
Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames?

Is your family name among the top 10 Polish surnames? The most popular Polish last names Compiled by Robert Strybel Warsaw Correspondent and onomastician (name researcher) Here in descending order are the most popular Polish […]


All Saints/All Souls Day (1-2 November)

All Saints/All Souls Day (1-2 November) by Robert Strybel, Warsaw Correspondent So important to the Polish nation were these Catholic observances that the Soviet-installed communist regime did not dare abolish them. It only renamed All […]


Will Polonia vote Republican or Democrat?

Will Polonia vote Republican or Democrat? By Robert Strybel, Polish/Polonian Affairs Writer As things now stand, the face-off between Vice-President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump looks to be an extremely close race. If […]