
Brian Urlacher ready for lockout’s end.

CHICAGO — They disagree about whether there’s a sliver of positivity hiding somewhere within the NFL lockout.   But there’s no doubt Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher and running back Matt Forte would be ready to […]

Polska - Poland

Polacy wciąż pamiętają

Emeryci ze Skarżyska- Kamiennej, raz jeszcze postanowili uhonorować parę prezydencką państwa Kaczyńskich, która zginęła w katastrofie lotniczej w Smoleńsku.


Business News

AmCham Mission to the United States.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Poland (AmCham) carried out a mission to the United States to meet with companies seeking business development opportunities in Europe and Poland. The delegation met with business representatives in […]


The Protégé Philharmonic of Chicago to perform its first concert of the 2011 summer season

The Protégé Philharmonic (Chicago) to perform its first concert of the 2011 summer season at Northeastern Illinois University’s auditorium, featuring music of Glinka, Prokofiev and Brahms…     CHICAGO – July 8, 2011 – The […]