Kicked off with the participation of Parliamentary Speaker Cemil Çiçek, “MEF Educational Institutions’ 22nd International Research Projects Competition” concluded with an awards ceremony on May 10, 2013 at MEF Schools’ Ulus Campus, Istanbul, Turkey. At the ceremony, TEV İnanç Türkeş High School students were awarded in the areas of physics and biology, while Ankara Science High School students were awarded in the area of chemistry. Projects from Thailand, Slovenia and Italy received jury’s special awards.


Istanbul, May 13, 2013; MEF Educational Institutions announced the winning projects of 22nd International Research Projects Competition. 64 projects developed from Turkey and 26 international projects competed in this years’ contest. At the award ceremony, MEF Educational Institutions Founder and Chairman of the Board, İbrahim Arıkan, Ph.D. presented awards to winners for the projects in the areas of physics, chemistry and biology.

This year, 1500 students with 806 projects from all over the world, applied to MEF Educational Institutions’ “22nd International Research Projects Competition.” 90 projects developed by 165 high school students, have been qualified to take place on the exhibition of the competition.

Developing projects, including concrete production with no cement, window-cleaning robots, fuel-efficient aircrafts and green electricity generation from plants; young scientists were appreciated with their extensive knowledge on the topics, including nanotechnology, genetics, ecology and their high-level of awareness on the environmental issues. Many projects developed in the past put into practice in the Turkish business and industrial area.

In this year’s contest, the number of international applications increased five times more than the previous years’ applications. Young inventors, participating to the competition from 25 countries including Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Dubai, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkmenistan and Ukraine, had an opportunity to present their projects at the exhibition and  traveled around Istanbul at the unifying atmosphere of science.

According to the results of the evaluation among international applicants, the projects, including “Boe-bot in voice command and GPS program” from Thailand, “The effect of precursor ratio and PH of catalyst on efficiency of an optical PH membrane based on sol-gel technology” from Slovenia and “Comparative study of different feedings in anaerobic biodigestor” from Italy were awarded with the jury’s special award.

About MEF Education Institutions

MEF Schools have been founded in 1996 with a vision to establish an innovative and pioneering model in education. MEF Schools premises, built in compliance with scientific, technological and aesthetic standards on a covered area of 36,000 m2, offer nursery, elementary school and high school education with a student-oriented understanding. The willing students who reach a certain performance level may receive the IB (International Baccalaureate) Certificate Program in MEF High School.