Thrown Under the Bus





Baldwin A tough sell, but with a much bigger effect to the “transformation” of the United States. And this will affect every one, Hispanics, and all. And México too, for that matter. And given the state of product of the present congress and administration, I shudder to think of what any immigration bill would look like now.

     If you remember my column Into The Crystal Ball Darkly, 15 May 2010, we talked about the Cloward-Piven Strategy that called for a collapse of the US capitalist/constitutional system. And the way to achieve this was to spend the national economy into collapse. The C-P Strategy is one of Obama’s philosophies. Along with the dictum of never letting a crisis go to waste. Well, he has that, on a silver platter now, the Gulf Oil Crisis.
     The Obama administration is giving every sign that the next big push will be some form of “Cap and Tax / Energy / Green legislation”. The ultimate stated goal is to reduce, as far as possible, the US reliance of fossil fuels for all if the county’s energy needs. In fact, Obama promised the UN climate change panel that the US would reduce its energy per capita by the year 2050 to levels that were present in the mid 19th century. Can I sell you some candles? This is simply insane.

      But to better understand what we are talking about, let’s step back and look at the long view of the history of the Earth.

     Don L Eicher, in his book Geologic Time, compresses the history of the 4.6 billion-year-old Earth into one year. On that scale, living things made their appearance in mid-May, and these bacteria started the conversion of the new atmosphere from a methane / CO2 composition to an oxygen  / nitrogen atmosphere. Land animals and animals started in late November. Dinosaurs became dominant in mid-December. They disappeared, after lasting for 150 million years, on 25 December. That was 65 million years ago. Human like creatures showed up in the evening of 31 December.  Modern man has been around about 35,000 years.

     It is also of note that the Earth has had four major ice ages starting in November and one more minor ice age ending just before the entry of modern man.  These ice ages produced up to one-mile thick covers of ice down through what is known as the Temperate Zone. And when they ended, it is believed that unusually warm spells caused the melting process.

     We are also talking about significant seal level changes too. A lower level was present in the early years of man. I sometimes joke to my wife that her people came to the New World by walking across the Bering Strait and mine had to come on the Mayflower. Evidence of the great melting is found in the temporary sea in the Western US and canyons made in the melting run off that are still seen hundreds of feet under the sea off the coast from rivers like the Hudson. Canyons do not form under the sea.

     And all of this happened long before the Industrial Revolution. Climate Change is a real and continual process that we are just beginning to understand. Oh, yes, new evidence shows that during the Roman Empire just before midnight, there was an unusual warm period along with another in the middle ages. A better way of detecting ancient temperatures has been found over the tree ring method recently. 

     Now comes purveyor of misinformation named Al Gore. He tells us that the earth is warming up from man produced CO2, while the greenhouse effect from water vapor is ignored. The later has a far greater effect than the total of the five listed greenhouse gasses. In doing this, the CO2 effect is greatly exaggerated. More and more is being revealed that there have been accounting tricks (fraud) with recent temperature records. Remember Climategate?  NASA has been the act in by closing off reports of temperatures in Canadian weather stations. Under the name of “economy” most of the ignored stations are above the Arctic Circle, showing a warmer recent picture of temperatures in that critical part of the world. Like Climategate in the Russian areas. And you have not heard much about the “Hockey Stick” graph recently either. The creator of this fraud was found to have ignored a lot of “bumps” in the temperature record that disproves his theory. More number fudging.

     Gore tells us of the declining polar bear population, rising sea levels that will be drowning islands and of how the melting North Pole ice will raise the sea level. These are all lies, along with many others. The man is a pathological liar. And as far as “closed science”, there is no such thing. The Scientific Method is always open to review from new evidence.

     Now, let’s close with a look at the end of using fossil fuel for energy. Take solar energy. Outside of the fact that it would cover up most of the US southwest with solar cells to make a good dent in the US energy needs, what happens when nightfall comes?

     The same with wind turbine farms. And, as Spain found out, both the solar cells and the turbines come from China. The job “creation” is temporary, and ends up with a net loss of jobs. Cost of energy is also a problem. To produce a megawatt/hour of electricity by coal is $0.44 USD. Oil and gas is at $0.25 USD. Nuclear is at $1.59 USD. Wind power, $23.37 USD and solar power is $24.34 USD. Wow! And some of the cost is the fact that in solar and wind power systems, the complete electric grid must be rebuilt along with some form of backup generation when it gets dark and the wind dies down. The only way to make these “Green” energy sources competitive is by wildly increasing taxes on fossil fuel. Cap and Tax, big time.

     And to charge up your expensive new electric auto, you plug it into the electric system.

     At the same time, the US has stopped any more real investigation of nuclear fusion (like in the Sun) power. Europe is investing sixteen billion dollars in this now. Just more of letting the US fall behind not only in manufacturing but also in technological leadership in the world. 

     But one thing is real; this neatly fits into the Cloward-Piven Strategy to transform the US into something that you would not recognize. Climate change rules have nothing to do with climate change. As the outgoing head of the UN climate change panel said recently, he was disappointed that firm treaties reducing carbon emissions were not signed by the developed world early this year, but starting of money transference to the third world was the most important thing. In other words, transfer the wealth is the goal. The US promise was a start of 30 billion USD with more to follow.

     Let’s make sure that we completely break the US financially.
Richard N. Baldwin T., a ( contributing columnist, lives in Tlalnepantla, Edo de México. E-mail at: [email protected]