2 maja 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Police State Tactics: Tasering Pregnant Women and the Elderly została wyłączona
In George Lucas’ film THX 1138 (1970), the police in a futuristic state make citizens compliant by shocking them with “pain prods.” After seeing the movie, I remember thinking that if the police were ever allowed to use implements such as these, we would rapidly move into a police state. This has now happened with tasers.
Tasers are electro-shock weapons that are currently used by more than 11,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States. Designed to cause instant incapacitation by delivering a 50,000-volt shock, tasers are hand-held electronic stun guns that fire two barbed darts. The darts, which usually remain attached to the gun by wires, deliver a high voltage shock and can penetrate up to two inches of clothing or skin. The darts can strike the subject from a distance of up to 35 feet, or the taser can be applied directly to the skin. Although a taser shot is capable of jamming the central nervous system for up to 30 seconds, it can disable the subject for even longer. And because tasers can be aimed anywhere on the body, they can immobilize someone more easily than pepper spray, which must be sprayed in the face.
Witaj majowa jutrzenko, swiec naszej polskiej krainie. Uczcimy ciebie parada ktora na calym swiecie slynie.Po raz 117-ty w Downtown Chicago Polska Parada.Bez wzgledu na wiek i pogode poczuj sie mlodo i dolacz do setek dumnych ze swojej tozsamosci. Spotykamy sie w sobote 3-go Maja o godzinie 11:30 rano u zbiegu ulic Columbus Drive i Balbo. Wszyscy razem stworzymy wspolny bialo czerwony marsz radosci, dumy i polskosci, pokazujac ze polskosc to czlowiek, jego uksztaltowanie, jego wiara, tradycja i kultura..
Komitet Organizacyjny Parady Obchodow Polskiej Konstytucji 3-cio Majowej przy Zwiazku Klubow Polskich serdecznie zaprasza cala Polonie do licznego udzialu.
PACC’s April Business After Hours – At Home With NewConnect At MidAmerica
Chicago, IL (April 21, 2008) – The Polish American Chamber of Commerce (PACC) monthly Business After Hours gathering on Thursday, April 17 was a remarkable occasion with regard to both the special guests and the dramatic venue. Well over 100 PACC members and friends gathered at MidAmerica Club located at the pinnacle of the AonCenter on the 80th Floor, to welcome Ms. Beata Jarosz, member of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board and Mr. Emil Stepien, head of the Exchange’s New Markets and Issuers. With the panoramic view of the city’s distinctive skyline, Lake Michigan, and Millennium Park as a backdrop, all attendees felt very at home as the plaza below was designed by PACC chairman Wojciech Madeyski.
Sixty-five years ago this month, the Jewish insurgents of the Warsaw Ghetto arose in armed resistance against the Nazis, the first popular revolt in German-occupied Europe. Warsaw‘s Jewish insurgents flew two flags above the Ghetto wall the occupiers had built: the banner of the Zionist movement (a forerunner of the Israeli flag) and the Polish flag.
30 kwietnia 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Regaty meczowe z cyklu POLISH MATCH TOUR została wyłączona
W dniach 26-27 kwietnia odbędą się pierwsze inauguracyjne regaty meczowe z cyklu POLISH MATCH TOUR. Regaty zaliczane są Pucharu Świata ISAF i Pucharu Polski PZŻ. Areną zmagań o punkty rankingowe będzie Zalew Zegrzyński. Baza regat zlokalizowana jest w Porcie Jachtowym w Nieporęcie a organizatorem regat jest Port Jachtowy Nieporęt i MT Partners. Wszystkie wyścigi odbędą się tuż przy brzegu w doskonałym widokowo dla kibiców miejscu. Swój start zapowiedziało aż 12 zawodników w tym czołowi zawodnicy Pucharu Polski. […]
Parada 3 maja i festiwal „Poland in the Park” (Chicago, IL)… W pierwszą sobote maja Śródmieściem Chicago zawładną kolory biały i czerwony , a stanie się tak nie tylko za sprawą przechodzącej Columbus Drive parady Konstytucji 3 maja (początek o 11:30), ale też dzięki goszczącemu na scenie Parku Milenijnego festiwalowi „Poland in the Park”, na który zapraszamy bezpośrednio po zakończeniu przemarszu.
26 kwietnia 2008@polishnewsMożliwość komentowania Poland claims 70% victory at NATO summit została wyłączona
By Robert Strybel, Our Warsaw Correspondent
WARSAW–Polish President Lech Kaczyński returned to Poland, saying his country had scored a 70 percent victory at the latest NATO summit, held in the Romanian capital of Bucharest. Only two days earlier it appeared that, under pressure from Russian-fearing “Old Europe” the North Atlantic Alliance would reject the membership bid of the former Black Sea Soviet republics, Ukraine and Georgia, and refuse to back plans for a US anti-missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic.
Over the past four years, since Poland’s joined the European Union, more than two millions Poles have found work abroad, mainly in the British Isles. The result has been the emergence of a completely new Polonia. New Polish publications, Web sites, businesses and organizations have been set up. Many previously poorly attended or nearly-defunct Catholic parishes have bee revitalized, and thousands of Polish babies have been born. In those parts of England, Wales, Scotland, Ulster and Ireland where Polish migrant workers are concentrated, they are often sufficiently numerous to influence their surroundings. In the future, the recent influx of Polish immigrants may become a significant political force in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Whatever the case, there are now enough new-wave Poles in the British Isles to warrant a closer look at some of their activities.
SPRINGFIELD– The Blagojevich Administration briefed the public on what to expect following a rare earthquake centered in southeastern Illinois early morning on Thursday. Officials explained that the public should be aware of smaller seismic events called “aftershocks” that may be felt through out the state for as much as a week following this 5.2 magnitude earthquake. As of 11:00 am on April 18, Illinois has experienced six aftershocks measuring as high as magnitude 4.6.