Wiadomości z USA/News from the United States.
Stany Zjednoczone – USA
Wicegubernator Florydy w polskim pawilonie w Miami
Oficjalne otwarcie XLX Alliance Business Expo w Miami. Przy mównicy Leszek Ładowski – prezes Polsko-Amerykańskiej Izby Handlowej w Miami. Hymn śpiewa Ashley Penarada.
Americans will be spending over $6 billion to celebrate 4th of July
Red, White and Blue.. and a Little Less Green
Middle America Will Spend the Least this Fourth of July
Take part in our 3rd Irena Sendler Art Contest!
Above is a copy of last year’s Best of Show winner. It was drawn by Ms. Natalie McElroy, age 17 at the time.
Karski Exhibition Opens at Central Connecticut State
“The World Knew: Jan Karski’s Mission for Humanity” exhibition at Central Connecticut State University. From the left: Ewa Wolynska, Librarian, Prof. M. B. Biskupski, Consul Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka and Renata Vickrey, Archivist. (Photo by Ewa Mielicka)