Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz. Named after the French word for lemon, “citron”. The gemstone Citrine is the official birthstone for the month of November as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. It is also the Planetary stone for the Sun Sign of Virgo and the accepted gem for the 13th and 17th wedding anniversary. Citrine is a variety of quartz ranging in colors of yellow, yellow-brown, orange, dark orange-brown, reddish-brown. Citrine crystals can form together with amethyst or smoky quartz to form a bi-colored quartz called ametrine.  Almost all citrine that is available on the market today is heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine is pale yellow to pale orange, much lighter than the heat-treated material which is dark orange-brown to reddish-brown. All of the heat-treated material has a red tint, while natural citrine does not.

Some amethyst deposits have been found where the amethyst was changed naturally by high temperatures to brown citrine.

Most citrine comes from Brazil, but almost all of the Brazilian material is heat-treated amethyst. Natural citrine can also be found in the Ural Mountains of Russia, in Dauphine, France, and in Madagascar. The inexpensive low grade amethyst is heated at high temperatures to produce the popular orange, reddish and sherry colored citrine. Darker colors are considered more valuable, including the medium golden orange and dark sherry-colors.

 Historically, it has been found in Spain, on the Scottish island of Arran, in France, Hungary and in several mines overseas. Perhaps the citrine wouldn’t have been talked about any more at all if, in the middle of the 18th century, it had not been for the discovery that amethysts and smoky quartzes can also be rendered yellow by so-called burning. This heat treatment at temperatures of between 470 and 560 degrees has to be carried out very carefully and requires a great deal of experience.

 Physical Healing Properties:

 Citrine is said to be beneficial for the digestion, stomach, nightmares, other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia. Citrine is also reputed to be good for removing toxins, and overcoming addictions. Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by citrine making it a stone of positive choice for sexual issues.

Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra.

  Metaphysical Properties:

Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it. 

You don’t ever have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn’t hold any negativity!  Citrine energizes, and  invigorates, promotes warmth, comfort, and energy.   

Aids in matters of daily living. It is said citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often used by healers to increase self esteem.

 Men are drawn to golden Citrine for the courage and self discipline it offers.  Getting tasks done, developing self worth and mastering the ego are all achieved through the energies of Citrine.

Successful Outcome: Citrine is the best stone to use when trying to “Take care of Business” whether it be accomplish business matters, education, or settle family matters. This includes legal issues and lawsuits when materials or money is involved.

Light: Citrine is SUN energy –  Used during the Middle Ages to treat people whose energy and moods become depressed during the long winter months, or during  a long spell of rainy, overcast weather.

Wealth: The lucky “Merchants Stone”. Carry Citrine if you have a lot of material wealth, to help from becoming greedy and too attached to material possessions.  Citrine will help you focus more on the giver than the gift.

 Materialism: Although this stone is particularly good for material wealth, prosperity and career success, our value is not determined by what we own, but by WHO we are.  Success as a human being goes far beyond a large paycheck.   What determines your value to you?  I will be very surprised if your answer is simply a large bank account.

 Entrepreneurs:  Especially good for people starting a new business!!  Supports your material and business SUCCESS in addition to supporting your business plans and successful associations with vendors, partners, and suppliers.

Relationships: Excellent stone for smoothing family or group problems, cutting to the quick of the situation and speeding up the process. 

Group Dynamics:  Terrific for 12 Step Program Group dynamics.  So many people, so many opinions.  Helps any group to ou know how there is usually someone to take notes, and keep track or minutes of a meetings of a  Corporation, a PTA or Hobby Club, or 12 Step Meeting?    I think you should have them be the keeper of the Citrine Crystal they bring to every meeting…!

Communication: Often carried in the pocket of public speakers, to give courage and strengthen communication skills.  It will help you think clearly and bolster your confidence. 

Citrine prepares your body, emotions, and mind to release what no longer serves and to accept what we need in order to move to the next higher state. This aspect of Citrine also has a greater overall purpose – to help you fulfill your spiritual potential by encouraging you to embrace ever-greater states of consciousness.

  Teresa Habczyk
