Celebrate President’s Day



Washington Presidents’ Day is Monday, February 21. It’s the holiday set aside to celebrate the birthdays of two of our greatest presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Celebrating Presidents Day in Illinois began, as it did in every other state, in the early 1970’s when then President Nixon declared that the third Monday of February would be designated as a national day of  recognition.

Prior to that Lincoln‘s birthday had been celebrated on Feb. 12 , his actual birthday with much ceremony in the state of Illinois. Today you can join in celebrating Presidents Day in Illinois by remembering the life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln:







On December 2, 1 783, Governor George Clinton held a dinner at Fraunces Tavern in New York City that was attended by General Washing­ton and 120 guests. Two evenings later another dinner, held in the Tavern’s Long Room, Washington‘s farewell to the officers who served with him in the Revolution, was held.


This event is described in the diary of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge:“We had been assembled but a few minutes when His Excellency entered the room. His emotion, too strong to be concealed, seemed to be reciprocated by every officer present. After partaking of a slight refreshment amid almost breathless silence, the General filled his glass with wine and turning to his officers said, ‘With a heart full of love and gratitude I must now take my leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your later days may be as prosperous and happy as your former lives have been glorious and honorable.’

“After the officers had each taken a glass of wine, the General added: ‘I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged to you if each will come and take me by the hand.’

“General Knox, being nearest to him, turned to the Commander-in-Chief, who, suffused in tears, was incapable of utterance, but gripped his hand when they embraced each other in silence. In the same affectionate manner every officer in the room marched up to, kissed and parted with his General-in-Chief. Such a scene of sorrow and weeping I had never before witnessed, and hope I may never be called upon to witness again. Not a word was uttered to break the solemn silence that prevailed, or to interrupt the tenderness of the occasion.”


From Fraunces Tavern General Washington went to Whitehall Ferry and took his departure for Annapolis, where Congress was sitting, to resign his commission and return to private life.

Fraunces Tavern became less and less fashionable as the city expanded, and it Was a cheap rooming house in poor condition when the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York bought it in 1904. In 1906 and 1907, it was restored to an approximation of its original appearance, and is now a fine restaurant and museum.


Source: AMERICAN Farm & Home ALMANAC – For the year of our Lord 1972.
