Stany Zjednoczone - USA

FEMA coordinating Federal response to Midwest storms

FEMA Federal Agencies Support State and Local Governments Following Floods and Tornados

WASHINGTON– The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to support the states impacted by tornados and floods.

In each case, state and local resources are addressing the most immediate needs as federal resources support their efforts. FEMA is coordinating activities in Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, and Kansas.

FEMA Administrator David Paulison noted these activities are an example of the New FEMA’s commitment to “Engaged Partnerships” between federal, state and local governments, volunteer organizations and the private sector. “I have reached out to governors and local leaders to make sure we are responding to them quickly and efficiently. I am personally visiting some of the affected areas to make sure they are getting the support they need,” said Paulison. Paulison was in Iowa this morning with Governor Culver, Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle, Acting Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza and members of the Iowa Congressional delegation. Paulison also will travel to Indiana and Wisconsin.



Chicago participates in “small business week”

SBA Small Business Association (SBA) Hosts the 45th Annual Illinois “Small Business Week”

The City of Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Licensing (DBA) is a proud sponsor of “Small Business Week”, hosted by the SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) on June 19th.

The SBA is an important partner to the DBA programs commonly providingsupport to Chicago’s business community with education, information and resources.  Specifically, the SBA-SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business,  have provided direct services at DBA’s Business
Education Workshops and the Business Works seminars throughout the city. This partnership is critical since DBA provides Chicago’s business community with licensing and start up assistance, business resources and business education. 

Richard Daley

Mayor Daley asks Chicagoans to watch out for each other

Richard Daley Mayor Richard M. Daley today urged all Chicagoans to watch out for each other during the hot summer months that are approaching.

“We all have a responsibility to help each other during these hot summer months.

Extreme heat can be a very dangerous, but by working together we help keep Chicagoans as safe as they can be,” the Mayor said in a news conference held at the Office of Emergency Management and Communications 911 Center, 1411 W. Madison St.

Daley was joined by commissioners of some of the city departments most heavily involved in helping Chicagoans withstand the summer heat. They described how their departments are prepared to help vulnerable Chicagoans stay cool and safe.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Fow of Federal resources to Midwest continues

FEMA President Bush signs disaster declaration for Wisconsin.

WASHINGTON– The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal departments and agencies continue to support the states affected by floods and tornadoes in the Midwest, as FEMA Logistics continues to coordinate with the agency’s Region V and Region VII to maintain the flow of resources to Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin and Kansas.

Meanwhile, FEMA is moving ahead with contingency plans for the provision of resources and assistance that it anticipates may be needed next week, amid concerns about potential flooding along the Lower Mississippi River as flood waters flow south from up river.

The president has approved a major disaster declaration for the State of Wisconsin for weather events that began June 5, 2008. The declaration provides for Individual Assistance for Crawford, Columbia, Sauk, Milwaukee and Vernon counties; and for Hazard Mitigation statewide. The existing federal disaster declaration for Iowa has been expanded to include an additional 15 counties for Individual Assistance and 10 counties for Public Assistance; 14 counties were added in Indiana for Individual Assistance.


Świat - World

President declares major disaster for Wisconsin

FEMA WASHINGTON – The head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today announced that federal disaster aid has been made available for the state of Wisconsin to help people and communities recover from the effects of severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding beginning on June 5, 2008, and continuing.

FEMA Administrator David Paulison said the assistance was authorized under a major disaster declaration issued for the state by President Bush. Paulison said that the President’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Columbia, Crawford, Milwaukee, Sauk, and Vernon counties.


Soccer ball over blue sky
Polska - Poland

Penalty Pain – Euro 2008

By Steven Muller
Two appalling refereeing decision and a shock victory for Croatia over Germany looked to add up to the end of Poland’s Euro 2008 campaign in Austria on Thursday night. The Poles will now go out if Germany as expected beat Austria on Monday. Even a draw would leave coach Leo Beenhakker’s side needing to beat Croatia by two goals to go through.

Soccer ball over blue sky It all looked so good until English referee Howard Webb awarded the penalty, deep into stoppage time for the slightest of tugs on an Austrian shirt by Mariusz Lewandowski.

Ivica Vastic, the oldest player on the pitch at 39, gave Artur Boruc no chance, levelling Roger Guerreiro’s clearly offside first-half strike.


A boat on Jezioro Kierskie

JKW Match Race

A boat on Jezioro Kierskie Areną zmagań o punkty rankingowe będzie jezioro Kierskie w Poznaniu, a bazę regat zlokalizowano w Porcie Jacht Klubu Wielkopolski. Organizatorem regat jest JKW Poznań i MT Partners. Wszystkie wyścigi odbędą się tuż przy brzegu, co stanowi wspaniałą atrakcję dla kibiców.

Swój start zapowiedziało aż 12 zawodników z 4 krajów w tym czołowi zawodnicy Pucharu Polski. W gronie faworytów wymieniani sa: najwyżej sklasyfikowany w rankingu Pucharu Świata polski sternik Marek Stańczyk, brązowy medalista Mistrzostw Polski 2007 Rafał Sawicki i zwycięzca dwoch regat Polish Match Tour w sezonie 2008 oraz lider Pucharu Polski – Karol Górski. W regat wezmą również udział zawodnicy z Niemiec, Danii i Hiszpanii.


FDA Logo
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

FDA – Dental Fillings Found to Have Health Risks

FDA Logo Following a recent court case in California the FDA has been forced to take a closer look at dental mercury/metal fillings. The group “Mom’s Against Mercury” has won a court settlement, which now forces the FDA to reconsider the status and safety of mercury metal fillings. The settled agreement calls for the FDA to complete its reclassification of dental amalgam by July of 2009. At that point there will be specific guidelines and descriptive health risks associated with mercury/metal fillings. As for now, the FDA has updated its consumer information on the subject of mercury metal fillings. The FDA no longer claims mercury is harmless. The language has now been dramatically changed.

“Dental amalgams contain mercury which may have neurotoxic affects on the nervous system of developing children and fetuses. When amalgam fillings are placed in teeth or removed from teeth they release mercury vapor. Mercury vapor is also released during chewing. FDA’s rule making will examine evidence concerning whether release of mercury vapor can cause health problems, including neurological disorders, in children and fetuses. Pregnant women and persons who may have a health condition that makes them more sensitive to mercury exposure, including individuals with existing high levels of mercury bioburden, should not avoid dental care, but should discuss the options with their health practitioner.”



Kool kiddie cars and Carstar Elmhurst teams up to raise

ECAF (Elmhurst, Il)— CARSTAR Elmhurst continued its tradition of supporting ECAF, Elmhurst City Centre and the Kool Kiddie Cars by providing the storage and clear coating for all of the cars and beach chairs on display between now and the auction in November.

CARSTAR has been a major supporter of the event since its inception in 2003 and this year helped ECAF raise over $50,000! Guy Maniscalo President of CARSTAR Elmhurst said, “We are extremely happy to help this wonderful organization that does so much for the children of Elmhurst”.

“We have clear coated and stored over 100 cars, benches, turtles, trucks and anything else the good folks at ECAF can dream up.” Said Guy


Wystawa Gniezno w Chicago

„Gniezno – pierwsza stolica Polski”, wystawa w Chicago

Wystawa Gniezno w Chicago „Gniezno – pierwsza stolica Polski”, wystawa w Chicago

W Muzeum Polskim w Ameryce prezentowana jest od 7 do 20 czerwca wystawa fotografii Mirosława Skrzypkowskiego „Gniezno – pierwsza stolica Polski”.

Uroczyste otwarcie ywstawy miało miejsce 6 czerwca. Uczestniczyło w niej około 100 osób ze środowiska polonijnego. Specjalnymi goścmi była delegacja z Gniezna w osobach: Jacek Kowalski, Prezydent Miasta Gniezna, autor wystawy,. kuratorka wystaway, także radna powiatu gnieźnieńskiego. Patronat honorowy nad wystawą objał Konsul Generalny RP w Chicago – Zygmunt Matynia. 

Gości przybyłych do Muzeum, powitała Maria Cieśla, Prezes Muzeum Polskiego w Ameryce. Wśród gości z Polski znaleźli się także: Profesor Krzysztof Nawotka, Prorektor Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz Ewa Solecka-Drew, odpowiedzialna za międzynarodowy rozwój uczelni.
