Stany Zjednoczone - USA

U.S. election: Fact-checking last night’s presidential debate

WASHINGTON—In the rough-and-tumble of a town hall-style presidential debate, the facts took something of a beating Tuesday night.

Mitt Romney wrongly claimed that it took 14 days for President Barack Obama to brand the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya a terrorist act. Obama yet again claimed that ending the Afghanistan and Iraq wars makes money available to “rebuild America,” even though it doesn’t


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Świat - World

First abortion clinic in Ireland set to open in Belfast

DUBLIN—When Michelle booked in to have her first abortion at a clinic in Birmingham she told her family and friends in Dublin she was working in Belfast that day.
“I was afraid if someone tried to ring me they’d get a different dial tone or phone code and start asking questions,” says the mother of one from Dublin who asked not to be identified.
Like thousands of women from Ireland every year, Michelle travelled to England for an abortion in secret.



Brazylia rozbiła Japonię we Wrocławiu

Dwa różne style gry, dwie filozofie, w których zwyciężyła ta z polotem, gdzie styl jest równie ważny co wynik. Brazylia pokonała Japonię 4:0. Bramki dla Canarinhos strzelał Paulinho, były piłkarz ŁKS-u, oraz Neymar i Kaka.

Od początku było widać, że Stadion Miejski we Wrocławiu jest gospodarzem meczu towarzyskiego. Obaj trenerzy na konferencjach prasowych zapowiadali agresywną grę od początku meczu, zwłaszcza Alberto Zaccheroni, szkoleniowiec Azjatów, ale na boisku wyglądało to zupełnie inaczej.



11 Polaków popełni dzisiaj samobójstwo

Każdego roku na zaburzenia psychiczne i choroby takie jak depresja, otępienie, napady lęku i bezsenność cierpi 165 mln Europejczyków.

W 2010 r. życie odebrało sobie 4087 Polaków – wynika z danych Komendy Głównej Policji. To o 185 osób więcej, niż w tym samym czasie zginęło w wypadkach drogowych. Jednak o śmierci na drogach mówi się publicznie częściej niż o samobójstwach.



Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny


Promoting Educational and Cultural Exchanges and Relations Between the United States and Poland Since 1925

Cordially invites you to the Celebration of
Tadeusz Kosciuszko’s Imieniny

on Tuesday, October 23th, 2012 at 6 p.m.
at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) Recital Hall
5500 North St. Louis Ave. Chicago

Free parking is available on the 4th floor of the Parking Facility.



Tatra Highlander Folk Culture in Poland and America

Growing up in a Polish neighborhood in Chicago, I  heard a lot about the people of the Tatra Highlands, the Górale; and sadly much that I heard was disparaging.  My neighbors were mostly from the north and east of Poland, and they felt that only the Poles from those region were true Poles.  According to them, the Górals  were uncouth, uneducated, and unwashed.  (Interestingly, my neighbors also didn’t have much good to say about the people of Warsaw!  But that’s another story.)



“Trainspotting USA”

Drugs are a serious problem in this country! I am sure that the rest of the world feels the same way.Irvine Welsh’s “Trainspotting USA”, now onstage at Theater WIT is an Americanized adaptation of his novel “Trainspotting” about a group of young addicts in Scotland which has now been moved to Kansas City Missouri. The film which, a 1996 release has been ranked in the top 100 British films of “all time” . The first adaptation from film to stage was done by Harry Gibson and toured the UK for many years. There are some who call this a “cult” film, one that teenagers should be forced to see, so they can learn from the experiences of these hopeless young people who turn to drugs as their only way of coping with life.


Stany Zjednoczone - USA

USA: drugie miejsce zespołu z Katowic w międzynardowych zawodach ratowniczych

Zespół Wojewódzkiego Pogotowia Ratunkowego w Katowicach wziął udział w Mistrzostwach w Ratownictwie Medycznym (GBAC Competition), w stanie Nowy Jork (USA). Zawody zorganizował Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corps w miejscowości Baldwinsville koło Syracuse.
