Governor’s Children’s Cabinet Makes Lead Poisoning Prevention A Priority
October 23-30, 2016 – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
October 23-30, 2016 – National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week
(Springfield, IL)…. October 21, 2016- The Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) named Mr. George A. Pempek as recipient of the Patriotic Volunteer and Appreciation Award for First Quarter, Fiscal Year 2017.
CHICAGO: US Secretary of State John Kerry will make a presentation on “American Leadership in an Era of Opportunity and Risk” at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs on October 26, 2016.
Prezydent Andrzej Duda jest jedynym szefem państwa z zagranicy, który został zaproszony na oficjalne uroczystości upamiętniające Rewolucję Węgierską 1956 roku. (fot. Krzysztof Sitkowski / KPRP) (1 / 19)
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