Underground Planetarium to be Opened in Gdańsk

The Arc2 Design Factory studio has won the competition to design the architectural concept for Gdańsk’s new planetarium, which will be constructed at the city’s Hewelianum science centre before the end of 2017.
11 companies submitted their projects to the contest which was announced in mid-September, 2014. Four of them didn’t meet formal demands. Eventually, the works of 3 studios were evaluated.


For taking first place in the contest the Arc2 design studio from Wrocław received a cash prize of 7,000 PLN and the opportunity to prepare the final design of the planetarium.

The planetarium will be located underground in order to maintain the historical landscape of the Hewelianum Centre’s location.

Jury member Małgorzata Maroszek stressed that the winning work by the Wrocław-based architects involved the optimal solution, which was placing the planetarium within the existing earthworks.

The authors introduced also some features that we hadn’t even proposed, but which develop the entire project in a very appropriate way, for example they included a place for a small café. The solutions of the project make the entire project – despite the fact that it’s underground – very spacious and open: there are no claustrophobic small spaces in it – assessed Maroszek.

Visualizations of the Planetarium in Gdańsk [galeria]

A visualization od the first planetarium in Gdańsk, which is to be constructed at the Hewelianum science centre before the end of 2017. The concept is designed by the Arc2 Designing Factory studio from Wrocław.

The facility will be built on the shaft running along the dry moat between the South Caponier and the Strzelecka Gallery. Besides the planetarium it’ll also feature a projection room and a teaching room. As part of the investment there will be also a reconstructed fragment of Carnof’s wall, which once surrounded the fortifications of Gradowa mountain.
The planetarium’s projection room will be built on a circular plan with a hemispherical ceiling. It will have space for 79 people.
The technical documentation of the project should be finished in 2015. It is estimated to cost around 10-12 million PLN. The Hewelianum Centre’s management hopes that most of this amount will be acquired from EU grants.

The planetarium will carry a Latin name, Stellaeburgum – the same name astronomer Johannes Hevelius gave to his observatory, which was created in the 17th century on the roofs of three interconnected buildings on the Korzenna street in Gdańsk.

Source: http://culture.pl/