Marine Salutes over Graves
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

What We Owe Our Soldiers

Marine Salutes over Graves Every Memorial Day, we pay tribute to the American men and women who have died in combat. With speeches and solemn ceremonies, we recognize their courage and valor. But one fact goes unacknowledged in our Memorial Day tributes: all too many of our soldiers have died unnecessarily–because they were sent to fight for a purpose other than America‘s freedom.

The proper purpose of a government is to protect its citizens’ lives and freedom against the initiation of force by criminals at home and aggressors abroad. The American government has a sacred responsibility to recognize the individual value of every one of its citizens’ lives, and thus to do everything possible to protect the rights of each to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. This absolutely includes our soldiers.


Rektor Akademii Technicznej
Polska - Poland

Nowy Rektor Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej

Rektor Akademii Technicznej 8 maja 2008 r., zaledwie kilka dni po przyjęciu awansu generalskiego, gen. bryg. dr hab. inż. Zygmunt Mierczyk otrzymał kolejną nominację – tym razem na Rektora-Komendanta Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej. Obowiązki rektorskie powierzał mu sam Minister Obrony Narodowej Bogdan Klich.

Gen. bryg. Zygmunt Mierczyk – ściśle związany z WAT i jego kadrą akademicką – jest absolwentem uczelni (kierunku Fizyka Techniczna, na wydziale Chemii i Fizyki Technicznej WAT), dwukrotnym odbiorcą nagrody specjalnej Sekretarza Naukowego PAN w zakresie fizyki, a także wieloletnim pracownikiem naukowym. Jako kierownik Zakładu Techniki Laserowej, później komendant Instytutu Optoelektroniki WAT i komendant Wydziału Techniki Wojskowej WAT, przechodził wszystkie stopnie wojskowe: od stopni oficerskich aż do generała brygady. Jednocześnie pracował naukowo, stając się z roku na rok współautorem wielu patentów, unikatowych technologii i wdrożeń, uczestnikiem badań nad urządzeniami medycznymi do diagnostyki i terapii chorób nowotworowych metodą fotodynamiczną. Dziś, opracowane już zestawy są podstawą leczenia w wielu klinikach.


Soccer ball on the grass

Online voting kicks off for the 2008 Pepsi MLS all-star game

Soccer ball on the grass NEW YORK (May 14, 2007) – Starting today, Major League Soccer fans can select the 11 players they would like to see take on English Premier League club West Ham United FC in the 2008 Pepsi MLS All-Star Game. Official online voting to select the MLS All-Star First XI is now open at the league’s official Web site The 13th annual MLS midsummer showcase will bring together Major League Soccer’s best for a marquee matchup on July 24, 2008, versus historic East London club West Ham United at BMO Field in Toronto, Canada, the home of Toronto FC.  The game will be televised in the U.S. and Canada on ESPN2, Telefutura and CBC Sports at 7 p.m. ET.

Fans can vote for the All-Star First XI online at by selecting one goalkeeper, three defenders, five midfielders, and two forwards.  Fans can vote up to 10 times per day. The online fan balloting program, which concludes on Wednesday, July 2, will comprise 25 percent of the total vote for the All-Star First XI, with coaches and general managers, players, and media each holding 25 percent of the vote to combine for the remaining 75 percent.


First lady of Illinois Patricia B.

First Lady Patricia Blagojevich launches food allergy awareness effort to save children’s lives

First lady of Illinois Patricia B. “Ask Before You Eat” campaign educates families, schools and the food service industry to safeguard children from growing threat

CHICAGOTo kick off Food Allergy Awareness week, First Lady Patricia Blagojevich today launched “Ask Before You Eat,” a statewide education campaign designed to prevent unintentional and potentially-life threatening harm to children with food allergies. Nationwide, some 3 million children suffer from food allergies, including 1 out of 17 children under 3 years of age. Food allergy reactions in children can range from mild symptoms such as skin rashes to anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe response that can end in death.


Governor of Illinois
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Gov. Blagojevich reminds young internet users of potential online dangers

Governor of Illinois Illinois State Police kicks off summer NetSmartz training; provides safety tips to protect children while online

SPRINGFIELD – As school children and parents across the state prepare for summer dismissal, Governor Rod R. Blagojevich and Illinois State Police (ISP) Director Larry G. Trent today reminded adolescents and parents of the dangers associated with using the internet. The announcement comes as the ISP kicks off a summer tour of NetSmartz training workshops that combine the newest technologies and current research into high-impact educational activities that teach kids how to stay safe from predators while online.


US Poland business forum

Business Forum to address trade and economic relations between The US and Poland

US Poland business forum CHICAGO (May 12, 2008) – The US-Poland Business Forum to be held on May 14-15, 2008 at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center ( will be one of the largest conferences in recent years addressing issues related to trade and investment between the US and Poland. Hosted by the Polish American Chamber of Commerce (PACC), the event will bring together business and government leaders, media representatives and educators who have been active participants in, or intimate observers of, US-Poland trade and investment relations.

The conference attendees will find this event to be an ideal opportunity to meet face to face with many of the prime movers in the area of Polish American trade.

Hand holding swabs
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Physicians at IBJI Discover Link To Post Op Infections

Hand holding swabs Illinois Bone and Joint Institute (IBJI) physicians associated with Evanston Northwestern Hospital (ENH) have discovered a link between nasal staff bacteria and post-surgical infections.

The study, published in the March issue of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, was conducted by Dr. Lance Peterson, an infection disease specialist, and IBJI surgeons Dr. James Kudrna and Dr. William Robb. 

The study which began in 2003 involved a simple pre-operative nasal swab test for Staphylococcus Aureus or S. Aureus.  S. Aureus is responsible for the majority of post-surgical infections in Total Knee and Total Hip Arthroplasty surgeries. 


Soccer ball over blue sky

International soccer returns to Chicago

Soccer Ball over blue sky pierces the net Cerveza Tecate presents Cruz Azul vs. Cracovia Krakow in July 5 friendly at Toyota Park

CHICAGO (Tuesday, May 13, 2008) – Cardenas Marketing Network (CMN), Viva Entertainment and John Zapa today announced the return of international soccer to Chicago with an exhibition match featuring First Division clubs Cruz Azul (Mexico) and Crocovia Krakow (Poland) on Saturday, July 5 at Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. Kick-off for the match, presented by Cerveza Tecate, is set for 8:00 p.m. CST. The friendly will offer the city’s vibrant Mexican and Polish communities – the two largest ethnic groups in Chicago – the opportunity to cheer on their favorite clubs as they go head-to-head during this exciting Fourth of July weekend.


Michael Madejeski and Jerzy Walszkowski
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Two Polish Holocaust heroes

Michael Madejeski and Jerzy Walszkowski Michael Madejski and Dr. Jerzy Waleszkowski Helped free 350 Jews from the Nazis

, N.Y.
.. Michael Madejski (left) and Dr. Jerzy Waleszkowski were Polish boy scouts who found little time for arts and crafts after
Germany invaded Poland in 1939 to start World War II and the Holocaust.

Instead, they joined Poland’s underground resistance, the Armia Krajowa, and spent most of their time fighting the German army of occupation. 


Irena Sendler
Polska - Poland

Long-unsung Polish heroine dies at 98

Irena Sendler WARSAW—Irena Krzyżanowska-Sendler, one of Poland’s greatest long-unsung heroines of World War II, died last Monday morning (May 12th) at a Warsaw hospital at the age of 98. A social worker instrumental in saving some 2,500 Jewish babies and youngsters from the Holocaust, she was hospitalized in April with pneumonia, never to return to the Catholic nursing home where she had lived for the past four years.

During the Nazi occupation, she conspired with a group of other, mostly female social workers to smuggle Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto and conceal them until the war was over. At great personal peril, she used every available ruse to outfox Poland’s hated Nazi oppressors. Capitalizing on the Germans’ fear of typhoid epidemics, she posed as an infection-control nurse and was able to freely move about inside the walled-in ghetto. She talked Jewish parents into giving up their babies who were sedated and smuggled out in crates, sacks and coffins. Older kids left the ghetto through the sewers and secret crevices in the wall.
