM – Doors Open
4:30PM – 45h President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
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