Lecture: Modern Polish Piano Music

Lecture: Modern Polish Piano Music

By Kevin Allen

On Tuesday September 10, Dr. Andrzej Ślązak returns to USC’s campus to present two lectures along with his colleague, Krystian Krauz. These two scholars are from the Music Institute at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland, where Dr. Ślązak serves as Director of the Institute and a Fulbright Ambassador. They will discuss two leading Polish composers of the 20th century—Karol Rathaus and Paweł Szymański—who, despite successful careers in Poland and the US, are rarely heard on American stages or studied in American universities.

This lecture is free and open to the public. However, please note: the USC campus is currently under access restrictions, and guests without a USC ID must obtain a QR code for daily access through entrance gates. Please email [email protected] or call 213-764-4977 to receive a free QR code to attend this event.

Lecture by M.A. Krystian Krauz
A Review of Karol Rathaus’s Pianistic Works Through Selected Examples

Abstract: Karol Rathaus (1895-1954) was an outstanding composer of the first half of the 20th century, whose work and activities significantly influenced the development of music during his time. Due to the difficult political situation in Europe, he was forced to emigrate to the United States, where he continued his career as a composer, pianist, and educator, achieving significant success in these fields. While working at Queens College, Rathaus contributed to the education of many generations of musicians. His remarkable piano skills are reflected in the compositions he created, which continue to challenge contemporary pianists, demanding both technical proficiency and a deep understanding of musical expression.

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ślązak
The Development of Piano Technique on the Example of Paweł Szymański’s Works

Abstract: The works of Paweł Szymański (b. 1954) are mostly based on a certain key or guiding principle. This principle is the brilliant combination and balancing of the language of the past with the language of our times. The development of technique leads to the development of performance skills, the generation of new problems, and unique solutions. Hence, new music abounds in such new musical language and its inseparable element—rhythm, which can keep up with this language. Paweł Szymański’s music fits perfectly into this profile, contributing to the development of both elements. Its language is contemporary, but unlike the language of many contemporary composers, it is not noise.

Tuesday, Sept 10, 2024 | 11:00 a.m. PST
Modern Polish Piano Music of Rathaus and Szymański: Two Lectures by Dr. Andrzej Ślązak & M.A. Krystian Krauz
USC Doheny Library, Music Library – Herklotz Room (
DML, basement level)
3550 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Parking: $4/hr in 
McCarthy Parking Structure (USC parking info here)
FREE ADMISSION | NOTE: Non-USC guests must email [email protected] or call 213-764-4977 to receive a free QR code to access the USC campus

[Photo source: Paweł Szymański – photo by Wojtek Radomski/Forum (culture.pl)]
