2 czerwca 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Blagojevich administration to hold welcoming day for new Americans została wyłączona
State agencies and the College of DuPage team up to offer free health screenings, employment information and other services
CHICAGO – Officials from Governor Rod R. Blagojevich’s Administration, the Office of New Americans Policy and Advocacy and the IllinoisWelcomingCenter today joined the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn to host “Illinois Welcoming Day,” a comprehensive resource fair that gives new Americans first hand information on state services that are available to them.The Illinois Department of Human Services and other state agencies set up information booths on employment, training and education information and also offered free health screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes, as well as vision and dental exams.
“The Illinois Welcoming Day is a key step forward in the way the State works with hard working new Americans who need information and services as they make Illinois their home,” said Gov. Blagojevich.“By bringing state services directly to the community we are breaking down barriers that keep so many new residents from accessing the American Dream.”
28 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Polonijne Dzieci obchodzą Dzień Matki została wyłączona
„Życzenia dla Mamy” – „Najpiękniejsze kwiaty słów”
Polacy w USA dwukrotnie obchodzą Dzień Matki. Pierwsze obchody miały miejsce 11 maja zgodnie z amerykańskim kalendarzem. Drugie obchody miały miejsce w ostatni weekend zgodnie z polskim kalendarzem.
W wielu polonijnych przedszkolach i szkołach sobotnich dzieci uczą się wierszy, piosenek z tej okazji, przygotowują specjalne programy pod kierownictwem swoich nauczycielek.
22 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and SIU President Glenn Poshard announce recommendations for $31 billion capital plan została wyłączona
Recommendations follow months-long statewide listening tour, meetings with Governor and legislative leaders
SPRINGFIELD – Co-Chairs of Governor Blagojevich’s Illinois Works Coalition, Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert and Southern Illinois University President Glenn Poshard today announced a new $31 billion comprehensive capital infrastructure plan and their recommendations for how to fund it.Their recommendations follow a comprehensive statewide listening tour launched in March and several meetings with Governor Blagojevich and the four legislative leaders.
22 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Mayor Daley announces city’s “Safe Summer” została wyłączona
The city and its partners will provide educational, recreational and employment opportunities for about 280,000 young people to keep them safe and constructively occupied during the summer, Mayor Richard M. Daley said today. “We all want our young people to stay safe from violence, stay away from a life of violence and achieve their full potential in life,” Daley said in a news conference held at Humboldt Park Field House, 1400 N. Sacramento Ave.
“The most important things we can do to help are to give them the best education possible and give them plenty of positive activities after school and in the summer months,” he said. The Mayor said that providing summer activities and employment is more important this summer than ever before because of the violence against young people that has outraged the city.
21 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Współpraca ekonomiczna pomiędzy USA i RP została wyłączona
W prestiżowym Gleacher Center na Uniwersytecie Chicago, w dniach 14-15 maja odbyło się „Forum Ekonomiczne” na temat współpracy gospodarczej pomiędzy Stanami Zjednoczonymi a Polską.
Głównym celem Forum jest budowanie pomostów pomiędzy amerykańskim (w tym polonijnym) a polskim biznesem. Organizatorem imprezy była Polsko-Amerykańska Izba Gospodarcza.
W Forum wzięło udział około 100 osób: w tym przedstawiciele amerykańskich i polskich władz rządowych, wysłannicy mediów, nauczyciele akademiccy i biznesmeni z rożnych firm.
W Forum wzięła udział rekordowa liczba delegacji wojewódzkich z Polski.
20 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Business Forum addresses commercial relations between the US and Poland została wyłączona
A record number of voivodeship marshals from Poland gathered at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center
CHICAGO (May 19, 2008) – Held May 14-15 in Chicago, IL, the US-Poland Business Forum was one of the most significant conferences in recent years addressing issues related to trade and investment between the US and Poland. Following the opening reception of the event held May 14 at the Streeterville restaurant De La Costa and aboard the Ft.Dearborn, which was attended by about 200 people, the conference and exhibit part of the Forum was held May 15 at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center. Hosted by the Polish American Chamber of Commerce (PACC), the Forum was a singular event, bringing together a number of key players from Poland in the area of business, trade development, politics and education to meet with their counterparts and interested parties in the US. […]
19 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania II Doroczny Bal Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Radgoszczy w Chicago została wyłączona
Tegoroczny wiosenny Bal TPR odbył się 5 kwietnia 2008r. w sali bankietowej „Lido Banquets”, którego mottem był cytat ks. Jana Twardowskiego: “Spieszmy się kochać ludzi, tak szybko odchodzą”.
W ten przepiękny kwietniowy wieczór na balu zgromadziło się około 200-stu gości, zarządu, członków TPR,ich rodzin i przyjaciół. Byli także obecni goście z Polski, Kanady, Włoch i innych stanów USA. Nie zabrakło również naszych drogich przyjaciół z Klubu Luszowian między innymi prezesa, pana A. Niemczury oraz honorowego prezesa pana R. Naraza.
16 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania First Lady Patricia Blagojevich launches food allergy awareness effort to save children’s lives została wyłączona
“Ask Before You Eat” campaign educates families, schools and the food service industry to safeguard children from growing threat
CHICAGO – To kick off Food Allergy Awareness week, First Lady Patricia Blagojevich today launched “Ask Before You Eat,” a statewide education campaign designed to prevent unintentional and potentially-life threatening harm to children with food allergies.Nationwide, some 3 million children suffer from food allergies, including 1 out of 17 children under 3 years of age.Food allergy reactions in children can range from mild symptoms such as skin rashes to anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe response that can end in death.
15 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Business Forum to address trade and economic relations between The US and Poland została wyłączona
CHICAGO (May 12, 2008) – The US-Poland Business Forum to be held on May 14-15, 2008 at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center (www.gleachercenter.com) will be one of the largest conferences in recent years addressing issues related to trade and investment between the US and Poland. Hosted by the Polish American Chamber of Commerce (PACC), the event will bring together business and government leaders, media representatives and educators who have been active participants in, or intimate observers of, US-Poland trade and investment relations.
The conference attendees will find this event to be an ideal opportunity to meet face to face with many of the prime movers in the area of Polish American trade. […]
14 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania International soccer returns to Chicago została wyłączona
CervezaTecate presents Cruz Azul vs. Cracovia Krakow in July 5 friendly at ToyotaPark
CHICAGO (Tuesday, May 13, 2008) – Cardenas Marketing Network (CMN), Viva Entertainment and John Zapa today announced the return of international soccer to Chicago with an exhibition match featuring First Division clubs Cruz Azul (Mexico) and Crocovia Krakow (Poland) on Saturday, July 5 at Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. Kick-off for the match, presented by Cerveza Tecate, is set for 8:00 p.m. CST. The friendly will offer the city’s vibrant Mexican and Polish communities – the two largest ethnic groups in Chicago – the opportunity to cheer on their favorite clubs as they go head-to-head during this exciting Fourth of July weekend.