Logo Circuit Court

Clerk Dorothy Brown Reports: Cook County Mortgage Foreclosures Spike to 338%: A Ten-Year High

Logo Circuit Court Chicago — The Honorable Dorothy Brown, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, has announced that the county’s rate of mortgage foreclosures has increased by 338% since 1999.

As the nation is in the throes of a severe economic downturn, Clerk Brown has been monitoring the rates of Cook County mortgage foreclosures, which are filed in the Chancery Division of the Clerk’s Office. By the end of 2008, the year’s total number of mortgage foreclosures soared to 43,726. In contrast, in 1999, there were only 12, 935 foreclosures filed for the entire year.

“We are now processing almost four times the number of mortgage foreclosures in the Clerk’s Office than we were in 1999. That statistic is alarming and a critical indicator of just how dire our country’s financial crisis is,” said Clerk Brown.  

Clerk Brown noticed that Cook County’s mortgage foreclosure rates began to steadily rise beginning in 2006, which recorded 18,916 mortgage foreclosures. The number spiked to 32,269 mortgage foreclosures in 2007, and the rate continued to increase on through the end of 2008.


Dr. Forys

Dr. Victor Forys Files Over 3,000 Signatures To Get On Democratic Ballot For The Congressional Special Election

Dr. Victor ForysChicago, IL Friday, January 16, 2009– Dr. Victor Forys today filed over 3,000 signatures to get on the Democratic ballot in the Special Election in the 5th Congressional District. 

“Over the last few days over a hundred volunteers were out in horrible weather to gather the signatures needed for our campaign to get on the Democratic ballot,” said Dr. Victor Forys. “I am very thankful for all of their work and their support for our campaign to reform health care and get our economy back on track.” 

Since the Special Election was announced, over a hundred Forys For Congress volunteers have been out gathering signatures; going to voters’ doors, at grocery stores, at bus and train stops throughout the 5th District. This morning, the Forys campaign turned in over 3,000 signatures to the State Board of Elections in Springfield.


Sylwester w filharmonii
Polska - Poland

Jak karnawał, to karnawał…!

Ferią muzycznych barw rozbłysnęła sala koncertowa Filharmonii Rzeszowskiej podczas cyklu karnawałowych koncertów Nowego – 2009 Roku. A wszystko zaczęło się od sylwestrowego wieczoru –  jak z rogu obfitości sypały się z estrady najpiękniejsze melodie świata słuchane od lat z jednakowym zachwytem i sentymentem.

Sylwester w filharmonii

Usłyszeć można było i polskie i zagraniczne przeboje: „Piosenkę o mojej Warszawie”, „Arrivederci Roma”„Jealousie”, „La Paloma”, czy wzruszający„My Way” Franka Sinatry.

Koncert prowadził Jan Walczyński, dyrygent specjalizujący się w aranżacjach muzyki rozrywkowej, a w roli solistów usłyszeliśmy: Agnieszkę Kowalską, wszechstronną wokalistkę współpracującą m.in. z Natalią Kukulską, Robertem Chojnackim i Olgą Lipińską oraz Piotra Rafałko (tenor) laureata wielu konkursów wokalnych.



Udany wiec poparcia dla dr Forysia

Frank Spula, Podhalanie, studenci, biznesy spontaniczne popierają  kandydaturę dr Forysia do Kongresu.

Forys Kilkaset osób uczestniczyło w wiecu politycznym na rzecz poparcia Dr. Victora Forysia jako polonijnego kandydata do Kongresu w 5. Okręgu wyborczym w Chicago. Wiec miał miejsce w salach bankietowych “White Eagle” Niles, k. Chicago.

Wśród mówców byli m.in. ks. Tadeusz Dzieszko, który wystapił jako przyjaciel kandydata, którego zna od wielu lat; Marek Dobrzycki, radny Harwood Heights, Frank Spula, prezes Związku Narodowego Polskiego i Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej. Mówców przedstawiła Alina Mikolajczyk.



The International Chamber Artists Announce January Performances

Logo CHICAGO, IL: The fourth season of the International Chamber Artists (ICA, www.ICAMusic.org), one of Chicago’s premiere chamber music ensembles, kicks off with “French & Viennese Keys” on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 4:00pm, located at St. Gregory the Great Church (5535 N. Paulina St., Chicago) and Monday, January 26, 2009 at 7:00pm, at Ganz Hall at Roosevelt University (430 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago). The enticing musical selections will include Gabriel Faure’s Piano Quintet No. 2 in C minor, Op. 115, Francis’s Poulenc’s Trio for Piano, Oboe and Bassoon, and more.

In addition to these electrifying concerts, ICA will be performing selected works of Poulenc, Previn, and Diamond live on 98.7 WFMT from the Morse Theatre on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 11:00am.

Upcoming events for the season include April’s “Tuba or Not Tuba?” with works that will finally give this commanding brass instrument the spotlight it deserves. And finally, kick off the summer in June with “Prokofiev is to Ballet as Debussy is to Drama,” a fascinating compilation of works by Frederic Chopin, Claude Debussy, Alan Hovhaness and Sergei Prokofiev.


Brazilian Acai Berry

BBB Warns About the Small Print Trapping Those Wanting a Smaller Waist

Brazilian Acai Berry Chicago, IL- January 6, 2009–Ads promoting pills containing Brazilian Acai Berry for weight loss are very common online. Trial samples of the products are touted as “risk free” for only shipping and handling charges by credit card.  However, at the bottom of the ads, in print smaller than most people would ever want their waists to be, is the notice that the recipient must return any unused portion of the product within a very narrow period of time.  If they don’t the companies may automatically begin charging the consumer reoccurring monthly fees or enter them into memberships that range from $39 to $100 a month. 
In November alone, more than 1.5 million people searched for the term on Google. Online ads and Web sites often include a photo of a celebrity – such as Oprah and Rachel Ray – and claim that she endorses acai as a weight loss miracle.
“The BBB strongly encourages consumers to make sure to read all the fine print and terms & conditions while purchasing any product, and be especially cautious with free trial offers,” said Steve J. Bernas, president & CEO of The Better Business Bureau of Chicago and Northern Illinois.



Dialog między syjonistą i politologiem

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Na programie „Democracy Now” z 8go stycznia 2009, prowadzonym przez odważną wnuczkę rabina, Amy Goodman, dwu Żydów pochodzących z Polski dyskutowało napad Izraela na teren Gazy i rolę USA w tym konflikcie. Syjonista, były ambasador USA w Izraelu, Martin Indyk bronił napadu, a profesor Norman Finkelstein ostro napad ten krytykował, jako powód rosnącego kryzysu humanitarnego, w którym ostatnio zginęło ponad 700 Arabów, a tysiące zostało poranionych, podczas gdy w tym samym czasie dziesięciu Żydów straciło życie. Czterech Żydów było zabitych przez pomyłkę przez atakujące Gazę wojska Izraela.

Bardzo ciężkie bombardowania Gazy z powietrza są nadal w toku. Mimo tego ambasador Indyk popiera długotrwałe pertraktacje pokojowe między USA, Izraelem, Hamas’em, Syrią i Libanem, bez względu na przeciąganie bombardowań przez Izrael w czasie umyślnie przewlekłego przygotowywania zawieszenia broni, podobnie jak to wcześniej miało miejsce w Libanie.


Dr. Forys

Dr. Victor Forys Responds to Attacks by Career Springfield Politician Feigenholtz

Dr. Forys Chicago, IL – Dr. Victor Forys, Democratic candidate in the 5th Congressional District Special Election, today released the following statement in response to comments by one of his opponents in CQ Politics. 

“Apparently Representative Feigenholtz is happy with the current state of affairs in Illinois – where millions lack health insurance and campaign finance corruption abounds, said Dr. Victor Forys. “It is no surprise that there has been no progress in Illinois when it comes to providing everyone with decent health insurance.” 

CQ Politics: “Feigenholtz said she is not overly worried about the competition — on both the fundraising and health care policy fronts — that she is drawing from Victor Forys, a physician and political newcomer who reports having raised close to $160,000.  “I’m sure he’s a fabulous doctor, but I’m not sure he understands what it means to be in office,” she said. “I question his ability, with no experience in the public sector and political process, to be an impact player as quickly as someone like me, who’s been around for a long time.” http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-000003003568



Dr. Forys

Otwarcie Biura Wyborczego Polonijnego Kandydata

Dr. Foryś zyskuje coraz większe poparcie Polonii. Zebrał $ 160,000 w grudniu

Dr. Forys W sobotę, 3 stycznia 2009 miało miejsce otwarcie  biura wyborczego Dr. Victora Forysia, polonijnego kandydata do Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych w 5. okręgu wyborczym w Chicago.

W otwarciu biura uczestniczyło wielu przedstawicieli środowiska polonijnego, także przedstawiciele środowisk imigracyjnych z Indii, Pakistanu oraz inni. Wśród  znanych działaczy polonijnych: Marek Dobrzycki, radny z miasteczka Harwood Heights, Bogdan Stefański,  Edward Cyran, zabiegający o poprawę sytuacji polonijnych emerytów, Anna Klocek, była kandydatka na radną Chicago.

Biuro mieści się pod adresem: 5206 W. Lawrence Avenue, około pół mili na wschód od Fundacji Kopernikowskiej.

Zehra Quadri, znana działaczka  pochodzenia hinduskiego, powiedziała w rozmowie ze mną, że popiera Dr. Forysia dlatego, że jest on imigrantem i rozumie potrzeby innych imigrantów takich jak ona, czy jej rodacy z Indii, Pakistanu czy imigranci z innych regionów świata. 


Brak grafiki

Don’t Fall Prey to the Five Myths of Health Care

By Sally C. Pipes

President-elect Barack Obama has promised to make healthcare reform a top priority. But in order to follow through, Obama and lawmakers on Capitol Hill must reject some longstanding misconceptions about health care in this country.

Here are five such myths. Each is widely repeated, deeply held — and dead wrong.

1.) We need more government to insure poor Americans.

Government has been providing health coverage to low-income patients for over 40 years. The results are hardly encouraging.

Witness Medicaid. The quality of care beneficiaries receive is exceedingly poor. Heart attack victims covered by Medicaid, for instance, are less likely to receive state-of-the-art care than their privately insured counterparts — and they’re more than twice as likely to die as a result of their illness.

