It’s not only one of the largest birds hunted in America, not only historically significant, and known for it’s extreme caution in the woods, but also it managed to stage an impressive comeback in most American states, after almost complete extermination by hungry hunters, drooling over the bird (with cranberry sauce).
And this comeback has been so successful, that in most of the states it’s numbers grew again to the levels permitting legal hunting. And, of course, it has a special place in the hearts of American hunters, who celebrate the hunting seasons for wild turkey by dressing up in quaint and unusual camouflage outfits, just to get to see it in the woods and to be able to hunt it.
I do not hunt turkeys as yet, because I have more fun observing them in a wild state, in their natural surroundings, sometimes even by my cabin in the woods.
And the turkeys, as if repaying my interest, as if they understood my fascination, often surprise me with their behavior, unusual and unexpected.
I remember when five wild tom turkeys, splendidly glittering with metallic sheen in the morning sun, came out proudly and impressively, like a squadron of puffed – up tanks crawling out of the woods by my cabin, just to mesmerize me, to astonish and fascinate me, and to leave an unforgettable memory so precious to the hunter’s heart. They strolled importantly, showing off their graceful elegance and handsome fighting posture, and leaving behind them a remembrance of an exceptional and uncommonly festive event.
And I also remember when browsing through the woods one late afternoon I saw something extremely colorful, something ruby red, shining in the slanting rays of late afternoon sun. In the first few moments I couldn’t figure out what could be shining like that, red in the light. Some berries perhaps, maybe raspberries?
And only when the „berries” moved did I recognize the turkeys’ adorning necklaces, translucent and shot through with sunrays, in colors of most beautiful carmine and blood red rubies, announcing a flock of wild turkeys passing between me and the sun!
And this became a true revelation for me, because right there and then I was inspired by the color of these turkeys’ necklaces, by their incomparable shining light – into a new appreciation of this beauty, that women see in rubies. Suddenly, I understood the magic and the impact that gorgeous gemstones have on women.
So it’s the turkeys that I can thank for this sudden insight into the secrets of a woman’s heart, that brief glimpse of a woman’s soul, that has guided me since then with this momentous idea on how best to charm your wife into permitting a hunting trip.
Because, dear readers, there are many ways to charm a woman.
You can tempt her with a promise of a new dress.
You can dazzle her with a diamond brooch or a golden chain. You can inspire her into giving you permission to hunt by offering her a new couch.
But the best, most, absolutely guaranteed way to a woman’s heart is a ring with a red stone! The more red, the better the closer it resembles those turkeys’ necklaces in the sun, the more it looks like a sun – struck ruby, and the easier it is to get her permission and to go hunting!
Its a historical fact that crafty men have many times already used this unfailing method to conquer women’s hearts and to seduce the naive, unsuspecting women.
Because, what woman can withstand the power of a ring with rubies? What lady can fight the seductive effect of a gorgeous ruby? What naive young girl can fight the temptation of a red – eyed ring?…
But remember, men: You can’t treat this too lightly, you can’t abuse this for less important goals, for less weighty purpose. The mesmerizing charm of a bloody- red ruby should be reserved for major causes, for the most important, and serious needs, for special occasions! The powerful vision of a ruby ring should be saved for obtaining your wife’s permission to hunt, and it would be best to have permission to hunt wild turkeys!
For this very idea, this inspiration started with wild turkeys in the forest!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!