
Charyzmatyczne kłamstwo

Marcisz Bielski


  Po wielu nieudanych zmaganiach z hipokryzją prawie że już upadałem, kiedy zorientowałem się, że to tylko dzięki niej ludzkość funkcjonuje, od kiedy zrozumiała czym jest kłamstwo. Każdy kłamca musiał wpaść na to również, ale przecież nie każdy jest aż tak równie doskonały. Czy da się bez tego żyć? […]

Brak grafiki

Koszt Najazdu USA na Irak

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Prezydent Obama, oskarżany o udawanie chrześcijanina i jakoby „w rzeczywistości muzułmanin” a w dodatku jakoby „marksista” ogłosił „koniec wojny” i nawet chwalił prezydenta Bush’a, który pogwałcił prawo międzynarodowe napadem na Irak. […]

Brak grafiki
Stany Zjednoczone - USA

Polish Studies Newsletter

September 2010


The Polish Studies Newsletter is a worldwide compendium of useful information by and for the Polish community.  The postal and billing address of the newsletter is:  Albin S. Wozniak, ed. Polish Studies Newsletter, 3433 Gregg Rd. Brookeville, MD 20833.

Book Reviews


American Politics

Pietrusza, David.  LBJ vs Kennedy vs Nixon.  2009.

Zak, Michael.  Back to Basics for the Republican Party.  2010.  Michael repudiates the Tea Party Republicans…..


Holocaust History

Adelson, Allan. Ed.  The Diary of David Sierakowiak:  Five Notebooks from the Lodz Ghetto.  Oxford Univ. Pr. 1996. Sierakowiak died of starvation at the age of 19 in the Lodz ghetto.  He writes about “the enormous class differences within the ghetto and describes how some lived comfortably while others were wasting away.”


Deak, Istvan.  Essays on Htler’s Europe.  Univ. of Nebraska Pr.  2001.  Please read the chapter entitled Poles and Jews.  “The Hashomer organization which was the nucleus of the Ghetto revolt in 1943, was unconditionally pro Soviet.”  The AK in 1943 was not pro Soviet; neither was it pro Nazi.


Fox, Frank. Ed.  Am I a Murderer?  Testament of a Jewish Ghetto Policeman.  Westview Publ. 1996….  Calel Perechodnik, the policeman died aiding the AK in the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. H was a policeman in the Otwock Ghetto before the 1944 uprising. It was a Pole, ‘Magister’ who saved Perechodnik’s memoirs.  Sierakowiak claims that “before the war, he never encountered any manifestation of Polish anti-Semitism.”


Todorov, Tvzetan.  Facing the Extreme:  Moral Life in the Concentration Camps. 1997.

2010 Planning Calendar



Polish Studies for the 21st Century Conference.  9/16-18 at the Univ. of Mich.  www.ii.umich/crees/copernicus…..

Kanty Prep Reunion:  Sept. 10 thru 12 in Cleveland.  For particulars, please call 216-643-2940 or 440-552-1960….  The Pulaski Parade Banquet shall be held on 9/25 at NYC’s Marriott Marquis Ballroom. Tel. 908-665-9672…..  Please register for fall classes at the Pontifical John Paul II Inst., Catholic Univ. Wash. DC.….  Call To Love:  A Conf. for Diocesan and Parish Leaders and Educators on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. To be held at CUA, 9/16-18 tel. 202-526-3799….



Conference:  Christianity Explains Science.  Oct. 26-28.  Austin, TX.…..  Worldwide Chopin Piano Competition to be held in Krakow throughout the month of October…..



Mazowsze shall in Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center on 11/14; at Utica’s Williams Proctor art Inst. On 11/16; at the Amherst, CT Fine Arts Center on 11/17; at Schenectady’s Proctor Theater 11/18; at Buffalo’s Shea Arts Center on 11/19; at Toronto’s Sony Center on 11/20; Hamilton Ont. Hamilton Place on 11/21; at Bethesda Md’s Strathmore Center on 11/23 and in Chicago’s Symphony Center 11/27-28….

The Chopin/Paderewski Interdisciplinary Conference shall be held at Loyola/ Chicago, Nov. 11-13.  For particulars, please email [email protected].  The 2010 Polonez Ball.  11/20.  Sponsored by the Polish American Cultural Society of St. Louis, MO.  Tel. 314-868-6911….


Mazowsze shall be in Detroit’s Music Hall Center on 12/3-4; at Sandusky Ohio’s State Theater on 12/5; in Worcester MA on 12/8; in Baltimore’s Hippodrome on 12/9; at Waterbury, CT’s Palace Theater on 12/10; at the Lehman Center in the Bronx on 12/11; and in New Bunswick’s State Theater on 12/12.  My God, this is an exhaustive schedule!



Rafal Blechacz shall present his piano recital at the Hill Auditorium, Univ. of Michigan, Feb. 11, 12. 2011.  tel. 734-764-2538….  Joanna Kaiser, Prof. of Fin Arts, Krakow shall present the Annual Copernicus Lecture at the Univ. of Michigan on 3/14-18/2011…

Poland and Ukraine shall host the World Soccer Meet in 2011.  The Lviv/Krakow/Kiev venue shall be most active…..

Richard Fafara shall deliver the Annual Woroniecki Lecture in Philosophy at KUL in 2011.  The Marquette Univ. Pr. has published his book on the philosophy of Gilson…..

Academic Financial Aid Sources



Tom Konchalski recruits HS athletes…..

The TAAF Fund shall make it possible for your children to go to prep school.…..  Receive a $3k Parish Scholarship to attend CUA (Wash. DC).….

The Berks County (PA) Polish American Board of Education has scholarships for HS seniors.  Email [email protected]…..  Mahan scholarships in Connecticut for Polonian students.  Tel. 860-952-7403…..

Madonna University (Detroit) has financial aid for Polonians.  The Felicians are great teachers.  They shall help you major in Polish-American Business Studies…..  Wilson Center Fellowships:….. (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.…..  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships. The University of Dallas has funds for your young Catholic scholar….  If you wish to receive financial aid to attend Boston College Law School, please call Atty. Valerie Yarashus; tel. 617-523-8300 or e mail Atty Michael Greco:  [email protected]…..

Please Google the Rev. Jack Podsiadlo, SJ of the NY Nativity Center…..

Western Pennsylvanians should apply for a Pittsburgh Promise Scholarship….. (A listing of available financial aid sources for Polonians)…..  Ohio Fraternal Congress financial aid is now available. Tel. 1-800-772-8632 ext. 2606…..

The Pulaski Assoc. of Cheektowaga, NY awards financial help. Contact Irene Sikora at 716-689-3136…..

Please apply to the Jashemski Scholar Center at the Univ. of Maryland if interested in architecture… (scholarships)….  The Walter J. Kenney scholarships are available to New Britain; CT Polonians are available through……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2006-07 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….  Scholarships for Polonians in Maryland, Grades 6 thru 12 are available by calling The Knott Scholarship Fund.  877-603-9980…..

The New England Fraternal Congress awards aid to Polonians.  Please write to the Dir. Scholarship Comm. 23 E. Briggs Rd. Westport, MA 02790….  The Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress awards scholarships.  Please write to Joseph Evanish, National Benefit Society, 247 W. Allegheny Rd. Imperial PA 15126…..  Bosch Scholarships are available for study in Poland.….

New Jersey Fraternal Congress has aid for Polonians.  Tel. 800-814-8031….…. (Bielen Scholarships)…..  John Paul the Great University in San Diego has full scholarships for outstanding Polonians interested in pursuing a career in the media.  Tel. 858-653-6740….


PACIM awards stipends. Email [email protected]….  Dr. Cordula Janowski has stipends and grants for Polonians working towards a master in European Studies. Tel. 49(0)228-73-1899…..



German chancellor fellowships are available for Polonians.  No need to know German.……

An endowed Chair in Polish Studies has been established at Columbia University. Fellowships are now available for those of you wanting to earn a doctorate in Polish Studies…..

Contact Martha Loerke for a Polish Studies Area fellowship.  Open Studies Inst……

Turn to the Javits, Mellon and Mceoch fellowships….  ACLS Fellowships….  Fellowships for Polish citizens to Study in the U.S. tel. 202-691-4222 (Wilson Center)….  National Endowment for the Humanities (….

Cordula Janowski has fellowships for Polonians seeking to gain a degree in European Studies. E mail european [email protected]…..  Erasmus Fellowships are available for Polonian scholars at Notre Dame.  Please email [email protected]….  Murrow Fellowships are available if one wants to be a foreign correspondent in Poland. E mail [email protected]…..

Neophyte Polonian scribblers may receive help from the Phillips Foundation applying for a journalism fellowship.  E mail [email protected]….

If you wish to study German-Polish relations, please turn to…. (Fellowships for study in Poland)…..  Journalism fellowships are available by e mailing [email protected]….  Goldman Fellowships are available for the study of Polish economic development. Tel. 212-826-3636….  ACG Journalism Fellowships are available for the study of Polish-German relations.  Tel. 212-826-3636. Apply for a Ringelblum Fellowship to study WWII as it affected Poland…..  Please Google the Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship Program.……

Polish Studies Fellowships

To learn about the Orthodox origins of Poland. Please go to…..

ACPC Scholarships.  Please e mail [email protected]…..

Wilson Center Fellowships:….. (Many fellowships available for Polonians)….  The Harriman Inst at Columbia has fellowships.…..  The Univ. of Miami/FL makes available Summer Study Scholarships allowing students to study in Poland.  tel. 305-284-3434….  For a fellowship, please contact Viktoria Shalanigova at Georgetown Univ. Alfa Polish Studies Fellowships are available through……  The American Society for Jewish Heritage has fellowships for the 2007-08 year.  Email [email protected].  tel. 212-330-6588….


Grants for youthful Polonian artists: Please e mail [email protected]

Please email [email protected] to receive a grant for pursuing Polish Studies…

Apply now, at the Kosciuszko Foundation for the 2009 Summer Study in Poland grants.  Tel. 212-734-2130…. (study grants to work in Poland)….  Sylvia Meloche at the Univ. of Michigan has funds to help you study in Poland.  [email protected]…..  Polish Studies Library Grants:….

Young Polonians can learn to become journalists by receiving a grant from GWU (Wash. DC).  Stephen Pozniak serves as a mentor in this grant program….

For young Polonians:  Junior Scholar Grants.  Wilson Center. Tel. 202-691-4222…..  Polish Arts Club of Chicago awards grants…..  Marzena Jankowska has grants: tel +41-(0)22-917-84-76….. (Jankowski Associates)…. (for Polonian researchers from Illinois)…..  NEH grants for research in East European Studies.  Email [email protected]….  Library grants are available from Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.  (……  Eastern European Study Grants are available through the Wilson Center in Wash. DC.  E-mail [email protected].  tel. 202-691-4222….


The Adam Bak Foundation.  330 Dogwood Lane. Manhasset, NY 11030.  tel. 516-365-5659…..

The Taube Foundation (supports those interested in composing Polish music)….  Greg Kaza is the Exec. Dir. of the Arkansas Policy Foundation.  (Supports research in political science)….  Bogumila Gladysz is the VP of the PolAm Foundation of Connecticut. They want to help Polonian youth….


Skalny Scholarships were awarded to Matthew Przybylek and Pawel Styrna.  Both have already done major research in Polish Studies…  The Colchester, CT Rotarians awarded Evan Turek a scholarship.  He shall major in Chemistry at SCSU in New Haven…

Facts and Commentary: America and Europe


Did You Know?

Watering you lawn is no longer de riguer….  Our brass, both naval and military is reflecting a liberal hue of late.  Remember when FDR chose Marshall over MacArthur for political reasons?  Estonia adopted the Polish flag colors from Bathory in the late 1580s….  Lincoln advocated the colonization of Blacks to Africa in 1862.  So why were we fighting the Civil War?  The Brits tried to help the Poles in their abortive 1863 uprising.  They allowed the Ward Jackson to steam to Gdansk with contraband muskets, ammo and 200 stowaway Legionaries.  Niestety, the Swedes sequestered the ship after the Tsar diplomatically leaned on the Swedes….  Antonia Kwiatkowska married Bakunin in the 19th c.  Bakunin was the premier revolutionary leader who posited that terrorism was an inherently ethical act if carried out for the right reasons.  Antonia’s father was a merchant in Tomsk, Russia.

Sad ButTrue

Pat Tillman died of friendly fire….  More Americans died on 9/11 than died at Pearl Harbor on Sept 7….  The late History Prof. Stan Blejwas of CCSU succeeded in making the late Connecticut Msgr. Lucjan Bojnowski into a non person.  The CCSU Polonian archives show very little of the Monsignor’s writings. What happened to the archives of the Przewodnik Katolicki?  Blejwas labeled Bojnowski a rabid, Endek, extreme Polish nationalist.  Blejwas was a champion of the ‘enlightened’, 2nd generation PAHA crowd.  Please check out the Polonian archives at CCSU.  Make your own judgments about this missing historical evidence.  Even the Orchard Lake archives do not have a complete record of Msgr. Bojnowski’s Przewodnik Katolicki.…..  Any government that allows 42,000 of its own to die in traffic accidents per annum, does not believe in the sanctity of life…..

Election Year 2010

Joe Sestak’s father also graduated from the Naval Academy.  Joe is the Dem candidate opposed by Toomey, an Irish-Republican; both vying to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate.  Joe is not a good public speaker.  Former Republican and Polonian Sen. from Nebraska Chuck Hagel has warmly endorsed Sestak. Both have outstanding military records…. 

There is a political power struggle going on in Connecticut between Euroethnic Democrats and Jewish Democrats.  States Atty. Blumenthal is prosecuting Dem. Sec. of State Bysiewicz for ‘inappropriate’ political use of ethnic files in located in her office.  Euroethnic vets loath Blumenthal about his lies enhancing his war record….. 

Bill Clinton stumped for Sestak in Scranton on 8/9.  Slavic Americans love those continuing entitlements…… 

Polonian Green point’s 12th Congressional District has never been represented by a Slavic American. Polonians are represented by a Puerto Rican woman who is a tax and spender….. 

 Alaskan Sen. Lisa Murkowski shall retain her senate seat….. 

Republican Jackie Walorski may well be the next Congress person representing the S. Bend, IN district…..

Our Polonians in College (An overview for parents footing the bill)

Georgetown Univ.’s room and board totals $13K per yr.  So much for the myth that Catholics make up the working class in America.  Georgetown undergrads spend an additional $15/yr on an auto, and on the sybaritic experiences that go with the neighborhood…..



All the great monotheisms of the world are being simultaneously attacked by the centralizing, statist seculars (the cultural humanist democrats). When are the Christians, Jews and Muslims going to unite to save themselves?  Imam Fasal Abdul Rauf is the ‘ground zero’ Mosque developer….  Turkey has reopened the Orthodox Christian seminary in Trabizon….  Somebody should write a book about the relationships of Swiss banks and Vatican assets.  The Vatican has been laundering assets since the days of Pio Nono in the mid 19th c. (Justifiably so.)  The Risorgimento boys wanted to confiscate those assets…..

If the Zionists could kick the Cross and the Carmelites out of Auschwitz, why cannot the Americans kick the Mosque out of ‘ground zero’?  Benedict XVI has rejected the resignation of the Irish Episcopate…..  Sister Casimira Koupas is being beatified.  She worked in the Scranton area in the early part of the 20th c. She founded the Sisters of St. Casimir, a teaching order….  Crossdressers are routinely lashed in the Sudan….  The Christians are losing badly in their crusade against the spread of Islam in East and Central Africa. Recent massacres occurred in Obama’s Kenya, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia…


Zionism Update

Part of the Ramallah wall is coming down; only part.  ….  The Harvard University Fund sold its Israeli holdings ($40 million)….  Israel stirred a hornet’s nest when it preempted a Turkish relief flotilla headed for Gaza…  David Brog is the Exec. Dir. of Christians United for Israel and the author of a newly released book, “In Defense of Faith:  The Judeo-Christian Idea and the Struggle for Humanity. Publ. by Encounter this year.

Afera Blago

After being summarily found guilty by the media, the jury found him guilty, only of lying to the FBI.  Politicians lie to the FBI all the time.  Why did the judge rule a mistrial?  The Justice Dept. ‘attack dog’ Fed. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald shall go after Blago once more.  Whatever happened to the Double Jeopardy rule?  Blago is running out of money paying the Adams defense team ‘big bucks’.  Thus far it has cost the taxpayer $23 million dollars to prosecute Blago.  Scooter Libby was a victim of Patrick Fitzgerald.  Our Justice Department is poisonously politicized. In the new Blago trial, once again, the jurors shall take a close look at the testimony of former deputy Governor, Bradley Tusk.  Tusk’s credibility is at stake.  (Is he related to the PiS’s Tusk?)….….


Media, Liberal Attack Dogs

Ed Schultz, Janeane Garofalo, Eugene Robinson, Bill Maher….

Weltanschauung (Perception of the World)

Very few know the difference between the El Queda and the Taliban…..  What is the relationship of the EU to NATO….


Benchmarks of American Decadence

Lady GaGa should be jailed for sexualizing our prepubescents…..  The Iraqi War has cost us $748 billion.  Was it worth it?  Moslems may well be better protectors of women than their Christian counterparts….  Americans believe they can prevent bullying.  Our soccer moms weaken our children. Kids should be taught to use enlightened self defense….  Rachel Maddow is a ‘queer’ TV celebrity living with Susan Mikole in western Mass.  She was raised a Catholic and educated at Oxford…..  Contraception did not decrease abortions.  Contraception opened up the way for multiple sexual partners…..

The Blind Cruel Forces of Nature

The Caucasian world is being invaded by the sullen, deprived people of the world.  These newcomers to ‘Caucasian land’ have reduced our metropolitan areas into festering pockets of anarchy.  L.A., NYC, Detroit, Chicago, Miami, Paris, London, Rome, Rio de Janeiro etc.  Our prison population of angry non Caucasians is difficult to control.  It now takes just one generation to reduce a housing development into a festering slum. Witness the Wash. DC suburbs.  Here, civilized Caucasians have been making three moves per generation trying to escape the invasion of the angry and acquisitive non Caucasians. Illegal Latinos everywhere seem to be coming out of the woodwork in the Wash. DC suburbs.  Already, Europe has been taken over by non Europeans.  Have you been in France lately?  The ‘Pakis’ have taken over England.  And the Dutch have committed racial suicide in their own, once comfortable and pleasant little country.  Non Caucasians now lead and dominate the white people.  The Americans ‘chose’ a Kenyan Moslem to be their president!  Diversity is a ‘weasel word’.  Our women have been accursed by Marxist, feminist, social scientist propaganda.  The American core hinterland has now become our ‘meth land’…

When are the Caucasians going to resume playing their own race card?  Non Caucasians play the race card everyday with their catchy phrases about diversity and affirmative action.   Please note the following listed countries choosing to exclude interlopers.  Japan for the Japanese, Turkey for the Turks, and China for the Chinese and India for the Indians.  The western world began to do away with itself in the First WW.  Caucasians have become a kind of withdrawing and diminishing racial group.  Soon the whites shall live only in Idaho and Montana.  WWI was followed by WWII where the best of humanity proceeded to do away with each other.  The American Civil War made an irreparable dent in our demographic strength. Whatever happened to Manifest Destiny?  Whatever happened to remembering the Alamo?  The eugenicists were diabolically and ironically successful in setting up the Planned Parenthood movement.  Contraceptives and abortions have depleted Caucasian numbers worldwide. It is simply too inconvenient for our soccer moms and golf playing husbands to have too many kids.  Why, we all know how expensive kids can be.  Apparently the non Caucasians haven’t had these eugenicist insights affecting their fecundity.  Germany was an early small family, enlightened volk.  Look what happened in WWII! They had the best arms and yet, voila, they ran out of manpower in Russia. At least the Americans were bright enough to use the atomic bombs.  Please read Lothrop Stoddard’s The Revolt Against Civilization:  The Menace of the Under Man.  Publ. by Scribners. 1922.  Lothrop was eminently prescient in predicting the rise of Communism and the coming of WWII.  He predicted the Caucasian entropy. 

He also wrote The New World of Islam, The Rising Tide of Color and The Stakes of the War. The issue involves nature vs nurture…..


The Summer of 2010 (A State of the Nation Update)

Was hot, muggy and politically tense.  The country does not know how to deal with ‘democrats’, the ‘politically correct’, the ‘sovereign’ illegal’s and the righteously indignant ‘jihadists’…..  The Washington DC metro area has been fraught with ‘utility problems’.  The burgeoning, so called commuting class is exhausted from its daily to and fro on the roads.  The poor are more adept at playing the victimology card.  Smears abound throughout the body politic.  There has been little serenity about the land this summer.  More and more of the rich are leaving the U.S. searching for tax havens.  California reality has reduced Schwarzenegger into a whimpering scion of the morally bankrupt Kennedy clan.  He has become a political pygmy. Most decadent Americans, these days, are increasingly opiated by our electronic entertainment pastimes.  To wit, ‘obesiating’ ourselves, sitting (er lounging) in front of our new wide-wide screens, watching endless, replay sports contests.  Our ‘blacks’ are increasingly angry. Cf. the Manchester, CT massacre.  Media bimboes titillate us with scripted nasal sounds. Our women are increasingly obsessed with self beautification.  Our large illegal work force knows how to find the best neighborhoods for house cleaning and yard work.  The summering HS crowd has appeared jaded and bored.

  Rush Limbaugh, Rick Sanchez and O’Reilly and their type treat us to daily hours of ‘canned rage’.  And that daily dose of BP oil spoiling our world.   Americans appear to be a sullen disconnected nation of sybarites. We do not trust our priest class lest they abuse our children.  Our Chicago ‘pols’ throw revenue vainly at our economic problems.


An Update on Illegals In America

Carlos Montano, an alcoholic menace, who was arrested three times in the Wash. DC suburbs for drunk driving, killed a nun and badly injured two other nuns on 8/1.  When is our government going to deport Carlos?  Please vote for law and order in November….  In Wash DC, Chandra Lee’s murderer was an illegal migrant; never reported in the news as such….  Why is the Roman Catholic Church in the U.S. protecting and aiding illegal Catholic migrants, while they go about killing our nuns? Remember how the Marxists ballyhooed the Sacco/Vanzetti case during the interwar period?

Our Politicized Justice Department

Holder prosecuted ‘Rosty’.  Blago was impeached illegally. He committed no grievous crime.  ‘Attack dog’ Patrick Fitzgerald went after Chicago’s James Laski and Republican IL Gov. Ryan. Fitzgerald should be disbarred for repeatedly making extrajudicial comments in his for mal indictments.  Fitzgerald is married to Jennifer Letzkus…..  Whatever happened to federalism and the 10th Amendment?  The Tom DeLay witch hunt has finally ceased after six years.  Maybe Pelosi should swing in the wind for six years.  Politics is a dirty, nasty unconstitutional illegal ‘game’….  Why did the U.S. government allow mass killer Elias Abuelazam to migrate to this country?

Polonia and the Labor Movement

The best thing that happened to Michigan entrepreneurs was the huge influx of cheap Black, Latino and Muslim labor.  The white ethnic labor movement priced itself out of contention over the years.  Human labor is nothing more than an economic commodity, governed by the laws of supply and demand….  If Polonians continue to believe in ‘organized labor’, and then they shall continue to vote for the Obama liberals.  Why are Polonians so enamored to a tax and spend government?   For years now, the unions have been shaking down the private sector.  The private sector has been leaving its base in this country.  Entitlements shall bankrupt America! Harley Motorcycle is abandoning Milwaukee.  Labor costs are too high.

The Scene in Poland


The Economy

The Tatry countryside is besmirched by ubiquitous banners and advertising signs….  Poland needs flood control projects funded immediately….  World coal prices are still going up.  Good news for the Polish economy….



One of the August issues of Newsweek identifies Poland as one of the highest ranked countries in the world; in the best middle income nation category…..  Roman Giertych is opposed, adamantly to erecting memorials and statues of Lech Kaczynski…..  Too many Poles want their country to be a theocracy.  No religion should have an official, exclusive place in today’s nation/state structures.



Pelosi’s House passed a patronage bill in August assuring that New Britain, CT would get money to rehire over 150 teachers.  Schools should not be beholden to the Wash. DC based DNC machine…..

The Rosty Legacy

He was born into the machine.  He was not a WWII vet.  He was a lifelong, faithful R.C. ‘parafjanin’. He was accepted into a posh prep school using the name Rosten. He was a jock. He was a convicted felon doing time jail; pardoned by Clinton in 2000. His Speaker’s Chair was denied him by the DNC appointing Tip O’Neill. Blago was the Dem who inherited Rosty’s district.  He has only one grandson.  His daughters are officially named Rosten. He was a team player. He had an invisible wife.  Throughout his career he ‘zgodzil sie z losem’. He got along with Reagan. He brought order to the 1968 Dem Convention.  He was a tax and spend politician.  He got along with the Irish political mafia (very faithful to the Daley machine). As a ways and means boss, he soaked the rich.  He was not an intellectual giant but he knew how to use power.  Federalism suffered under his tax policies, to wit, the central government grew in power while our states lost their ability to raise revenue.  Yes, many of his senatorial buddies played poker and pinochle with him. Ted Kennedy could not hold his liquor while Rosty had a wooden leg; so did Tip. He did not do well in grooming his successors.  Tip groomed Stupak.  The old order passeth.  Our destiny is in the hands of Rahm Emanuel and the DNC…

The American Economy

In 2010, banks have written off as uncollectible, $11.1 billion in home equity loans and $20 billion in lines of credit.  The fly in the ointment of the American economy are the profligate American people. I trust the capitalist bankers and I trust the government.  I fear the ignorant American ‘consumers.….  BTW, GM has returned to selling its stock to the public….  Midwest Republican Congressman (WI) Paul Ryan may be our next president. He is going to reduce entitlements….  Bankruptcies have reached a five year high. Between April and June we have had 422,000 bankruptcies. (Mostly in California)…  Why did Bill Clinton allow the banks to resume speculating on Wall St?  He rescinded the Glass Steagall law.  Now the SEC is reintroducing the stricture on the banks….  In July, 1 in every 397 households filed for bankruptcy.  The trend is increasing.  In just one month, our deficit went up $165 billion!!

The Culture

There is little of John Paul II in Cardinal Dziwisz; a totally different aura.  Dziwisz does not understand church/state relations; the same can be said of the Vatican Curia….  Half of the Majdanek Holocaust Museum was lost in a 8/10 fire…  The Gdansk Archbishop Goclowski booted out Msgr. Henryk Jankowski from his St. Brygida’s parish.  Goclowski asserted that Jankowski had created a “unchristian climate” Niestety, Jankowski passed away in August…..

The Polonian Scene



Francis Laskowski of Derby, CT was arrested on 8/6 for merely commenting on the Manchester massacre.  He said he understood the killer’s mindset….  Reporter Katherine Skiba condemned Michelle Obama’s posh Spanish vacation at taxpayer expense.  ($375K!)….  Jaroslaw Kowalczyk faces human smuggling charges in New Mexico.  He placed an ad in a Polish language newspaper which read: “Driver’s license in the state of New Mexico, Social Security not needed.  100% guarantee.”  He charged a $1k fee!



St. Louis, MO Polonians rejected a settlement with their R.C.  Archbishop.  At issue is who owns the parish assets.  Those who rejected the Archbishop are followers of their ‘renegade’, deposed, excommunicated pastor, the Rev. Bozek; a recent emigrant from Poland.  The assets are valued at $8 million…  This is the same issue that separated the so called Polish National Catholics from those faithful to Rome early in the 20th c….  Kim Mucha, a disabled veteran living in Wallingford, CT needs organized Polonia’s help.  She has been ‘banned’ from the B-Y stores in Connecticut….



Rose C. Czarnecki passed away 8/9 in Silver Spring, MD.  She was a community leader in Montgomery County.  She was proud of her Italian heritage….  Long time Navy nurse, Margaret L. Kositch, passed away in Springfield, VA on 7/30. She was 89….

Euroethnic America


New England

In mostly Catholic Connecticut, figures show that two-thirds of high school seniors have had sex this past year and only 59% used a condom…..  College students receive free transportation in Maine….


Eastern Seaboard

An Italian is going to be the next governor of NY.  Lazio, the Republican is running against Democrat Cuomo.  Some choice, eh voter?  This summer, the Jersey shore was taken over by hordes of Italian narcissist youth….  N.J. Gov. Christie is slashing the budget.  And yet in the meantime, New Jersey highways are getting a long overdue clean up….  The Annual Doylestown Czestochowa Fest this month is featuring the Shippensburg, PA Blaskapelle German Band. On 9/12 to be exact.…..  Paul Magliocchoti ‘steered’ jobs to Slavic western Pennsylvania at the behest of the late Dem. Congr. Murtha.  He is being indicted for ‘steering’.  PMA was his lobbying firm.  His good intentions went awry.….  Camden NJ is closing its libraries but not its lottery sites….  The Mt. Carmel parish fest in Roseto, PA had to remove the bash Obama carnival game…..


Why are Minnesota nurses allowed to strike?  Answer: Minnesota is a liberal state.  The patients are the losers in this issue….  Many Polonians, ex auto workers, have found work lately in Wichita, KS’ airline plants…..


Our Southland

Col. Hal Kowalski and his wife Joan celebrated their 50th in Aug.  They grew up in Minnesota and live in North Carolina.  They have lots of grandchildren.…..


The Far West

When near Monterey, please visit the Zmudowski State Park.  Mary donated her seafront property to the state of California…


Polish-Jewish Relations

For the most part, Polish Jews were not communists.  120,000 of them served in the Polish Army in 1939.  30,000 of those were killed in battle.  There were 800 Jews among the Polish reserve officers murdered at Katyn.

Scandinavian-Polish History

Harald Grenske was St. Olaf’s father.  The Scandinavians used the suffix SKE to denote a geographic region; not an ethnic group.  Hence Pol. (ski) means coming from the region of the fields. Eg. Sadowski: one who lives near an orchard.  Eg. Grenske was from Greenland….  The Scandinavian varyag morphed into the Polish wariat….

Poloniae Illuminati



Karol Bobko was an American astronaut in the 1960s.  He is now with Booz Allen Hamilton in Texas….  Cathie Lesjak is the new interim CEO of Hewlett Packard….

Governmental Leaders

Doug Kowalski is the Police Chief of McKinney, TX.  His police station was attacked by a terrorist on 8/18…..  Jeff Delinski is the Deputy Chief of the Washington Metro Transit police….

Military Heroes

Killed in Afghanistan:  Cpl. Tim Serwinowski, 21, of N. Tonawanda, NY on 6/21….  Pfc. Robert Repkie, 20, Knoxville, TN 6/24….  Sgt. Joseph Caskey, 24, Pittsburgh, PA on 6/24….  Captain David Wisniewski, 31, Movill, IA, on 7/2…  Spc. Joseph Dimock, 21. Wildwood, NJ, on 7/10….  Died in Iraq 5/20: Spec. Stanley J. Sokolowski III, 26, of Ocean, NJ….  Cpl. Michael D. Jankiewicz, 23, of Ramsey, NJ…  Sgt. Ronald A Kubik, 21, of Brielle, NJ died in Iraq on 4/23….

Media Operatives

Robert Franek is the Princeton Review’s Sr. VP for publishing….  Stephen Zapotoczny produces war films; good ones….  Lance Wisniewski is a producer/director of documentaries….


Medical Experts

Neurologist Chris Nowinski has found that concussions amongst athletes cause Lou Gehrig’s disease. The idiocy of football shall soon cease.  And what about boxing?


Military Researchers and Technologists

Retired Army Lt. Col Andrew Krepinevich, Jr is the Exec. Dir. at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.  He succeeded V.Adm. Arthur Cebrowski who passed away in 2005 at age 63.  They worked with John J. Garstka who is a leader in Network Centric Warfare.  John is an AF Acad. Grad and was a Hertz Fellow at Stanford.  Andrew and John now serve as the seminal developers of our military capabilities; very bright in ‘Star Wars’ innovations.

Superior College Students

Kevin Hamerski of Olney, MD made the Dean’s List at Mary Washington in Virginia…


Effective Teachers

John Rochowicz teaches math and physics at Alvernia/Reading in Pennsylvania.



Researchers and Technologists

In 1993, Eric Bina of the Univ. of Illinois created the first easy to use browser for displaying text and graphics.  He called it Mosaic (Netscape Navigator)….  Joe Bielitzki heads DARPA’s Metabolically Dominant Soldier Program.  His objective is to create nothing less than an ‘energy bunny’ in fatigues.  DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Project Agency….  In 1965, DuPont chemist Stephanie Kwolek invented a synthetic fiber known as Kevlar….


Poloniae Non Illuminati

Justyn Fedorchak, 33, of Herndon, VA was arrested for being a fire breathing bartender….  In Jersey City, figure skating champion Nicole Bobek was found guilty of distributing meth….  Scranton ‘pol’ Greg Skrepenak was found guilty of accepting bribes while he served as a county commissioner…..

Judeorum Illuminati

World Jewish Restitution Organization ….  Please Google Agnes Pereshtegi….  European History scholar Tony Judt passed away 8/6 in NYC of Lou Gehrig’s disease at age 62.  In 1983, he wrote that” Israel was a belligerently intolerant, faith driven ethno state….  The depressing truth is that Israel today is bad for the Jews.” Yale’s Timothy Snyder has praised Judt’s books…  Tom Mankiewicz,68, screenwriter, passed away on 7/31 in L.A.  He was a second generation member of the Mankiewicz movie clan…..


Judeorum Non Illuminati

New Yorker Lori Berenson aided leftist terrorists in Peru.  Why was she paroled in May?  Google Igor Olenicoff….  Bradley Birkenfeld aided many rich American Jews to launder their assets in the Bank of Switzerland…  Greasy Thumb Guzik hired Capone as protection.  Guzik was the right button to hit for Capone….  Alexander Zaitchik….  TV news, liberal guru and attack dog, David Gregory is a ‘closet Jew’.  He is married to Beth Wilkinson…..



Polish Studies Newsletter

A Monthly Publication


Albin Wozniak, Editor                 3433 Gregg Rd., Brookeville, MD 20833

Tel: (301) 774-4560                                 

 E-mail: [email protected]

Subscription Rates: !__! 1 Year/ $30.00   !__! 2 Years/ $55.00

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 Pelosi Patronage and Special Interests


Brak grafiki

30 lat temu

Marcisz Bielski

Jeszcze coś z tego pamiętam. Pierwszą osoba, która w biurze powiedziała nam, że na wybrzeżu strajkują a przywódcą jest Leszek Wałęsa, był Józiu. Józia lubiliśmy wszyscy. Był bardzo serdeczny. W hierarchii służbowej nikomu nie zagrażał ani wykształceniem, ani wiedzą, ani ochotą do pracy, ani czymkolwiek. Był wzorem pracownika, bo choć całymi dniami nic nie robił, nikt nie miał mu nic do zarzucenia. […]

Stany Zjednoczone - USA



The National Committee of the Polish Apostolate, affiliated with the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops, Washington, D.C. announced recently that Mr. Marion V. Winters of Webster, MA, has been chosen as the recipient of the annual “Pride of Polonia” Award for 2010.    […]