Sacral Art images made of nails at Jasna Góra.

The month of August every year for Jasna Gora in Czestochowa, Poland is undoubtedly one of the most active months for the Pauline Monastery, because at this time the largest number of pilgrims from Poland and around the world come to the sanctuary. Most pilgrims take part in the celebrations on August 15 related to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

This year’s celebration, which falls in the Jubilee Year of Father Augustyn Kordecki, on the 350th anniversary of his death and 420th birthday, reminds us that Christ gave his Mother Mary to man „to help and defend”. Catholic Poland still remembers the heroic defense of Jasna Gora by Father Augustyn Kordecki (1603-1673) during the „Swedish Deluge”.

Those coming to Jasna Gora are recommended to visit the Knights’ Hall, where there is a very interesting exhibition of the artist Marcin Dunski.

The passion of this artist from Czestochowa is to create three-dimensional paintings with the help of a hammer and nails. Depending on the angle of incidence of light, the created images can look like delicate pencil sketches or heavily inked drawings.

In addition to religious works, Marcin Dunski also creates images of animals, cars and many others subjects from nails. The second creative method of the artist is the „dots” method, thanks to which we can admire portraits of people and animals. Fascination with the history of Egypt manifests itself in the creation of sphinxes or mummies of pharaohs.

The Jasna Gora exhibition consists of 12 sacral paintings, which depict, among others, the faces of Christ, the Mother of God and St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It blended in beautifully with the August celebrations and is very popular. It can be seen until the end of August in the Knights’ Hall of this sanctuary.

The Knight’s Hall in the Renaissance style was built in 1647 through the efforts of the Provincial Mikolaj Staszewski on the site of the former armory and a large tenement house with guest rooms and is the southern wing of the monastery of the Pauline’s Order at Jasna Gora.















Marcin Dunski is a graduate of the Pedagogical University in Czestochowa. Guitarist, composer, music teacher.

You can find out more about Marcin Dunski and his works by visiting the artist’s website:

MARCIN DUŃSKI – marcin duński (

K. Teller

translated by Ania Navas