Casey Chlebek, Republican candidate for US Senate, vows to introduce a major piece of legislation in his first 100 days if elected.

Casey Chlebek, Republican candidate for US Senate, vows to introduce
a major piece of legislation in his first 100 days if elected.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – Casey Chlebek, vying to secure the Republican nomination in the June 28th primary to challenge Senator Tammy Duckworth in the fall, has announced today that he would introduce the C.H.L.E.B.E.K. ACT – Congressional Historic Legislation for Endowment of Birth Equality Knowledge within his first 100 days in office, if elected to the US Senate in November.

The C.H.L.E.B.E.K. ACT would require that a total of at least ten one-hour classes be taught at all public schools on the sanctity of human life. These classes would include topics such as how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy, addiction, drug abuse, gun violence and euthanasia and they would cover the entire lifespan from conception to death. Furthermore, equally important, there will be classes dedicated to initiating friendships, mutual relationships, courtships, marriages and how to establish and raise a family.

We live in a time when violence has permeated our entertainment culture and our streets, today’s youth have a diminished sense of the value of human life,” said Casey Chlebek. “Young people today have become desensitize to violence and the destruction of human life and we need new ideas to make sure that life, in all forms, is perceived as sacred”, added Chlebek.

His plan would call for segments to be taught by individuals with various areas of expertise including medical and substance abuse professionals, law enforcement officials or counselors. According to Chlebek, “social studies curricula teach our youth on how to be engaged as active citizens, but our schools don’t teach students how to cope with some of the most life-threatening risk factors that today’s youth face at school, at home, in relationships or in their everyday lives”.

The C.H.L.E.B.E.K. ACT is also part of Casey Chlebek’s agenda to make sure that today’s youth are educated about all options on how to deal with unplanned pregnancies by using a balanced approach, including options against termination.

Chlebek’s full campaign agenda can be found at