The Polish American Association is excited to announce the following summer school classes!

The Polish American Association is excited to announce the following summer school classes!

ESL 1100.05: Low Beginning (Online, M/W 6-9 pm). Instructor: Iwona Lippert. Start Date: July 11, 2022. End Date: end of September.

ESL 1200.05: High Beginning (Online, M/W 9:30 am-1:30 pm) Instructor: Anita Eilmes. Start Date: July 11, 2022. End Date: end of August.

ESL 2000.11: Low Intermediate (Online, T/TH 6-9 pm). Instructor: Agnieszka Sarrafian. Start Date: July 12, 2022. End Date: end of August.

ESL 2200.05: High Intermediate (Online, T/TH 9:30 am-1:30 pm). Instructor:

Iwona Lippert. Start Date: July 12, 2022. End Date: end of August.

ESL 3500.01: Communications (Online, Saturdays 9 am-1 pm). Instructor: Agnieszka Sarrafian. Start Date: July 19, 2022. End Date: end of September.

COM 1000.01: Computer Basic Literacy (6276 S. Archer, Thursdays 10 am-2 pm). Instructor: Aneta Dabrowski. Start Date: July 21, 2022. End Date: end of September.

COM 1000.02: Computer Basic Literacy (6276 S. Archer, Tuesdays 5:30-9:30 pm). Instructor: Aneta Dabrowski. Start Date: July 19, 2022. End Date: end of September.

COM 1000.03: Computer Basic Literacy (PAA North Lab, Sundays 9 am-1 pm). Instructor: Katarzyna Rachwal. Start Date: July 10, 2022. End Date: end of September.

Except for Computer Basic Literacy, all summer classes meet remotely on ZOOM. ALL classes are free, and ALL are welcome.

For more information and to register, contact one of our ESL Student Coordinators:

Katarzyna Koptilin: [email protected], 773-481-5405

Beata Hryn: [email protected], 773-481-5404

Zhana Siuda: [email protected], 773-767-7773, ext. 202