Dyjasek chce reprezentować USA w czasie Olimpiady w 2016


Nichole Dyjasek zdobyła wiele nagród na poziomie szkół średnich w strzelaniu z broni pneumatycznej.  Nicole ma 15 lat i jest uczennicą jednej z najlepszych amerykańskiej szkole średniej w Page High School in Franklin, w Tennessee.

 Mama Nichole, Bonnie – jest Amerykanką. Jej jest Arthur Dyjasek, urodzony w Polsce.

Dziadkowie Nichole po stronie mamy są Amerykanami.  Jej dziadkowie po stronie ojca mieszkają w Polsce i są dumni z osiągnięć swoich wnuków urodzonych w Ameryce.

 Marzeniem Nichole jest dostanie sie do kadry olimpijskiej Stanów Zjednoczonych w 2016 roku. Wstaje codziennie o 5:30, aby jak najlepiej przygotować się do szkoły, jak również rozwijać się pod względem sportowym.

 Zdjęcia: Nichole Dyjasek z dyplomami i pucharami z wygranych konkursów oraz w czasie treningu

 Nichole Dyjasek wants to be in US Olympic Team in 2016

Nichole Dyjasek is a member of the Rifle Team in Page High School in Tennesse. She was a Freshman at Page high school. 2011-2012 where she joined the Rifle Team after moving there from another state.

Her  accomplishments for the Page Rifle team include: First Place Standing overall, First Place Prone overall, 2nd Place kneeling overall, “Rookie of the year”  and “Top shooter of the year” (Which has never been won by a Freshman before.) She also won 3rd Place at the Brigade Rifle Championship, her team won 2nd place.

 She attended the Rifle camp in July, 2012 where she won 2nd Place in International   (which is 60 shots standing verses the usual 10) and 3rd place in the Speed round (which is when the top 10 shooters only get a minute to shoot each shot, so 10 mins for 10 shots, it requires a lot of concentration)

Nichole is very committed to this sport, she gets up at 5:30 in the morning on school days and shoots before school and after school as well.  She states: “I have put everything I have into this because I love it so much. I thank God everyday for this talent he has given to me and I would be honored to represent the U.S in the 2016 Olympics!! It would be a dream come true. I am going to continue to work as hard as I can towards my Goal and praise God for the blessings he has given me”.

Photos of Nichole Dyjasek with the awards and during the practice