First Polish Settlers
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Jamestown Commemoration-October 1

First Polish Settlers Four hundred years ago on October 1, 1608, the first Poles set foot in the New World in Jamestown, Virginia. These Polish craftsmen, skilled in the production of glass, tar, pitch and wood, arrived at the invitation of Captain John Smith, who had encountered them in Europe and knew of their skills and industry. They started the movement of Poles who left their homeland in search of opportunity and freedom and were directly responsible for the success of the Jamestown Colony.

In 1619, they laid the foundation for the labor movement in the U.S. Precluded from voting by the Governor of Virginia, they successfully led the first strike for equal rights. They said, “no vote, no work.” Such was their value to the colony that they were granted the right to vote. The Polish American Congress invites you to participate in the 400th anniversary commemoration to honor the first Poles’ arrival and their invaluable contributions to the New World on Wednesday, October 1, 2008, at the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia.


Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski
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ACPC 60TH Annual Convention at Williamsburg, VA

Dr. Thaddeus Radzilowski By Jo Louise Winters 

The 60th Annual Convention of the American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) took place in Colonial Williamsburg, VA in August 2008.  The opening ceremonies included singing of the American and Polish anthems lead by Mary Ann Evan and Jaroslaw Golembiowski.  Attired in the garb of an Englishman of the 1600’s, a “Speaker of the House of Burgess” presented a fascinating account of the political development and growth of the Jamestown Colony.

After welcoming remarks by Convention Co-Chairs Deborah Majka and Richard Wiermanski, President Thaddeus Mirecki officially opened the Convention.


Pictured L-R: Dr. Charles F. Merbs receiving Distinguished Service Award from Pres. Ted Mirecki
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Awards at ACPC Annual Convention, 2008

By Jo Louise Winters

[caption id="attachment_26966" align="alignleft" width="600"]Pictured L-R:  Dr. Charles F. Merbs receiving Distinguished Service Award from Pres. Ted Mirecki Pictured L-R: Dr. Charles F. Merbs receiving Distinguished Service Award from Pres. Ted Mirecki [/caption]A highlight of the 60th Annual American Council for Polish Culture (ACPC) Convention in Williamsburg VA this year was the presentation of awards to Americans whose achievements in Polish cultural fields or public service have been truly outstanding. 

The Distinguished Service Award is presented to a prominent distinguished American or Polish American who has made outstanding contributions toward a better understanding and appreciation of Polish culture, artistic, scientific, humanitarian, social, or public service achievements. 

The Distinguished Service Award for 2008 was presented to Dr. Charles F. Merbs by­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ Pres. Ted Mirecki.


Illinois Seal
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Secretary of State Jesse White Reaffirms his Opposition to Raising the Driving Age in Illinois

Secretary of State Jesse White reaffirmed today his opposition to raising the driving age in Illinois.  Earlier today the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety announced it supports raising the driving age nationwide to 17 or 18. 

White emphasized the answer to reducing teen fatal crashes lies not with raising the driving age, but rather on working to better prepare young, novice drivers, regardless of their age, and increasing parental involvement. 


Barack Obama
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Obama kandydatem Demokratów na prezydenta USA

Nasz Senator w drodze do fotela prezydenta USA

Barack Obama Kilka tysięcy delegatów Partii Demokratycznej zgromadzonych na konwencji przedwyborczej w Denver dokonało oficjalnej nominacji Sen. Baracka Obamę na kandydata Demokratów do Białego Domu. Stało się to po gorących rpzemówieniach wielu demokratów: Sen. Teda Kennedyego,  Sen. Hilary Clinton, Billa Clintona, byłego prezydenta USA, Sen. Joe Bidena, kandydata na wiceprezydenta USA

“Bez względu na to, czy głosowałeś na mnie, czy na Baracka, teraz nadszedł czas, by zjednoczyć naszą partię w jednym celu. Tę walkę musimy wygrać razem” – powiedziała we wtorek Senator Hilary Clinton, która toczył z nim ostrą rywalizację przez wiele miesięcy w prawyborach. Senator  Obama z Illinois jest pierwszym w historii USA czarnoskórym kandydatem na prezydenta z ramienia Partii Demokratycznej.

Kandydatura Senatora Baracka Obamy została przyjęta w środę, 27 sierpnia przez aklamację, w głosowaniu, które prowadziła Nancy Pelosi, Marszałek Izby Reprezentantów.


Poland became the “First to Fight” the Germans and fought them longer than anyone else.
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Remembering the Start of WWII and the Day before it Started

World War II began when Adolf Hitler ordered the military forces of Nazi Germany to invade Poland on the morning of September 1, 1939.

His blitzkrieg was a new and barbaric method of waging war which made civilian men, women and children just as much a target as any military one.

It was also a war of deception, disinformation and falsification for which the German Ministry for Propaganda became notorious.


Polish American Congress
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Letters from Frank J. Spula, the President of the Polish American Congress regarding Russian Aggression on Georgia

Polish American Congress The following two letters were sent to President George W. Bush of the United States and President Lech Kaczynski of Poland:

George W. Bush
United States of America
The White House
Washington, DC

Dear President Bush,

On behalf of the Polish American Congress representing ten million Americans of Polish descent, I commend your efforts calling for the immediate cessation of hostilities in Georgia, especially as it relates to the clearly inordinate use of force by Russia.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

JBANC Condemns Russian Aggression against Georgia

JBANC Statement Regarding the Situation in Georgia

Washington, DC (JBANC) The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC), representing one million Americans of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian descent, strongly condemns Russia’s invasion of Georgia

By militarily breeching Georgia’s internationally recognized borders, Russia has grossly violated Georgia’s national sovereignty. Furthermore, Russia’s unilateral invasion of South Ossetia was compounded by devastating and disproportionate military strikes deep within Georgia’s territory. Russia has unjustifiably escalated a minor border incident into a major confrontation resulting in numerous unnecessary civilian casualties. This aggression continues against Georgia, notwithstanding its announced ceasefire, which Russia chooses to ignore.

JBANC joins in the demands of the United States, the member states of the European Union, and other international bodies calling on Russia to cease its aggression against Georgia, to accept the ceasefire, and thereupon withdraw its military forces from Georgia.


Irena Sendler
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Pani Irena Sendler – Rezolucja Izby Reprezentantów

Irena Sendler Senator Barack Obama o polskiej bohaterce Pani Irenie Sendler

Senator Barack Obama, prawdopodobny kandydat Partii Demokratycznej do Białego Domu jest inicjatorem rezolucji Senatu USA upamiętniającej bohaterską Polkę Irenę Sendler.

Senator Obama zgłosił rezolucję w tej sprawie 29 lipca 2008 r.

“W czasie największej tragedii XX wieku, Irena Sendler poświęciła się dla ratowania tysięcy dzieci przed tragicznym przeznaczeniem, w obliczu którego stanęli polscy Żydzi” – powiedział Senator Obama. „Miłowała ludzką godność, utożsamiała bezinteresowność, inspirowała nadzieję” – podkreślił Senator. Wskazał on, że w ciągu całego życia Pani Irena Sendler była podziwiana za nadzwyczajną odwagę i niezłomną postawę.


Adam Boyer
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Burbank, IL Resident Awarded Royal Neighbors Scholarship

Adam Boyer(Rock Island, IL)—Adam Boyer, Burbank, IL, received a $500, scholarship from the Illinois State Scholarship Program of Royal Neighbors of America.

Royal Neighbors sponsors multiple scholarships each year and has provided more than $3 million in education funding.

Adam is a member of the Chicago, IL chapter of Royal Neighbors of America. He plans to attend Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, pursuing a career in Law Enforcement.
