

November 7, 2011

Brooklyn, N.Y. … The Downstate New York Division of the Polish American Congress sent a special letter of congratulations to the pilot of the LOT Polish

Airlines Boeing 767 who successfully crash landed at Warsaw’s Chopin Airport on November 1, All Saints Day.

 Signed by President Frank Milewski on behalf of the officers and directors of the Downstate Division, the statement commended Capt. Tadeusz Wrona and

his co-pilot, Jerzy Szwarc “for your masterful professionalism in commandeering a successful landing of your crippled plane.”

 Recalling how Capt. Chesley Sullenberger landed his disabled US Airways jet on the Hudson River in 2009, the Downstate Congress said, “the magnificence

of your achievement deserves to be just as acclaimed as his and to forever remain recorded in the annals of aviation history.”

 The Downstate Congress also referred to the fact the event occurred on All Saints Day, November 1st, and to an old American Gospel song that begins with the words,  “When The Saints Come Marching In.”

 “To us and to all the passengers who owe so much to you, we know you will be numbered among them the day they do march in,” wrote Milewski.


Cpt. Tadeusz Wrona on November 7th, 2011  was awarded  the Officer’s Cross of the Order of the Rebirth of Polish by Bronislaw Komorowski  the President of Poland.

 Foto:  PAP



   DOWNSTATE NEW YORK DIVISION                                            

   177 Kent St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11222 – (718) 349-9689

November 6, 2011          

               Capt. Tadeusz Wrona

                LOT Polish Airlines

                500 Fifth Avenue – 408

                New York, N.Y. 10110

 Dear Capt. Wrona:

 The officers and directors of the Downstate New York Division of the Polish American Congress congratulate you and your co-pilot, Jerzy Szwarc for your masterful   professionalism in commandeering a successful landing of your crippled plane at Chopin Airport.

As Americans, we were proud of the accomplishment of Capt. Chesley Sullenberger when he landed his US Airways jet on the Hudson River in 2009.

As Polish Americans, we have a similar pride in what you accomplished this week.  We feel the magnificence of your achievement deserves to be just as acclaimed as his and   to forever remain recorded in the annals of aviation history.

Ours is also a letter of gratitude and appreciation because persons known to us were among your passengers and their safety was preserved by your extraordinary piloting skills.

 There is an old traditional American spiritual titled “When The Saints Come Marching In.”  It seems appropriate for us to cite it since all of this happened to you on November 1st  All Saints Day.

To us and to all the passengers who owe so much to you, we know you will be numbered   among them the day they do march in.


              Frank Milewski, President

              Phone:  (516) 352-7125

                                       Officers and Directors

               Vincent Brunhard Jr.            Jerzy Gejdel

               Bogdan Bachorowski           Grazyna Michalski

               John Czaplinski                   Pawel Pachacz

               Andrew Kaminski                Krzysztof Rybkiewicz

               Bozena Kaminski                  Chet Szarejko

                Szczepan Janeczko             Msgr. Peter Zendzian