Seal of Illinois

Blagojevich administration launches Women’s Health Week

Seal of Illinois Blagojevich administration launches Women’s Health Week in Illinois with Pin-A-Sister event on Mother’s Day

Health fairs, workshops, seminars, speakers and screenings held across the state to help improve women’s health

CHICAGO – To stress the importance of women getting routine breast and cervical cancer screenings, Deputy Governor Louanner Peters kicked-off Women’s Health Week in Illinois today by leading a Pin-A-Sister event at Fellowship Baptist Church. Women’s Health Week is a perfect time to focus on women’s health, including the importance of early detection, which all uninsured women now have access to through the Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) expansion.


Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon

Governor and First Lady Blagojevich celebrate Mother’s Day at Wrigley Field

Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon Governor and First Lady Blagojevich celebrate Mother’s Day at Wrigley Field, helping spread the word about the importance of breast cancer screening

In conjunction with ‘Project Pink’ at Wrigley Field, First Family raises awareness of expanded Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program for all uninsured women

CHICAGO – Standing outside of Wrigley Field with breast cancer patients and survivors from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and First Lady Patti Blagojevich honored women this Mother’s Day by reminding them that routine breast cancer screenings can save lives. Before the game representatives from the Governor’s office distributed information on the recently expanded Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP), which makes sure all uninsured women who need access to potentially life-saving cancer screenings and treatment can get it.


Lekarze ZLP pozdrawiają publiczność

ZLP na paradzie Konstytucji 3 maja w Chicago

Lekarze ZLP pozdrawiają publiczność. Parada Konstytucji 3 maja w Chicago 2008 Już po raz dziewiąty członkowie Związku Lekarzy Polskich w Chicago uczestniczyli w największym święcie chicagowskiej Polonii – paradzie trzeciomajowej, która przemaszerowała przez śródmieście Chicago w sobotnie popołudnie 3 maja 2008.

Parada odbyła się po raz 117 w Chicago, dokładnie w 217 rocznicę uchwalenia Konstytucji 3 maja, aby uczcić ten historyczny dokument – pierwszą demokratyczną konstytucję w Europie, a drugą na świecie po konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych. Pomimo niezbyt sprzyjających warunków atmosferycznych, zimnej i mżystej pogody, w Paradzie wzięło udział wiele tysięcy Polaków i Amerykanów polskiego pochodzenia, w tym liczne organizacje polonijne, polskie szkoły, kluby, biznesy lokalne, przedstawiciele miasta Chicago, Konsulatu RP w Chicago oraz goście i przedstawiciele rządu z Polski


Zespol Karimski Club

Polski dzień w sercu Chicago – festiwal „Poland in the Park”

Zespol Karimski Club

(Chicago, IL)… 3-go maja uczestnicy przechodzącej Columbus Drive parady majowej mogli kontynuować polskie świętowanie na festiwalu „Poland in the Park”, który odbył się bezpośrednio po paradzie w Millennium Park. Mimo deszczowej pogody, koncert zgromadził wielu nie tylko polskich widzów, których przyciągnęły do przepięknej muszli koncertowej Pritzker Pavilion dświęki polskich i światowych melodii. Park Milenijny pełen był ubranych na biało-czerwono i powiewających polskimi flagami uczestników festiwalu, co świadczy o tym, że Polonia potrafi wspaniale zaznaczać i promować swą obecność w Chicago, wykorzystując do tego bodajże najbardziej prestiżowe miejsce koncertowe miasta.


Waldemar Pawlak at Polish American Chamber of Commerce

Polish American Chamber Hosts A Pre-Constitution Day Meeting With Deputy Prime Minister Pawlak

Waldemar Pawlak at Polish American Chamber of Commerce Chicago, IL (May 3, 2008) – On Friday, May 2, the Polish American Chamber of Commerce (PACC) hosted a pre-Constitution Day meeting welcoming Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Waldemar Pawlak to Chicago’s Polish American business community. Held at Przybylo’s White Eagle in Niles, IL, a northwest suburb of Chicago, the event was organized in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago and the Polish American Contractor Builders Association (PACBA). In addition to Minister Pawlak, the Polish delegation included Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economy, Dariusz Bogdan, and Zofia Schnitzer, chief specialist for Polish American Relations at the Ministry. Counselor Zbigniew Kubacki, Head of the Commercial Section at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington, DC, Consul General of Poland in Chicago, Zygmunt Matynia, Consul Pawel Pietrasienski, and Economic Affairs Consul Lucyna Jaremczuk accompanied the delegation. In addition to the Ministry of Economy delegation, the assembled patrons warmly welcomed a delegation from the city of Bialystok, including the city’s mayor, Dr. Tadeusz Truskolaski, and the chair of the city’s council, Mr. Wlodzimierz Kusak.PACC president Henry Kazmierczak greeted the Polish delegation on behalf of the Chamber, thanked the sponsors for their cooperation in organizing and hosting the meeting, and recognized the presence of Chamber members, directors, representatives of other organizations, and the media. “The PACC is pleased to host a meeting with a very important guest from Poland at the beginning of the most important Polish weekend of the year in Chicago. The weekend will be dominated by Polish culture, the arts, and history. And we’re very glad we can add an element of business, which makes it all possible,” said Henry Kazmierczak, who then invited consul Jaremczuk to introduce the guest of honor and others in the delegation.


Governor of Illinois

Gov. Blagojevich calls on media, parents to unite in preventing drug abuse

Governor of Illinois New public service announcements include messages about over-the-counter and prescription drugs, the fastest growing drugs of abuse among teens

CHICAGO – Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich announced that the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and Prevention First, a state affiliate of the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, have unveiled new messages alerting parents and young people to the dangers of illegal and prescription drug abuse. The public service announcements (PSAs), to begin airing this month on radio and television stations statewide, include new messages about prescription and over-the-counter drug abuse. With the campaign, Gov. Blagojevich is asking media outlets in Illinois to join him in stepping up efforts to stop drug use, especially among young people.


Polish Constitution May 3 Parade Chicago

Polish Constitution Day May 3 Parade in downtown Chicago

Polish Constitution May 3 Parade Chicago On Saturday May 3rd, at exactly 217th anniversary of Polish Constitution of May 3, 117th annual Parade in the City of Chicago took place to honor and celebrate this historic document, the first democratic Constitution in Europe and the second in the world.

Despite terrible weather conditions (cold and rain), at noon thousands of Polish and Polish-American citizens marched through a Columbus Drive in downtown Chicago.


Parada 3 Maja Chicago 2008

Parada Konstytucji 3 Maja 2008 Chicago

Parada 3 Maja Chicago 2008 W sobotę, 3-go maja, dokładnie w 217 rocznicę uchwalenia Konstytucji 3 Maja, odbyła się tradycyjna 117 –sta, Parada w Chicago, ku czci i pamięci historycznego dokumentu, pierwszej demokratycznej Konstytucji w Europie i drugiej na świecie po Konstytucji Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Pomimo złych warunków atmosferycznych (zimna i deszczu), w południe po Columbus Drive (downtown Chicago) przemaszerowało tysiące Polaków i Amerykanów polskiego pochodzenia.


Richard Daley

Mayor Daley delivers annual City of Chicago address

Chicao Mayor Challenges Chicagoans to Protect Children;

Announces more funding for summer jobs for youth and summer parks programs, and a new CPS program aimed at easing the transition to high school for 8th graders

Mayor Richard M. Daley used his annual City of Chicago address to confront the city’s challenges: gun violence, especially against children; a national economy in recession and a school system that is progressing but needs to redouble its efforts to keep student achievement going.

Chicago has made real and lasting progress to secure its future since he has been in office, Daley told an audience of community, government, political and other leaders at the Hilton and Towers, 720 S. Michigan Av. The city has come far since the days of “Council Wars,” when the city was divided along racial lines.


Illinois Seal

Governor Blagojevich announces significant decline in teen driving fatalities

Seal fo Illinois SPRINGFIELD – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich, Secretary of State Jesse White, the Governors Highway Safety Association, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Illinois State Police (ISP), Ford Motor Company Fund, The Allstate Foundation, and supporters of Operation Teen Safe Driving today announced the final round of winning schools to participate in the statewide safety initiative designed to educate teens about safe driving to save lives. […]