Three Wise Men Parade in Warsaw, Poland
Orszak Trzech Króli w Warszawie
Orszak Trzech Króli w Warszawie
Timothy Kuzma, President and CEO of the Polish Falcons of America, was honored with the Order of Merit from the Republic of Poland, on Thursday, December 9, 2010.
Expert Reveals How to Improve Your Resume in 2011
Audrey LeGrand is worried less about the unemployed than she is about the underemployed.
Expert Reveals 5 Ways To Boost Your Financial Health In 2011
When the big ball dropped at midnight New Year’s Eve, the calendar changed, but will you?
Peoria, Illinois – January 10 – Fans of anime in Illinois get a treat this upcoming weekend as the Anime-ZAP! anime convention comes to Peoria, Illinois on January 15th and 16th.Peoria. The convention is being held in the largest convention center in the city.
Anime-ZAP! is one of very few anime conventions in Illinois – the largest convention, Anime Central, brings over 20,000 people together for a three-day event in Rosemont.
Attendees coming to the convention will be able to pay the registration fee of $20 at the door. This fee grants attendees “membership” to the convention, with unlimited access to all events and contests.
The official convention website can be found online at
The unpopular 75-year, $1.15 billion parking meter lease agreement deal was not a good financial deal for the city. Before that privatization deal, the city’s meters took in only $20 million dollars a year. However, Chicago Parking Meters LLC netted approximately $72 million during its first year of privatized parking meter operations. Estimates are that the deal may enrich the Partnership to the tune of $11 billion dollars.
W ubiegłym roku, australijczyk Julian Assange, firmując ujawnienie sensacyjnych materiałów w sprawach różnych, w tym dortyczących polityki zagranicznej wielu państw świata, wprowadził w świecie mediów duże zamieszanie.Poszło o prawdę a właściwie o oświetlenie niektórych jej fragmentów. Czy tak się godzi? Czy to nie narusza samej prawdy, nie wpływa na rozumienie jej istoty?
Cubs also receive OF Fernando Perez and LHP Zachary Rosscup, send Pitcher Chris Archer, Catcher Robinson Chirinos, IF Jak-Ju Lee, OF Sam Fuld and Brandon Guyer to Rays
W niedzielę 9 stycznia br. Fundacjia Kopernikowska w Chicago, zorganizowała zbiórkę funduszy na cel XIX edycji Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy. Celem zbiórki WOSP jest zakup specjalistycznego sprzętu do leczenia dzieci ze schorzeniami nefrologicznymi.