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JBANC Condemns Russian Aggression against Georgia
Statement Regarding the Situation in
By militarily breeching
JBANC joins in the demands of the
Wiadomości z USA/News from the United States.
Statement Regarding the Situation in
By militarily breeching
JBANC joins in the demands of the
Senator Barack Obama o polskiej bohaterce Pani Irenie Sendler
Senator Barack Obama, prawdopodobny kandydat Partii Demokratycznej do Białego Domu jest inicjatorem rezolucji Senatu USA upamiętniającej bohaterską Polkę Irenę Sendler.
Senator Obama zgłosił rezolucję w tej sprawie 29 lipca 2008 r.
“W czasie największej tragedii XX wieku, Irena Sendler poświęciła się dla ratowania tysięcy dzieci przed tragicznym przeznaczeniem, w obliczu którego stanęli polscy Żydzi” – powiedział Senator Obama. „Miłowała ludzką godność, utożsamiała bezinteresowność, inspirowała nadzieję” – podkreślił Senator. Wskazał on, że w ciągu całego życia Pani Irena Sendler była podziwiana za nadzwyczajną odwagę i niezłomną postawę.
Royal Neighbors sponsors multiple scholarships each year and has provided more than $3 million in education funding.
Adam is a member of the
Poor Phil. Phil Cavanagh, that is. When most politicians like to introduce their spouses and call them “my wife and my best friend,” he may be looking for a place to hide her. At least until the voting is over.
Cavanagh’s wife is turning out to be his own worst enemy.
Philip Cavanagh is a
The PAC’s mobile registration unit greeted members of
[caption id="attachment_26741" align="alignnone" width="600"]A Crowded Vendor Row at RedBud – Credit Carl Stone[/caption]Round 6 of the AMA Toyota Motocross Championship Presented by FMF
Rozmowa Ministra Radosława Sikorskiego z senatorem Barackiem Obamą przekroczyła ustalony wcześniej czas. Senator Obama wyraził gotowość odwiedzenia Polski w przyszłym roku, niezależnie od rezultatu wyborów prezydenckich. Minister Sikorski podziękował senatorowi za pisemną odpowiedź na ankietę […]
1-866-848-2067 will link people affected by floods with state
assistance programs
“People who have been forced from their homes by floodwaters need assistance right now,” said Gov. Blagojevich. “Many of our state agencies and offices have information and programs that can help flood victims get on the road to recovery. The Flood Recovery Assistance Hotline will give them prompt, easy access to these services. I am pleased that we are providing assistance in a unified manner with other constitutional offices.”
“We continue to plan for all possible situations as flood waters continue to threaten communities along the
WASHINGTON– The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to support the states impacted by tornados and floods.
In each case, state and local resources are addressing the most immediate needs as federal resources support their efforts. FEMA is coordinating activities in
FEMA Administrator David Paulison noted these activities are an example of the New FEMA’s commitment to “Engaged Partnerships” between federal, state and local governments, volunteer organizations and the private sector. “I have reached out to governors and local leaders to make sure we are responding to them quickly and efficiently. I am personally visiting some of the affected areas to make sure they are getting the support they need,” said Paulison. Paulison was in